Terms of Reference – End of Program Evaluation, International Alert

FINAL EVALUATION – 1st February 2022
TUSAMEHEANE TUJENGE NCHI – Participatory Governance for Peace in Kenya

1. Background
The TUSAMEHEANE TUJENGE NCHI – Participatory Governance for Peace in Kenya is a two year program with additional 6-months extension, running from October 2019 and scheduled to end in March 2022. It is being undertaken by International Alert in partnership with Peace and Development Network (PeaceNet) Kenya and Focus on Arid Land and Integrated Development (FOAID) focusing on interventions that will contribute to the consolidation of a peaceful and inclusive society enjoying improved service delivery through enhanced citizens’ participation in people-to people dialogue and county governance in the counties of Nairobi, Migori, and Wajir.

The program is based on the theory of change that if communities in conflict come together in a safe space and if communities in conflict come together to engage the county government on service provision and proactive leadership, then conflict between communities will be reduced because communities will build trust and mutual understanding and see the benefit of collective action to change governance practices which positively impact their lives.

2. Objective of the assignment
The objectives of this evaluation are to:
1. To assess and establish the relevance of the ‘TUSAMEHEANE TUJENGE NCHI – Participatory Governance for Peace in Kenya’ to the conflict and governance context in target counties (including the program’s theory of change) and the program’s effectiveness in realizing planned program outcomes.
2. To evaluate the impact of the project and its sustainability
3. Identify the key lessons learnt from the implementation and provide recommendations for strategic decision-making around enhancing societal cohesion through people-to-people dialogue and participation in county governance (inclusive planning and decision making) in the target locations.
4. Assess the extent to which local engagement with the county governments is improving peace in the counties of Migori, Wajir and Nairobi.
5. Assess the extent to which conflict dynamics have changed within the counties of Migori, Wajir and Nairobi.
6. Make recommendations for future programming by International Alert and its partner organizations, as well as USAID. A specific focus should be placed on recommendations relating to the 2022 elections.

3. Timing and duration
The evaluation is expected to start on the 14th of February and be completed by the 31st March 2022 and will require a maximum of 30 days of consultancy time.

4. Methodology
The evaluation will utilize an approach integrating both quantitative and qualitative data collection tools. The mixed methods will utilize secondary data (including the project’s documentation and reporting; monthly and quarterly reports, outcome harvesting reports, project log-frame) for quantitative purposes (including cost-effectiveness analyses). For qualitative purposes, primary data will be gathered (additional to secondary data). The consultant will be expected to demonstrate a clear understanding of the above evaluation criteria when developing the methodology and the evaluation tools. This will be agreed upon with the consultant when developing the methodology. The proposed methodology will be developed by the consultant with input from Alert’s team. The
evaluation will entail the following:
– Inception Phase
– Quantitative Data Collection
– Qualitative Data Collection
– Analysis of quantitative and qualitative results:
– Validation with program partners and key stakeholders–
– Production of Evaluation Report

5. Deliverables
Deliverables should be:
● Inception Report – The consultant will prepare an inception report and workplan elaborating on the TOR following an inception meeting with Alert Kenya Programme Team. The workplan should cover at a minimum the framework and proposed detailed methodology for the review and proposed schedule for data collection. The report should also detail how the consultant will analyze the gender dynamics of the program. The consultant will be expected to make regular consultations with the program team during the course of the assignment.
● Presentation at validation meeting – Before submitting the draft report, the consultant will hold a validation workshop that will bring together program staff, partners and key relevant stakeholders from program location areas to present initial observations/findings and recommendations.
● A draft report in line with stated terms of reference and delivered in English.
● A final report taking into account the observations and comments from Alerts program team, partners and key stakeholders from program location areas. Additionally and as part of the analysis the final report should identify and present case studies/examples of successes, failures and challenges. This will be delivered in English. The main body of the report, in word format should be between 20 and 25 pages (excluding the appendices/annexes) and is
to include the following elements:

6. Support and resources to be provided by Alert
Alert will provide and fund logistical support including flights if required, and all in-country travel and accommodation. A 4×4 vehicle will be available with driver for the entire period of the consultancy. All normal office facilities and supplies will be provided – but the Consultant will provide their own computer. The Senior Project officer will be the focal point for logistics. Contracting will be processed by the Finance & Operations Manager in the country office and signed off by the Country Director.

7. Required skills and experience
The consultant is expected to meet and not limited to the following specifications:
• Master’s degree in development studies, social sciences, or any other relevant academic
• Sound knowledge of the context in Wajir, Nairobi and Migori Counties and the geographical scope of the study and ability to access the local communities and stakeholders.
• Knowledge of the national and target counties’ conflict and governance(devolution) contexts.
• Practical knowledge of the OECD DAC Criteria for Evaluating Development Assistance and other USAID and state departments evaluations requirements;
• Demonstrable practical experience in monitoring and evaluation approaches. Practical experience in Outcome Harvesting and Most Significant Change stories focused evaluation tools will be an added advantage.
• More than 7 years’ experience in conducting evaluations on prevention of violent conflict, peace building and inclusive governance processes as well as experience in qualitative and quantitative monitoring data collection and analysis and sampling techniques.
• Excellent knowledge and proven experience in (participatory) research design, implementation, documentation, and data analysis.
• Excellent analytical skills and an ability to communicate in an open, curious, and respectful manner with people from very different cultural and educational backgrounds
• Good knowledge of rights-based approaches in development
• Excellent English language and writing skills. Knowledge of Swahili and Turkana languages will be an added advantage.
• Ability and commitment to deliver a professional report and presentation on time.

9. Contact details
Interested consultants should submit their proposal (both technical and financial) including current CV. The proposal should briefly describe how the consultant intends to undertake this assignment and 3 previous assignments with referees. Applicants should also explain how their professional experience matches the skills and qualifications listed. All proposals must be submitted in soft copy to kenya.reception@international-alert.org with subject line “END OF PROGRAM EVALUATION” by close of business on 28th January 2022

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