Call for Proposal for Facilitation of a Team-Building Retreat Workshop for CDTD Staff

1. Organizational background:

Centre For Domestic Training & Development (CDTD) was founded in 2001 with a vision to employ as many domestic workers with proper home care management skills. CDTD strived to professionalize an understand the challenges that faced this industry. Treating Domestic Workers with dignity and respect and fair pay was an acute problem over and above the stigma associated with domestic work. CDTD began a program in 2001 under the Domestic Support Services, which initially served 5 girls from Kibera. Sensitive to the needs of Kenyan women and the founder’s burden to change the sufferings of Domestic Workers a Centre was born and registered as an NGO in 2003. Since then, CDTD has adopted numerous programs to change the landscape of Domestic Work among them being the National Shelters Network, Counter Trafficking-In Persons, Sexual & Gender Based Violence (SGBV) program with Domestic Workers Transformational Program (DWTP) as the focal point of CDTD’s work. To date CDTD has transformed more than 10,000 people and remained a focal policy influencer in matters employment, labor rights advocacy, sexual & gender based violence, safe migration and counter trafficking-In persons.

2. Project background:

The Centre for Domestic Training and Development is committed to improving its performance and achieving development results and is therefore making efforts to improve the effectiveness, accountability, transparency, and efficiency of its program management and delivery. CDTD is seeking a qualified Consultant to facilitate a one-day team-building exercise focusing on team bonding, fun, motivational activities, and communication strategies across projects/programs.

3. The objective of the assignment

  • Teamwork for purposes of boosting team performance.
  • Collaboration and fostering innovation and creativity among staff.
  • Communication and socialization within the team.

4. Scope of services

To facilitate and moderate a team-building process that will improve both horizontal and vertical communication within CDTD. The team-building program should be creatively organized to include sessions aimed at helping the staff to identify the interrelationship between corporate and individual work plans that ensures the optimal delivery of the program outputs, better communication, and enhanced teamwork. The consultant is expected to design this process and to assign time frames, budget and activities.

5. Participants, destinations and activities:

All 20 (Twenty) staff in CDTD will attend a team-building workshop. The retreat should be held outside Nairobi with less 2hours to the travel destination. The venue and activities shall be left at the discretion of the consultant.

6. Expected outputs:

I. Preparatory/planning of the team-building retreat workshop;

  • A customized training and team-building plan clearly articulating the objectives of each of the team-building exercises;
  • Interactive and flexible facilitation tools and material aids prepared before the workshop.

II. Facilitation of the team-building retreat workshop;

  • Interactive and team-building sessions aimed at identifying deliberate harmonization of the CDTD’s activities through effective communication of its diverse teams.

III. A brief report outlining;

i. The retreat workshop proceedings and key outcomes;

ii. Recommendations on corporate deliveries to promote communication and teamwork horizontally and vertically;

iii. Recommendations on the suggested institutional design/operational design that will ensure sustenance of the retreat objectives; and

iv. Feedback on the various aspects of the training from participants.

7. Expected outcomes;

i. A cohesive team that understands individual roles and their links to the overall CDTD’s objectives;

ii. Improved communication between supervisors and their staff, both horizontally and vertically;

iii. Identifying the team’s strengths and capacity needs of members and providing appropriate recommendations; and

iv. Meeting the expectations of all staff for the team-building exercise.

8. The consultant(s) or organization should possess the following knowledge and skills:

i. Proven track record of extensive consultancy experience in facilitation of team building, knowledge-sharing workshops, and conducting sustainable team building activities;

ii. Demonstrated knowledge of the operations of organizations;

iii. Excellent analytical, writing, and communication skills; and

iv. Full computer literacy and fluency in English – both written and spoken – are essential.

9. Application

a) Technical Proposal

i. Specific experience of the Lead Consultant and Associate(s) relevant to the assignment. Please provide details of similar assignments undertaken.

ii. Technical capacity of the consultant in terms of their qualifications and competencies for the assignment. Please attach detailed CVs.

iii. A clear understanding of the assignment/interpretation of the TORs.

iv. A customized training and team-building plan clearly articulate the objectives of the team-building exercise from 9am to 4pm (EAT).

v. Methodology to be used during the assignment.

vi. Work plan indicating activities, budget and auxiliary tools to be incorporated in achieving the objectives.

b) Financial Proposal

i. A clear breakdown of the financial proposal including all the chargeable taxes.

ii. Terms of payment.

iii. Total quote for the assignment.

c) Execution of the project;

It is expected that the 1-day team-building retreat will occur at the end of the month.

d) Submission of proposal to offer services;

This will include: A detailed profile; A listing of at least THREE organizations (referees) where similar service has been rendered; CV of key consultant for project bid. Any queries to be communicated on email One day before the deadline thereof.

Completed proposals including all the requirements and details specified should be submitted by 1700hours (EAT) to procurement@cdtd by 7th February 2022 .

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