Call for RLC Workshop Scholarships


The Right Livelihood College (RLC) is a global education and research initiative of universities and the Right Livelihood Award, also known as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’ ( Together with ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’ awarded individuals and organizations, the RLC promotes transdisciplinary education and research on sustainable development and social justice worldwide

The workshop is organized as part of the project “RLC Platform for Young East African Scientists – Improving the Productivity and Resilience of Smallholder Farming” which is jointly conducted by the RLC Campus Bonn, Center for Development Research (ZEF), University of Bonn, Germany, the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’ awarded organization Biovision Africa Trust, Nairobi, Kenya, the RLC Campus Lund, Centre for Sustainability Studies (LUCSUS), Lund University, Sweden,
among other partners. The project is kindly supported by the Volkswagen Foundation.

The workshop

Smallholder farming constitutes the backbone of livelihoods and economies in East Africa. About 75% of all people in East Africa depend on smallholder farming. Beyond its economic relevance, smallholder farming provides socio-cultural foundations of rural-life, identities and living spaces, and contributes to social resilience and stability. However, the presence and future of smallholder farming is challenged by constraints to which research and practice have to provide answers.

The five-day RLC physical workshop in Nairobi aims to create an innovative transdisciplinary research-practice platform on the future of East African smallholder agriculture, based on knowledge, expertise and networks of ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’ – awarded individuals and organizations and the global RLC network. Together, they will work on – and for – the future of East African smallholder agriculture.

To do so, the workshop will link traditional conference activities with moderated peer‐to‐peer discussions in addition to on‐the‐job training‐excursions led by experienced practitioners. The participants will get opportunities to present their current PhD research projects

The workshop objectives are:

  • To establish an expert network on smallholder agriculture in East Africa
  • To generate expertise and exchange knowledge to improve the productivity and resilience of smallholder farming in East Africa.
  • To educate and train future key decision makers and ‘agents of change’ towards sustainable development and social justice.

Who can apply?

PhD students from East Africa that are currently completing their PhD at an East African university. Their PhD research work should be related to smallholder farming in East Africa, for example to questions of productivity and resilience, agricultural interventions and rural development strategies, market changes, governance, land tenure or soil fertility. Preferably in the middle/ end of their studies. Fluent English is mandatory. Women applications are particularly welcome

How to apply?

Your application in English must be done via the following link:

The deadline is March 6, 2022. Invited participants will be informed until March 11, 2022. The scholarships will cover all costs for international and national travel, hotel accommodation, catering, and working materials. The workshop will be embedded in a variety of social and cultural side-events.

For questions regarding the workshop, please contact Arthur Guischet:

All information on:

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