Call for Applications: An Interdisciplinary, Inter-professional and International Floating University Project named “École bleu outremer, Cap sur l’Océan Indien”

A project fully in line with the main objectives of the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainability Development (2021-2030)

General Information
The Ifremer jointly with several partners based in the Indian Ocean: IRD, CNRS, University of La Réunion, TAAF (French Southern and Antarctic territories), Mayotte CUFR (Research and Training Centre in Mayotte working closely with several universities), Mayotte Marine Natural Park, as well as Louis Dreyfus Armateurs (R/V Marion Dufresne’s ship manager) and the Western Indian Ocean Marine Science Association (WIOMSA), will be offering a shipboard fellowship opportunity onboard the research vessel R/V Marion Dufresne during 2022 (29 June – 22 July).

The program’s primary goal is to promote training and capacity building, as well as to train young people in the chosen area in their respective scientific and maritime branches of activity, by allowing them to use the resources and tools provided (R/V Marion Dufresne).

The project is scheduled to take place in summer 2022 (29 June – 22 July), in the southwestern part of the Indian Ocean, an incredibly resourceful area in terms of marine biodiversity (coral reefs, seamounts, …) (For more information, please see the attached information package).

Ten (10) early-career scientists and postgraduate students (PhD or MSc) involved in oceanographic work at institutions in the Western Indian Ocean will be selected by WIOMSA to participate in the Floating University project.

Who can apply?
This program is primarily open to postgraduate students (PhD or MSc) involved in oceanographic work, marine sciences, and maritime studies in Western Indian Ocean institutions (Comoros, Kenya, Mauritius, Madagascar, Mozambique, South Africa, Seychelles Somali, and Tanzania). Post-doctoral Fellows in their first year are also eligible to apply.

Students from Université de La Réunion and from CUFR will have their own specific call for applications.

How to apply
Applicants must complete and submit the electronic application form (APPLY HERE) along with a letter of recommendation from the University. Furthermore, the recommendation letter must include proof of enrolment and contact information for a supervisor who can be contacted for verification.

Please note that the application form includes sections on the applicant’s background and training requirements, capacity building intentions, and a CV.

If short-listed, the candidate may be asked to undergo an informal telephone/video conferencing interview.

Applications and recommendation letters should be written in English and letters submitted/uploaded in pdf format. It is recommended that descriptive sections be limited to about 200 words. Only applications that are complete in all respects will be considered for the Fellowship. : Female and French-speaking candidates are encouraged to apply.

Applications must be received no later than 20th January 2022. Candidates will be contacted if they are suitable.

Review process
A selection committee will review the applications. In their decision making, the selection committee will consider the following point:
1. Quality of application
2. Curriculum of the applicant
3. Evidence that the training will lead to capacity-building with potential lasting impact in WIO regional marine science
4. Evidence that the applicant has a background in marine sciences or studies and is currently enrolled at a university in the WIO region.

At the end of the training period, the trainee will be required to provide a brief progress report to assess the project’s success.

Only successful applicants will be notified by 30th January 2022.

Read more about the program and access the full call of application and application form at

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