Consultancy on Cost Benefit Analysis of FbF as compared to Emergency Response in West Pokot County, Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS)


Terms of Reference for cost benefit analysis of FbF as compared to emergency response in West Pokot county


The Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) is the largest humanitarian organization in Kenya and is auxiliary to both National and County Governments in disaster preparedness and response. KRCS is implementing the Innovative Approaches to Response Preparedness (IARP) programme.

The project is using the Forecast-based Financing (FbF) approach to support the establishment of a country-wide system for early warning early action, to enable the delivery of cost-effective, targeted and timely action for the most vulnerable people facing drought- and flood-related disasters. Development of this system is involving a national Technical Working Group (TWG), composed of various Government and non-governmental institutions involved in disaster management. Description of the early warning early action system is captured in Early Action Protocols (EAPs), containing the pre-agreed forecast triggers, pre-agreed actions that will be activated once a forecast trigger is reached and related financing for taking anticipatory action. The pre-agreed actions were activated in West Pokot and Kitui during the October to December (OND) 2021 rainfall season. Prior to the season, the National Drought Management Authority had indicated that 50% of ASAL areas in Kenya were in the normal phase of drought in July but their conditions worsened as of August and were tending towards the alert phase. Forecasts for October to December strongly indicated that below average rainfall is expected and would worsen the conditions in the OND season. The national drought EAP which aims at guiding anticipatory interventions to reduce the negative impacts of droughts was activated in real-time, testing a number of early actions. To this end, KRCS spearheaded dissemination of drought early warning information and conducted capacity building sessions to prepare the communities for the poor rainfall season. Further to this, KRCS worked with them in collaboration with critical county stakeholders to develop a community action plan for the season and identified areas of support, focusing on water and agriculture sectors. Therefore, drought-tolerant seeds were distributed and strategic boreholes that were non-functioning, were rehabilitated to enhance access to water after the OND 2021 season. This has been the first time that such an organized humanitarian intervention on drought has been conducted in anticipation of the hazard. In previous years, drought interventions have been conducted in response after the impacts of drought have been felt.

Purpose of the consultancy

The purpose of this consultancy is to conduct a Cost Benefit Analysis on FbF as Compared to Emergency Response in West Pokot County.

This piece of work will be awarded to a consultant or a team of consultants who are able to carry out the study as per the scope of work and who individually or collectively meet the required qualifications.

Scope of work for the consultancy

The scope of work for the consultancy is in 2-fold;

  • Cost Benefit Analysis of Drought anticipatory action in West Pokot

The consultant will carry out an assessment of the anticipatory actions that were carried out during OND 2021. This will be a comparative analysis that will entail identification of expected outcomes of the implemented drought anticipatory action based on project’s Theory of Change against impacts of drought within comparison communities that were not targeted by the anticipatory actions.

This will also include desk review, selection of assessment methods, identification of data needs and design of data, sampling of beneficiary and control group, data collection and data analysis. This will pinpoint the information needed to conduct the assessment, identify the key benefits that are to be measured and data to be collected.

Deliverable 1: Assessment report with results on effectiveness of the anticipatory actions to reducing impacts of drought.

  • Documentation and dissemination of findings

Based on the assessment, the consultant will develop a technical paper from the CBA for the county. The paper will include description of the process followed to analyze the impacts of the anticipatory actions, the results of the analysis, internal (e.g. how to address any shortcoming in future early action projects) and external recommendations (e.g. policy recommendations, including on early action mainstreaming). Working closely with the project team at KRCS, the consultant will develop an advocacy booklet to address a wider audience than technical papers. This target decision-makers, resource partners but also early warning early action and FbF practitioners. In the booklets, the content of technical papers is summarized and communicated in a non-technical language. The consultant is expected to interact with the KRCS technical project team for feedback before finalizing the 2 key deliverables. The consultant with support from KRCS, will present the results to the national FbF technical working group and FbF partners in a dissemination workshop.

Deliverable 2: Technical paper on results of anticipatory action impact analyses and advocacy booklet

Duration of the consultancy

The consultancy is estimated to take 60 working days that will be spread out between June 2022 and August 2022.


The consultant will report to the Project Manager in KRCS, and work in close collaboration the larger project team.

Required qualifications for the consultant(s)

  • Masters or higher degree in mass media communication, public relations, or a related field.
  • Demonstrate good knowledge of the Early Warning Early Action (EWEA), disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation, an understanding of county government funding systems, previous experience conducting CBAs, good understanding of community drought resilience and humanitarian emergencies in Kenya; Excellent skills in synthesizing information, report writing, and generating summaries; Fluency in English
  • At least 4 years’ experience with similar or related tasks, communication material for mass media, communication analysis and planning; facilitating multi-stakeholder participatory discussions and organizing workshops will be essential.
  • Experience with facilitating multi-stakeholder participatory discussions and organizing workshops will be essential.
  • Excellent skills in synthesizing information, report writing, and generating summaries.
  • Fluency in English

Submission of Expression of Interest

Interested consultants should submit proposals for the consultancy. Soft copies of the proposals should be sent through email to to reach on KRCS or before 08/06/2022 at 11:00 a.m. Proposals received after the above-specified date and time shall not be considered.

Any proposal received by KRCS after this deadline will be rejected.

Evaluation and award of Consultancy

KRCS will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical and financial feasibility. KRCS reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons. KRCS is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder.


The Bidder shall treat the existence and contents of this RFP, and all information made available in relation to this RFP, as confidential and shall only use the same for the purpose for which it was provided.

The Bidder shall not publish or disclose the same or any particulars thereof to any third party without the written permission of KRCS, unless it is to Bidder’s Contractors for assistance in preparation of this Tender. In any case, the same confidentiality must be entered into between Bidder and his Contractors.

Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices

KRCS requires that tenderers observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement process and execution of contracts. A tenderer shall sign a declaration that he has not and will not be involved in corrupt or fraudulent practices.

KRCS will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the tenderer recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question.

Further a tenderer who is found to have indulged in corrupt or fraudulent practices risks being debarred from participating.

Please report any malpractices to

For full tender document see;

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