World Bank Group Youth Summit 2022: Unlocking the Power of Inclusion for Equitable Growth


The 2022 WBG Youth Summit Competition seeks proposals from youth who have innovative and action-oriented solutions and projects to contribute to “Unlocking the Power of Inclusion for Equitable Growth” based on three pillars of development: social, environmental, and economic. The competition rewards the most innovating idea that fosters one of the following:

SOCIAL INCLUSION as the driver for equitable growth

(Education, Health, Gender, Social Safety Nets)

 OR –

ENVIRONMENTAL INCLUSION as the driver for equitable growth

(Climate Change Mitigation, Adaptation, Climate Smart Technologies)

 OR –

ECONOMIC INCLUSION as the driver for equitable growth

(Access to Financial Services, Financial Decision-Making, Sustainable Livelihoods & Employment, Private Capital Mobilization)


The competition is open to individuals or teams not exceeding four (4) people, aged 18 – 35. Participants can be students, as well as people in the work force or any other occupation. No prior experience in any particular field or topic is necessary. Diverse, gender-balanced team compositions are strongly encouraged.


Participants shall provide innovative and concrete solutions that showcase the role of the youth in fostering equitable growth through social, environmental and/or economic inclusion.

  • NEW THIS YEAR: Proposals can be submitted in Arabic, English, French, and Spanish.


Finalists will have the chance to connect with experts engaged in global solution-solving in the impact space, including both public and private sector leaders across the social, environmental, and economic inclusion landscapes. They will also be offered an opportunity to pitch to potential investors, get tailored mentoring, and receive admission into the inaugural Youth Summit Competition Alumni Network, as well as other virtual and in-person initiatives to elevate the finalists’ story and solution throughout the World Bank network.

For full detailed information:

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