Consultancy: Evaluation and Redesign of Vi Agroforestry Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Learning (PMERL) Processes and System- Vi-skogen (Vi Agroforestry)


Vi-skogen (Vi Agroforestry) is a Swedish non-profit foundation established in 1983. We work with local partner organizations in East Africa, mainly in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda to empower smallholders’ farmers and their organizations to improving their living conditions.

Vi Agroforestry has for over 37 years been promoting agroforestry, sustainable agriculture, human rights-based approaches, gender equality and empowerment of women, men, youth and children. Vi Agroforestry works in partnership with farmer organizations, government agencies and other civil society organizations to promote sustainable food production, safe environment, and human rights-based approaches that benefits women, men, young people and children.

In the last 5 years, Vi Agroforestry has been implementing the Agroforestry for Livelihood Empowerment (ALIVE) Programme (2018-2022) which was developed on the background of Vi Agroforestry Strategy (2017-2021). The vision and the overarching goal of the strategy and the ALIVE programme was a sustainable environment that enables women and men living in poverty to improve their lives. The ALIVE programme objective was to create societal changes enabling economic empowerment of small-holder farmer families through market-led, sustainable agriculture based on agroforestry. The programme is implemented through the following sub-programmes.

  • ALIVE Partnership funded by Sida Civsam implemented in all the four operation countries
  • Smallholder Coffee Development Project (CODE-P) funded by EU delegation in Tanzania and Plan Vivo project both in Tanzania,
  • Women Empowerment in Sustainable Agricultural Land Management (Weslam), Green Livelihoods Youth (GLY) Project and Green Schools Project (GSP) in Uganda and,
  • the Kenya Agriculture Carbon Project (KACP), Livelihood Mt Elgon project (LMEP) and The Shrubs for Change Project (S4C) in Kenya.
  • The Serengeti Mara Ecosystem (SEMA) project (2018-2021) and handed over to government institutions implementing the project in both Tanzania and Kenya.

The programme is supported by 42 grassroots farmer organizations and local NGOs in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda through a mutually beneficial partnership approach to strengthen their capacities to engage duty bearers as well as support their members in accessing essential services. The programme was implemented through working long-term with local partners focusing on fighting poverty and climate change.

Vi Agroforestry ‘s ALIVE programme deployed an elaborate M&E system and tools that have been in use during implementation period. As the ALIVE programme ends in 2022, we intend to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of M&E systems, tools and methods deployed during the ALIVE programme period. We will then use the findings from the evaluation, best practices around the globe, and vision of our future strategy and programmes to design a comprehensive, efficient, and effective Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, Reporting and Learning System for use starting 2023. Therefore, we require a PMERL consultant to guide on the above and more specifically answer the following questions:

  1. What are the current PMERL best practices in Development and Humanitarian space relevant to Vi Agroforestry?
  2. What are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats of the current Monitoring and Evaluations systems, tools and methods being used by Vi Agroforestry and Partner Organizations?
  3. Analyze how a new PMERL framework can be developed to build on the existing Strengths and Opportunities while minimizing Weaknesses and Threats for the current M&E framework. The analysis should include.
  4. Viable best practices from development and humanitarian space
  5. Emphasis on analysis, synthesis, and learning.
  6. Create independency of partner organization PMERL system from Vi Agroforestry PMERL system while developing better data and results quality assurance at ground level.
  7. Create better utility of the information by using data and reports for decision making and to strengthen other processes e.g., marketing campaigns & advocacy
  8. What would be the main features of the recommended PMERL 2.0 framework?

Methods and Approach

The study shall be conducted through a consultative process and with inputs from key stakeholders, as well as a review of relevant documents and desk studies. The methods and approach should be scientific enabling generalization of findings and lessons learnt. It is up to the bidding firm to clearly detail the methods and approaches it will use.

Methodology of the study

  • We request a detailed methodology with a clear elaboration on the method to be used in the application submitted to conduct this study.
  • An inception report will be prepared by the consultant based on and in line with this term of reference. This will be reviewed and agreed upon with Vi Agroforestry as the first deliverable of the assignment.
  • The consultant will be given access to all relevant ICT software and tools after signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement.
  • The inception report must include a work plan for the study detailing methodological aspects and timeframe for conducting the interviews. It’s the responsibility of the consultant to book meetings for the interview through direct communication with the interviewees. A list will be provided by Vi Agroforestry.
  • Before finalizing the report, the consultant will organize a workshop for the feedback and validation of the conclusions and recommendations with the participation of the interviewees. This feedback will serve to validate the information, the analysis and the feasibility/utility of the recommendations made.

Key Deliverables

The specific deliverables of the assignment include but not limited to the following:

  • A detailed Work plan, in which proposed methodologies and study tools are incorporated, which have to be validated by Vi Agroforestry.
  • Inception report to be submitted within 5 days of signing contract detailing the consultant’s approach to the study, providing a detailed work-plan and detailed methodology and how the assignment will be undertaken
  • Draft report showing the key findings on the study.
  • Final report of the study should include an executive summary of a maximum of one page. The main report must include the recommended PMERL framework.

Duration of the assignment

The duration for the works specified under this Terms of Reference (TORs) shall be for two (2) months from the signing of the contract without extension.

Required Knowledge and Skills

  • A Master’s or PhD degree in Programme Management, Monitoring and Evaluation or related discipline.
  • Experience from on evaluation of M&E systems/frameworks
  • Priority will be given to those applicants with demonstrated evidence of past work on the topic/ issues.
  • Field experience is an asset.
  • Fluency in English is required.
  • Curriculum vitae (CV) of the consultant should be provided. The CV should include details on engagements carried out by the consultant or member of the consultancy team, including ongoing assignments indicating responsibilities assumed, qualifications and experience in undertaking similar assessments or studies

Term of validity of the consultancy and method of payment

The consultancy is expected to have a maximum duration of two months – 25 business days from the signing of the contract. Only one payment will be made after submission of the final report and approval by Vi Agroforestry.

Ownership and confidentiality

Vi Agroforestry is the sole owner of the results of the evaluation and all other information produced as a result of the evaluation. The result of the evaluation can be used after previous authorization from Vi Agroforestry.

Receipt of offersThe submitted offer shall include:

  • Cover letter
  • Resume of the responsible Consultant/team with updated references and references of similar assignments.
  • Technical and financial Offer
  • Offers shall be sent to the following electronic mail: and copy to:

The deadline of the submission of the offer is 2nd May 2021

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