Kakuma Kalobeyei Challenge Fund (KKCF)- Social Enterprise Window

We are now inviting grant applications from established social enterprises for projects that aim to increase sustainable access to public goods and essential services for refugees and host communities in Kakuma and Kalobeyei areas, Turkana West.

The Social Enterprise Window specifically seeks to promote business models which increase access to water and sanitation, engage in recycling, or provide childcare services for low-income families.

All proposed projects should be commercially viable and sustainable and have the potential to raise incomes, provide goods and services, create jobs, and improve living standards for families living in these areas – both refugee and host communities.

Eligibility Criteria

KKCF is targeting social enterprises that will create sustainable operations that extend beyond the life of the five-year duration of the program.

To be considered a Social Enterprise your business should:

  • Have a clear social or environmental agenda included in your governing documents;
  • Re-invest a large portion of your profits back into the business for sustainability purposes;
  • Not be an NGO or government institution; and
  • Be transparent and accountable.

Applicants must meet eligibility criteria including:

  • Request a grant within the stipulated range.
  • Be legally registered as an organization (e.g. Companies Limited by Guarantee) or a company (e.g. Limited Liability Company) and physically established in Kenya at the time of grant award by AECF. International organizations are welcome to apply but will need to be legally registered and physically established at the time of funding award.
  • Business model must be in line with definition of a social enterprise. i.e. an organization or business which uses commercial strategies for the benefit of society or the environment while making a profit.
  • Have been in operation for a minimum of two years, with the ability to produce two years of audited accounts (these could be from the parent company, if recently established as a branch/subsidiary in Kenya).
  • Compliant with all government statutory requirements.
  • Pass AECF’s KYC (know your customer), AMT/CFT (anti-money laundering and counter-financing of terrorism), PEP (Politically exposed person) and IDD (Integrity due diligence) screening.
  • Comply with applicable national laws relating to human rights, labor and social and environmental management and respect internationally recognized human rights standards, as expressed in the International Bill of Human Rights and in the core labor standards established through the International Labor Organization.
  • Businesses not listed on the International Finance Corporation (IFC) Exclusion List, i.e. businesses supporting terrorism, production/trade of weapons, radioactive materials, tobacco, etc.

Selection Criteria

Each applicant will be evaluated and scored against the criteria that includes:

  • Geographic focus areas of Kakuma and Kalobeyei and how the project intends to benefit either host or refugee communities, or both.
  • Capacity of the project to deliver and sustain social impact, particularly for refugees and women and youth.
  •  Strength of the project’s commercial viability and sustainability.
  • Demonstrated potential to attract further commercial funding, beyond the grant provided by KKCF, if needed.
  • Demonstrated capacity of the applicant’s management team to implement the proposed business / project.
  •  Demonstrated understanding of the forced displacement context, gender issues and culture of Kakuma refugee camp and host community.


Social enterprises currently present in the areas or those willing to enter the market are invited to apply for performance-based grants, ranging from US $100,000 to a maximum of US $750,000, which will also require co-financing from the enterprises.

For all details and application: https://kkcfke.org/social-enterprise-window/

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