Terms of Reference – Consultancy for Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) for People’s Recovery in Kenya, Christian Aid

1.0 Introduction

Christian Aid is an international development organization working globally for profound change that eradicates the causes of poverty, and striving to achieve equality, dignity, and freedom for all, regardless of faith or nationality. We work with partners to implement integrated and innovative programs to end poverty by addressing the underlying causes. In Kenya, we focus on strengthening and empowering citizens in Kenya to demand accountable and delivering institutions, access quality health services and realize resilient and thriving livelihoods.

2.0 Project Objective

The overall objective is to contribute to an inclusive economic recovery through effective utilization and reallocation of Special Drawing Rights in a manner that strengthens public service delivery and financing (i.e., health, education, and social protection), and does not add to unsustainable debt burdens and further fiscal consolidation

3.0 Background and Project Description

In August 2021, the IMF board of governors approved a $650 billion allocation of Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) in response to the economic crises triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic. This decision marks a historic achievement of civil society efforts around the world pushing for this much-needed liquidity for the Global South to respond to the pandemic. Yet now countries face a plethora of barriers to putting the allocation at the service of people and in a way that contributes to inclusive and green recoveries. These barriers include varying levels of central bank independence, legal restrictions on reserves financing budget support, and borrowing fees for doing so, as well as limitations of IMF guidance. The complexities and opacity surrounding the use of SDRs also hinders public dialogue on what should be a democratically accountable and transparent decision-making process, while efforts to channel unused SDRs by advanced economies are not grounded on the needs of the Global South.

In Kenya, Christian Aid seeks to contribute to an inclusive economic recovery through effective utilization and reallocation of Special Drawing Rights in a manner that strengthens public services (health, education, and social protection), and does not add to unsustainable debt burdens and further fiscal consolidation. Through this study Christian Aid aims to inform the public and strengthen the capacity of civil society organizations, citizens, and media in Kenya on SDRs so that they are better informed and are able to engage in debt and SDRs allocation advocacy and public campaigning to influence budget decisions and fiscal policies at the national level and SDRs reallocation at the global level.

In addition, the research will also produce budget analysis and tracking report. These analyses will result in a forward-looking policy brief to influence policies and practices at national, regional and global level on accountable and transparent utilization of SDRs at the national level, and rechanneling principles. This will guarantee an evidence-based advocacy and engagement with ministry of finance/treasury and health, IMF country missions, G20 countries, and IFIs during the IMF/WB Annual meetings.

4.0 Consultancy Objectives

The Consultancy aims to:

  1. Track Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) allocation in response to the economic crises triggered by the Covid-19 pandemic at the national level for FY 2021/22.
  2. Identify and assess the utilization of the SDR allocation and implementation in Kenya
  3. Identify the barriers to the country utilizing the SDR allocation in a way that contributes to inclusive and green recoveries.
  4. Provide recommendations that will inform evidence-based budget and policy advocacy towards SDR financing at national level.
  5. Develop a policy brief to influence policies and practices at national, regional and global level
  6. Facilitate a capacity building workshop for Media, Citizens and CSOs on SDRs based on the research findings. These training manuals will enable them to be more aware of Kenya’s SDRs allocation and engagement with International Financial Institutions.

5.0 Scope of the Consultancy

The consultant is expected to work closely with Christian Aid Kenya, reporting to the Program Officer – Economic and Climate Justice and Africa Advocacy Advisor. The Consultancy Research will be undertaken in Nairobi and a few selected counties and mainly from Treasury and other departments. The research will also involve interviews and literature review with other relevant institutions CSO actors among others, as will be agreed upon between CA and the consultant.

  • Developing an inception report, demonstrating an understanding of the study with a detailed work plan on how he/she will carry out the activities to achieve the study objectives, adhering to the government guidelines and regulations especially in light of COVID-19.
  • The consultant will conduct desk review and key informant interviews to analyze the data on key SDR indicators, identify bottlenecks/barriers to access and utilization of SDR and utilization of the SDR funds.
  • Submit a draft report, using the gathered information from interviews. The draft report will be expected to provide preliminary answers to all the objectives, including analysis of policy implementations.
  • Report on the findings of the analysis and provide recommendations

5.0 Methodology

A cross-sectional study will be conducted from selected and relevant departments and institutions. The consultant is expected to conduct a participatory study providing for meaningful involvement by the relevant stakeholders, beneficiaries, and other interested parties. Primary and secondary data is expected to be gathered using a mixed method to evaluate programme implementation. Thus, the research will involve collecting the following data:

Quantitative data: It will be used to measure indicators of the project expressed in terms of numbers/percentages (quantitative indicators). Information will be collected using questionnaire survey which will be administered to a sample of target individuals, departments and institutions. The consultant is expected to determine the sampling technique and size which would be representative, and adequate to detect the changes observed and do basic descriptive statistics.

Qualitative data: Qualitative information will be collected through Key Informant Interviews (KIIs) and In-depth Interviews (IDIs) with key stakeholders including officials from ministry of finance, legislators, county government officials, civil society organizations, and the IMF Country mission among others. Secondary documentation: Review of related documents will also be important to establish key insights relevant to the effective implementation of the project.

It is expected that the assessment and data collection will use a mixed methodology approach, combining use of secondary data, primary quantitative data collected through electronic/digital data systems and primary qualitative data. The study must collect detailed demographic data on target departments and stakeholders. All data and analysis developed must be handed over to Christian Aid at the end of the evaluation and must be in English.

Triangulation of information gathered during the quantitative and qualitative research will be a critical aspect of this study. The analysis must provide a clear explanation of how the different data sets relate to one another and how they relate to the findings in the secondary documentation.

6.0 Deliverables

The key deliverable for the assignment is as below.

Deliverable – Duration

Inception report – 2 days

Desk review and data collection – 10 days

Data analysis and report writing – 3 days

Final Report & Dissemination of Findings – 2 days

Policy Briefs and training materials – 3 days

7.0 Assignment Timelines

This consultancy is expected to start on 20th June 2022.

8.0 Required Qualifications

The consultant/firm must possess the following qualifications:

  • Masters Qualification on Governance, Policy, Economics and Statistics, International Relations, Law and any other relevant careers
  • The consultant is expected to have knowledge of the IMF, debt architecture, SDRs and/or relevant topics.
  • Possess knowledge and experience in budget analysis and tracking for evidence-based advocacy of the Kenya operating environment.
  • Existing and diverse networks within the Kenya transparency, public finance management or accountability sectors.
  • Ability to work effectively and communicate well in remote/online settings.
  • Knowledge designing research methodologies and tools for budget-based data collection and analyses
  • Similar work in the last 3 years (provide sample copy of recent reports). Familiarity with Christian Aid’s work is an added advantage.
  • A demonstrated high level of professionalism and an ability to work independently.

9.0 Application Guidelines

The Application should contain the following:

Technical Proposal

  • Understanding and interpretation of the ToRs
  • Methodology to be used in undertaking the assignment
  • Time and activity schedule


  • Consultant’s daily rate in KSH
  • Other costs, e.g., training material, travel and printing

Organizational and Personnel Capacity Statement

  • Relevant experience related to the assignment (including financial scope)
  • Contacts of organizations previously worked for
  • Curriculum Vitae of proposed team members
  • Sample copy of a recent study or research report conducted

Consultants/firms interested in undertaking the assignment are requested to send the soft copies of the above-mentioned documents to nairobirecruitment@christian-aid.org Bids are to be received by the 12th of June 2022.

10.0 Safeguarding

Christian Aid has a Safeguarding Framework that includes a Code of Conduct that has been developed to guide the conduct of all those connected with the activities of Christian Aid including consultants in a manner that avoids possible conflict of interest with our values of dignity, love, equality, and justice and ensures maximum protection of Christian Aid participants Programmes and Programmes participants. In this regard, it is the responsibility of the consultant to demonstrate commitment to strictly adhere to Christian Aid’s Code of Conduct. Any candidate offered a contract with Christian Aid will be expected to sign the code of conduct as an appendix to their contract. By doing so, candidates acknowledge that they have understood the contents and agree to conduct themselves in accordance with the provision

11.0 Ethics and Child Protection

It is the responsibility of the consultant to demonstrate commitment to strictly adhere to Christian Aid’s Child Protection Policy. The consultant has the responsibility to ensure that any persons hired, used, or consulted during the process are made familiar with the policy and commit to abide by it during execution of this work. The consultant and associates must sign the policy prior to engagement in the assignment

12.0 Quality Assurance

The consultant is responsible to ensure data validity, consistency, and accuracy and to submit reports written in good Standard English. If these standards are not met, the consultant will, at his/her own expense, make the necessary amendments to bring the reports to the required standards.

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