International Climate Initiative Small Grants
IKI Small Grants is happy to announce the third call for proposals from local, small regional and national organizations based in an ODA-eligible country
IKI Small Grants selects project proposals in local or regional climate and biodiversity projects and provides funding between EUR 60,000 and EUR 200,000.
Eligibility Criteria concerning the applicant:
- Applicants must be based and registered in countries that are on the DAC List of ODA Recipients.
- Organizations must be operative for at least three years.
- Over the last three years the organization must have an average annual revenue of at least EUR 60,000 and no more than EUR 500,000.
- The average annual revenue of the last three years should be higher than (or equal to) the requested funding volume.
- Organizations have to be not-for-profit organizations. For-profit non-government organizations are eligible if they pursue strictly non-profit objectives within the scope of their proposed project.
- The applicant must have dedicated accounting staff and have accounting principles that ensure internal as well as external control mechanisms.
- The applicant organization must employ a software-based accounting system which meets its respective national standards.
Eligibility Criteria concerning the project:
- Project proposals must clearly address one of the IKI funding areas:
- Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions
- Adapting to the impacts of climate change
- Conserving natural carbon sinks / REDD+
- Conserving biological diversity
- The duration of the proposed projects should cover a minimum of twelve months and a maximum of two years. Longer durations may be acceptable if justified appropriately.
- Projects must be implemented on a local, national, or regional level. Projects with a global focus cannot be funded.
- Projects must be implemented by the applicant organization itself. Forwarding funds to other implementing partners cannot be processed.
- The project proposal must be submitted in English.
For full details on the program visit;
Deadline: 15th April 2022