Terms of Reference for Endline Evaluation of Safe Drinking Water for People Using Earthen Dams, Sand Dams and River Water Project- ChildFund International

1. About ChildFund

ChildFund is a non-sectarian and non-profit development organization working in more than 30 countries worldwide to improve the well-being of about 15.2 million children and families, regardless of race, creed, religion and gender. In Kenya, ChildFund works through 13 local partners (LP’s) in 26 counties. The thematic areas that we focus on are Child Protection, Household Economic Strengthening, Early Childhood Development, Education, WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene), Emergency Response, Health and Nutrition. Our three-fold mission is to help deprived, excluded and vulnerable children improve their lives and become adults who bring positive changes to their communities: to promote societies that value, protect and advance the worth and rights of children: and to enrich supporters’ lives through their support of our cause.

2. About the Project

The project focused on improving water quality and utilizing the safe water systems (SWS) approach utilizing a household (HH) based water quality intervention that reduces death and diarrhoea from contaminated drinking water for 9,000 HHs in Wamunyu, Mwala, Migwani and Ngwatanio areas. The SWS is a response to the need for inexpensive, alternative means of water treatment and storage in the short to medium term which is ideal for targeted families within the operational area. Interventions revolved around the following three key sub-components: Point-of-use treatment, Safe water storage and Behaviour change approaches. Through this, ChildFund and Eastern Community Development Programme (ECDP) consolidated the gains from phase two P&G; Safe Drinking Water for People using Earthen Dams, Sand Dams and River Water project in the battle against waterborne diseases and help those affected live longer and lead more productive lives.

ChildFund, in partnership with ECDP, trained 300 Community Health Volunteers (CHVs) in villages not previously targeted by the project. The project will also continue to target households within the villages previously covered to ensure sustainability. In this regard, refresher trainings will be undertaken by the CHVs tasked with implementation of the project at village level. Households drawing water from earth dams, water pans, sand dams and rivers in the targeted project areas in Machakos and Kitui Counties will be sensitized on proper water storage, and personal and household hygiene to prevent other avenues of contamination. Additionally, Community Health Extension Workers (CHEWS) who are government Public Health personnel will be visiting schools within the project area in a bid to promote hand washing and behavior change through peer to peer hygiene practice amongst children. Community awareness campaigns through sensitization meetings were organized at the local level in conjunction with local health officials to highlight the need for safe drinking water; create an awareness of the water purification system; provide information on existing water purification supply distribution networks which can be accessed by the residents of Mwala, Wamunyu, Ngwatanio and Migwani in Machakos and Kitui Counties and create awareness on hygiene and sanitation in schools.

Project intervention

Interventions within water and sanitation practices will focused on three main areas:

i). Improving access of water by individuals and communities

ii). Improving quality (water safety) of water accessible to children, families and communities.

iii). Promoting hygiene practices among children in ECD Centers and primary schools.

Objective 1: Increase access to safe water for 9,000 households living in Wamunyu, Mwala, Migwani and Ngwatanio areas by end of December 2021

Expected Results

  • 9,000 households using earth dams, sand dams, water pans, shallow wells and rivers access safe drinking water.
  • Reduced incidences of waterborne diseases among the 0-5 years old in targeted communities.

Key Activities

  • Train Community Health Volunteers on water purification supplies usage
  • Procure and distribute P&G purifier of water sachets and demonstrate application on usage.
  • Procure and distribute 20-liter buckets with lids, wooden spoons and cotton cloths for water treatment to 9,000 households.

Objective 2: Increase community awareness on the use of safe water among 9,000 households in Wamunyu, Mwala, Migwani and Ngwatanio project areas by end of December 2021

Expected Results

  • Increased awareness of preventable waterborne diseases among participating communities, including the wider community.
  • Increased knowledge on P&G water treatment and utilization.
  • Increased utilization of water purification supplies and safe water use
  • Increased hygiene practice among caregivers
  • Increased hygiene practice amongst children in the 40 targeted primary schools (5 schools from each of the four targeted locations)**
  • Increased number of groups trained on VS&L methodology on business skills and financial management.

Key Activities

  • Conduct community outreach to improve practice on safe water use
  • Initiate and support SWS school program
  • Conduct training for VS&L group members on VS&L methodology and entrepreneurship skills

Purpose of the Endline Evaluation

General objectives

The purpose of the evaluation is to provide an independent and rigorous assessment to identify the changes brought about by the project as per its M&E matrix as encapsulated in the project proposal. In addition, it will identify relevant lessons learned during the implementation of the project to inform both the design and implementation of future similar projects and for the improvement of programming at ChildFund International.

Specific objectives

  • To complete an assessment of change from baseline to endline; this includes assessing change in outcome data collected via qualitative methods (e.g. key informant interviews, focus group discussions) and quantitative methods (e.g. surveys).
  • To identify good practices and lessons learnt related to the project operational contexts, actors engaged, strategies applied in the implementation, and changes observed.
  • To enumerate recommended project strengthening suggestions to improve future WASH projects with similar goals and objectives.


The key recipients and users of the evaluation are:

  • The project participants in Wamunyu, Mwala, Migwani and Ngwatanio including the community health volunteers, caregivers, children, opinion leaders.
  • County Government Officials in Machakos and Kitui specifically Chief Officers and Directors from Ministries of Water at the county and sub county levels.
  • National Government – Ministry of Water and Irrigation
  • ChildFund International
  • Procter and Gamble
  • Eastern Community Development Program


Using appropriate research methods, the endline evaluation seeks to answer the following questions. The successful consultant(s) will be able to recommend adjustments or additions to these questions to ensure sufficient data is collected.

Objective 1: Increase access to safe water for 9,000 households living in Wamunyu, Mwala, Migwani and Ngwatanio Areas by end of December 2021

  • Where did you collect your drinking water most recently? (i.e., open well, protected well, borehole, unprotected spring, protected spring, piped supply, river, pond or lake)?
  • Would you describe the water you collected today as clear, slightly cloudy/dirty or very dirty?
  • Do you do anything to make your drinking water safe to drink? If yes, what do you do to treat your drinking water?
  • Can you explain how you treat your drinking water? Can I see some of your water treatment supplies?
  • How do you store your drinking water?
  • Can I see some of your water storage containers?
  • What is the time taken to the water source and back during dry season now compared to 2 years ago?

Objective 2: Increase community awareness on the use of safe water among 9,000 households in Wamunyu, Mwala, Migwani and Ngwatanio project areas by December 2021

  • When do members of your household wash their hands?
  • Do members of your household wash their hands with water and soap?
  • Do you have a latrine/toilet facility in this household? (If Possible observe)
  • Who uses the latrine/toilet facility?
  • How do you dispose off children’s waste?
  • How many individuals have been trained in VSL methodology?
  • How many VSL groups have been formed? What kind of IGAs are they involved in? how are the businesses performing?
  • What is the level on monthly savings from the groups?

Scope of the evaluation

The study will primarily focus on Wamunyu, Mwala, Migwani and Ngwatanio areas.


ChildFund Kenya expects that consultant will;

  • Develop a clear methodology, tools and include a detailed work plan in executing the various activities expected in this assignment.
  • Review existing project documents
  • Ensure a participatory approach in collecting information required for the assignment.
  • Train and manage a small group of enumerators as required in the proposed methodology
  • Conduct analysis of the information obtained and draft a preliminary report.
  • Present preliminary findings at ChildFund Kenya Country Office for project staff input.
  • Compile and submit the final report.

Evaluation Outputs and Deliverables

  • Submission of draft endline report for review by ECDP and ChildFund Kenya staff.
  • Final baseline evaluation report incorporating feedback from stakeholders above.
  • A short presentation to ChildFund on the results, insights into the recommendations etc.
  • Other materials such as quantitative data files, transcripts of FGDs, photographs.

Team Qualifications

The proposed consultant(s) should have vast knowledge and experiences in WASH in Arid and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs) in Kenya. The specific qualifications are;

  • The lead consultant and Associate must have an Advanced degree in any of the following, or related disciplines: Public Health, Development Studies, Community Development, Monitoring and Evaluation
  • Over 8 years’ relevant professional experience working on similar types of programming
  • In depth knowledge on government regulation on WASH sector
  • Previous working experience in Machakos and Kitui county desirable.
  • Have proven knowledge and practical experience in quantitative and qualitative research.
  • Excellent analytical, organizational, facilitating, presentation and communication skills.
  • Excellent report writing and presentation skills.

Payment process

Payment upon submission and acceptance of first draft of the Evaluation report to ChildFund Kenya 40%

Payment upon submission and acceptance of Final Evaluation report by ChildFund Kenya 60%


The Consultant’s compensation shall be paid NET, within 30 days from receipt of a proper invoice unless otherwise specified. Payment will be made by cheque unless otherwise specified. The payment shall be subjected to 5% withholding tax as required by the Law at the time of payment

How to apply

The technical and financial proposals should be submitted via email by 15th April 2022 addressed to KenyaProcurement@ChildFund.org . The consultant needs to include direct and indirect overall costs of the study. The cost of training and paying the enumerators will be catered for by ChildFund as all as field travel during data collection.

The consultant will develop and share a proposed study methodology and work plan as part of the bid submission. The proposal should incorporate a suggested layout of the final report. An evaluation of the proposals will be made by ChildFund Kenya who may engage in an interactive process with the consultant to further specify the scope and methodology to be used as well as budget, deliverables, and deadlines. Target date for contract Award is 18th April 2022. The overall time and work plan will be specified in the agreement with 13th May 2022 as the target deadline for submission of final evaluation report.

All technical proposals should be organized as follows:

  • An outline of the consultant’s understanding of the TOR and how he/she will undertake all the tasks in the Scope of Work.
  • The consultant will also provide a detailed plan of specific activities and timeline for carrying out the assignment.
  • The consultant shall provide daily professional fees and other administrative costs (in Ksh) as well as no. of days for the exercise.
  • Personnel and experience: The consultants shall provide resumes that describes their qualification and experience in the field WASH and all team members. The full team will be required to be available during the inception meeting.
  • A company profile will be required showing ONLY relevant experience in WASH.

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