Technical Assistance to Develop the Jumuiya Economic Development Secretariat (Jumuyia Ya Kaunti Za Pwani – JKP) 5 Year Strategic Plan, ACT

REF: ACT-SP-JKP-06-2022

1.0 About Act Change Transform (Act!) and Kenya Devolution Programme (KDP)

Act! is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization established in Kenya in September 2001 and registered under the Non-Governmental Organizations Coordination Act of 1990. The vision of Act! Vision is “empowered citizens and communities living a productive life in dignity”, while the mission is to “support, partner with and develop local organizations to be effective agents of lasting positive change”. Our holistic approach to development is delivered through capacity development and grants management.

The Kenya Devolution Programme (KDP) is the successor of the previous Kenya Devolution Support Programme. The British High Commission fully funds the KDP programme through the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). KDP will contribute to making devolution more effective in Kenya by emphasizing improving service delivery and poverty reduction. Since July 2021, Act! is leading a consortium of eight partners[1] In implementing the four years civil society organizations (CSOs) led component of the KDP. Known as Timiza Ugatuzi, the new programme runs until March 2025. It will build on the lessons learnt from the previous devolution programmes, including the World Bank’s Kenya Accountable Devolution Programme (KADP II), the United Nations Development Programme’s Strengthening Devolution in Kenya programme, and the Agile and Harmonized Assistance for Devolved Institutions (AHADI).

The KDP aims to improve development results at the county level by strengthening: 1). Effective, open and accountable county governments and 2). Effective civil society to hold the government to account. At the overall impact level, the programme will aim for improved development results at the county level while the expected outcomes by 2025 are: 1). More effective, open and accountable County Governments; and, 2). County governments improve service delivery and reduce poverty.

To deliver these goals, the KDP has five distinct and interrelated outputs, namely:

Output 1: Intergovernmental relations support devolution.

Output 2: County governments effectively manage public finances, staff performance and county planning.

Output 3: Government and citizens collaborate effectively to address key problems in service delivery and poverty reduction.

Output 4: Evidence generation, learning and digital approaches improve County Government delivery

Output 5: The UK development portfolio is better aligned with county government priorities.

The proposed technical assistance to develop the Jumuiya Economic Development Secretariat (Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani- JKP) Five (5) Year Strategic Plan will thus contribute to realizing the outcomes under OP1: Intergovernmental relations that support devolution. Under this output, work stream 2 seeks to support the regional economic blocs to (i). Carry out relevant policy and legislative audits, develop and implement policies and laws to plug gaps; (ii). Support the development and implementation of sector-specific development plans; (iii) Develop and implement internal capacity development plans; and (iv). Embed or second advisors and experts within the regional economic blocs based on strategic needs for technical assistance. In implementing this work stream, the programme supports all the regional blocs, i.e. Frontier Counties Development Council (FCDC), North Rift Economic Bloc (NOREB); Lake Region Economic Bloc (LREB); Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani (JKP); South Eastern Kenya Economic Bloc (SEKEB); Narok and Kajiado Economic Bloc (NAKAEB) and Central Kenya Economic Bloc (CEKEB).

2.0 About Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani (JKP) & Context Analysis

Jumuiya Ya Kaunti Za Pwani (JKP) “Commonwealth of the coastal counties” is a regional economic bloc representing Kenya’s six coastal counties; Mombasa, Kwale, Kilifi, Tana River, Lamu & Taita Taveta. JKP is focused on championing the region’s economic development initiatives through innovation and partnership with the public, industry and academia. With the vast shared resources, a unique common historical foundation in culture and heritage, the mission of JKP is to Catalyze the Economic Growth of Kenya’s Coast Regional Counties. Coordinated by the JKP Secretariat at the Technical University of Mombasa, JKP seeks to transform the region’s economy into a high middle-income society with shared prosperity, focusing on youth and women through employment and wealth creation. The JKP Secretariat implementation is structured in four practice areas – (1) Coordination of the regional cooperation, (2) Policy harmonization, (3) Promotion of the Kenya Coast regional tourism and investment assets and (4) Investments.

JKP requires assistance in the development of Critical Institutional Strengthening Strategies. Specifically, it involves the development of a 5-year Strategic Plan (2022 -2026) for the JKP Secretariat. The strategic plan development will provide direction during the next 5year plan period (2022 -2026) in line with the vision, mission and goals of their JKP 2030 development blueprint. The JKP Secretariat, in collaboration with the Counties, will put the consultant’s disposal the required and existing documents to facilitate the fulfilment and the smooth completion of the assignment.

3.0 The Scope of the Work

The scope of work for the consultant is, therefore, to support the JKP Secretariat:

3.1 Develop a 5 Year Strategic Plan for the period 2022-2026

3.2 Review and Align the organization’s structure so that it can deliver on the JKP Strategic Plan

3.3 Review and Revise existing policies and systems to ensure that they support in the delivery of the Strategic Plan, as well as aligned to attract investment from different partners

3.4 Propose a financial and administrative system for delivery of the JKP Strategic Plan

4.0 Overall Objective of the Assignment

The main objective of this task, therefore to facilitate the development of the following technical outputs:

4.1 A 5-Year JKP Strategic Plan and Budget for the period 2022-2026.

4.2 5 – Year JKP Strategic Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Framework to track the implementation of the identified strategies during the strategic plans period.

4.3 Organizational Structure and Financial and Administrative Systems to be adopted in the 5 –Year Strategic Plan Period.

4.4 Reports on the process, including stakeholder consultation and validation workshops.

5.0 Deliverables

The selected consultant is expected to deliver the following as part of the fulfilment of the assignment:

5.1 Inception Report with initial context analysis, work plan, and proposed approach and methodology including methods and techniques for data collection and the strategy development process

5.2 The 5-Year JKP Strategic Plan and Budget 2022-2026 clearly describes the optimal Organization structure for the Secretariat, a financial and administrative system for delivery of the JKP Strategic Plan, a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan, a Risk management plan, and suggest mechanisms for smooth implementation of the strategy.

5.3 Process Report capturing the key steps that have been followed, critical data and evidence generated from the research & analysis of data and information, key informants, Interviewees, and a listing of all documents and data sources referenced.

6.0 Duration of the Assignment

It is anticipated that this task will be carried out over three months, between March and June, 2022. The actual contracted days for the assignment will be no more than 40 consultancy days.

7.0 Terms of Payment (Schedule)

The consultant is expected to take full responsibility for all their taxes. The payments are strictly milestone-based, and a schedule has been proposed as follows:

a) 20% on receipt of Inception Report outlining understanding of the assignment and Detailed Work Plan after inception meeting with JKP Secretariat;

b) 30% on Submission of Draft Report to the JKP Secretariat outlining the initial work is undertaken and the main outlines of the Draft Strategic Plan 2022-2026 (Strategic Goals and their indicators) to be presented to a Stakeholders Validation workshop for their input;

c) 30% on Submission of Penultimate Draft of the 5-Year JKP Strategic Plan 2022-2026 with stakeholder input/feedback to the JKP Secretariat including proposals for the following: Organizational Structure for the Secretariat, a Financial and Administrative Plan for delivery of the JKP Strategic Plan, a Monitoring and Evaluation Plan Risk Management Plan and Suggestions for a smooth transition and

d) 20% on Approval of Final Draft of the 5-Year JKP Strategic Plan 2022-2026 by the JKP Secretariat

8.0 Key Qualifications of the Consultant

8.1 The consultant or team to be mandated to carry out this activity must have expertise in the following areas: Development Economics, Projects and Infrastructure Development, Public-Private Partnerships, and Agriculture and/or Food Nutrition Security

8.2 The Team Leader must have at least ten (10) years in the field of development management and development of strategic plans;

8.3 The other team members must have at least five (5) years in their respective fields, with experience in undertaking similar assignments;

8.4 The consultant must have sufficient knowledge of the JKP Region and County Government operations;

8.5 Familiar with the current rules and regulations relating to the devolved system of government with specific reference to investment facilitation and promotion and national development plans such as Vision 2030;

8.6 Should have developed other relevant strategic plans, policies, and plans in the last three years;

8.7 Strong analytical capacity combined with the ability to synthesis/communicate conclusions and recommendations;

8.8 Excellent writing and facilitation skills; and

8.9 Fluent in English (written and spoken), knowledge of local languages is an added value

[1] Institute of Public Finance Kenya, PricewaterhouseCoopers, VNG International, Netherlands, Options Consulting UK, Westminster Foundation for Democracy, Danish Refugee Council, Institute of Development Studies and Consilient Research Limited.

How to apply

Submission on the Expression of Interest/Responses to TORs

Suitable qualified consultants/firms are requested to submit their technical and financial proposal of not more than 8 pages interpreting their understanding of the Terms of Reference, elaborating the proposed methodology, workplan including qualifications of team that will undertake the task with CVs of lead consultant/s. The financial proposal should indicate both the cost of logistics and the consultant(s) fees. The same should only be submitted electronically to quoting the reference number

(ACT-SP-JKP-06-2022) not later than 5:00 pm (East African Time) Thursday 03rdMarch,2022.

All materials to be developed under this assignment are property of Act! and may not be reproduced under any circumstances.

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