United Nations Environment Program- Champions of the Earth 2022

Every year, individuals, groups and organizations who have made outstanding contributions to the protection and restoration of the environment are recognized in four categories:

  • Policy leadership
  • Inspiration and action
  • Entrepreneurial vision
  • Science and innovation

In 2022, nominations for Champions of the Earth are especially encouraged of individuals and organizations who have helped prevent, halt, and reverse the degradation of ecosystems worldwide. We are looking for inspirational leaders that are leading the charge in action for:

  • Climate – Strengthening ecosystem resilience and halting emissions.
  • Nature – Protecting what we have and restoring what we’ve lost.
  • Pollution – Tackling waste and pollutants threatening human and ecosystem health.

The 2022 public nomination cycle will remain open until 11 April. 

Selection process

The UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Champions are selected from nominations received from across the worlds.

A team of UNEP staff and subject experts review and consider each nomination, creating a list of finalists.

The criteria for selection are:

  • Impact – Have the nominee’s actions resulted in profound environmental gains or demonstrated significant potential for replication and scaling?
  • Novelty – Has the nominee done or achieved something new and innovative?
  • Power of the story – How compelling and inspiring is the nominee’s story?

Read more about the challenge at https://www.unep.org/championsofearth/how-we-find-our-champions

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