Terms of Reference to Conduct Baseline Survey and Violent Extremism Context Analysis (ARIVE) Program in Kenya


1.0 About Act Change Transform (Act!)

Act Change Transform (Act!) is a not-for profit non-governmental organization that was established in Kenya in September 2001 and registered under the provisions of Non-Governmental Organizations Coordination Act of 1990. With an organizational vision of empowered communities living productive lives in dignity, Act! focuses on building the capacity of individuals and communities, thus empowering them to get involved in the decisions and management of their own development.

Act! approaches its development work through three broad programmatic areas namely; Peace Building and Conflict Transformation, Democracy and Human Rights, Environment and Natural Resources Management.

2.0 About the Accelerated Response Initiative Against Violent Extremism (ARIVE) Program

The ARIVE program focuses on sustainable support to CEFs in seven counties, including Lamu, Garissa, Wajir, Mombasa, Nairobi, Nyeri and Isiolo during 2021-2023. It will provide grants to lead Civil Society Organizations (CSO’s) of County Engagement Forums (CEF) that will contribute to strengthening the CEFs’ capacity to facilitate the coordination and implementation of the County Action Plan on the Prevention/Countering of Violent Extremism (P/CVE).

Capacity strengthening provided to members of the CEFs will enable an in-depth review of the CAP through a multi-stakeholder approach. ARIVE will also provide direct support to communities through the implementation of outputs on priority pillars of CAPs. ARIVE funded CSOs will ensure joint implementation of new activities and mainstreaming of P/CVE in existing activities with different stakeholders in the process, including the private sector. The type of specific PVE initiatives will be identified based on the critical pillars of the CAPs and based on the proposals received from the county-based partners.

The potential thematic areas include:

  • Activities to enhance collaborations between security actors and communities.
  • Collaborations between private sector and local communities on PVE.
  • Trauma healing.
  • Extracurricular activities for vulnerable and at-risk youth.
  • Inter- and intra-religious forums.
  • Strengthening the role of women in PVE

In 2016, the government launched the National Strategy to Counter Violent Extremism, a policy framework partly meant to promote security cooperation among state and non-state actors at both the national and county levels. County P/CVE Action Plans-CAPs developed and implemented in some places promote cooperation on P/CVE between national government agencies, county governments, CSOs and local communities. This has been chaperoned by the CEF’s. The main objective of the CAP is to strengthen the capacity of local actors to effectively respond to vulnerabilities in the county that can lead to radicalization. They seek to improve the capabilities of existing P/CVE structures and strengthen the multi stakeholders’ engagement in the P/CVE space. This bodes well with the goal of this programme in strengthening the CEF’s capacity to facilitate the coordination and implementation of the CAP.

ARIVE programme aims to enhance the roll out of the National Strategy to Counter Violent Extremism, focusing on local level and sustainable structures through supporting CEFs to implement the CAPs, lobbying for mainstreaming P/CVE through the CAPs to the County Integrated Development Plans and continue to co-ordinate closely with all existing and planned PCVE initiatives.

3.0 Objective

A baseline study conducted to provide baseline values on the current status of identified results indicators and to establish the basis for measuring subsequent changes during the mid-term and end-term evaluations. The baseline study will use mixed methods (quantitative and qualitative) and will be undertaken in the target counties using representative sampling methods.

3.1 Purpose of the Baseline Survey and VE Context Analysis

Baseline assessment will focus on capacity and performance of CEFs, basic data for the project and provide violent extremism contextual analysis. The context analysis should include information on CSOs as well as other stakeholders implementing P/CVE activities in the target counties. Data and findings of the baseline survey will inform programming i.e designing of P/CVE interventions to address real needs at the community level for maximum impact. The baseline will also serve to collect community data on outcome indicators, which are key to the measurement at the outcome and impact level. The study will offer understanding on gender dynamics and CSO/government linkages/interface. The baseline will provide a comprehensive list of workable strategies for each target county depending on the VE drivers.

3.2 Objectives of the Baseline Survey and VE Context Analysis

  • Capacity assessment of CEFs focusing on their training needs in target counties including assessment of actor involvement (women, private sector etc.)
  • The assessment of the CEF’s should also provide data on CAP implementation progress, challenges and lessons learnt
  • Undertake a community-wide survey on PCVE to assess the status of outcome and impact indicators
  • Develop a baseline report with baseline data on outcome indicators, which are key to the measurement at the outcome and impact level.
  • Develop a brief high level Violent Extremism Context Analysis status report, which will provide current information on Violent Extremism per county.
  • Provide information on the current CSO government coordination, collaboration/linkages/interface on ARIVE, at the county level as well as recommend strategies that will work depending on county by county.

(Note that the reports need to be given adequate attention since they serve different purposes)

4.0 Proposed Approach

The study will use a cascaded approach as follows:

4.1 Capacity Assessment

a. Capacity assessment checklists

4.2 VE Context Analysis and county-level CEF coordination

a. Key Informant Interviews and focus-group discussions

4.3 Community Survey

a. Individual and household surveys

Step 1 will use both qualitative and quantitative (mixed methods approach), step 2 qualitative and step 3 mainly quantitative. County-based enumerators will be identified and trained on use of kobo collect to undertake the community survey. The approach will involve among others literature review, field visits/research and validation workshop.

The detailed approach will be as follows:

  1. Desk review: A lot of information exists with various stakeholders regarding the current conflict issues in Kenya, from government, academia, civil society and media. The consultant will undertake literature review where such exists as part of the study. Any gaps identified will inform field research.
  2. Field Research: The consultant will suggest a representative sample based on an agreed criterion and will collect data using a variety of methods including questionnaires, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, observation and photography among others. The data will be collected from government officials, CSOs, community leaders, women, youth, at risk groups among others.
  3. Validation workshop: The consultant will produce two reports, a baseline assessment report and a PCVE assessment report. The draft reports will be presented to stakeholders in a validation meeting and the feedback used to finalize the reports.

5.0 Reporting and Supervision

Successful consultant(s) will be under the overall supervision of the ARIVE team leader but the Monitoring Evaluation, Reporting and Learning (MERL) advisor will provide significant backstopping. The deliverables will be assessed against the provisions of this scope of work set for the assignment.

6.0 Deliverables

6.1 Inception Report: This report will present the detailed methodology, literature review, data collection tools and sampled areas. The inception report will be discussed with the ARIVE/GCERF team for any inputs.

6.2 Draft Baseline Survey Report: This report will be written in clear, concise English and will have baseline data on the outcome indicators as per the score card indices, with explanations for scores awarded for each indicator. The report will have recommendations for indicator measurement. All raw datasets will be provided.

6.3 Capacity assessment report of CEF’s and the CAP’s. Assess the capacity and performance of CEF through a comprehensive Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat (SWOT) analysis of CEFs against the its ability to implement effective P/CVE interventions.

6.4 Draft VE Context Analysis Report: This report will have brief high-level information on the status Violent Extremism in the counties.

6.5 Final Baseline Survey and Capacity Assessment Reports, incorporating comments from both reviewers and stakeholders.

6.6 Mapping of CSOs, and donors programmes supporting implementation of the CAP and CEF structure in the target counties.

The reports will be reviewed by Act!, National Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC), GCERF and validated in a workshop by stakeholders.

The final Baseline Survey and VE Context Analysis Reports will have the following:

  1. Cover/title and other preliminary pages (acknowledgement, preface, forward
  2. Executive summary
  3. Introduction/Background
  4. Methodology
  5. Findings for the baseline report the indicator scores and narrative explanations, status of VE context analysis and CEF Assessments (capacity, need, function)
  6. Recommendations and strategies for programming
7.0 Duration of Assessment

The assignment is expected to take 35 days from the date of signing the contract.

Submission on the Expression of Interest/Responses to TORs

Suitable qualified consultant/firm(s) are requested to submit their expression of interest of not more than 8 pages elaborating the understanding of the task, proposed methodology, work plan and detailed budget no later than 12 Noon Friday 31st December, 2021.

The proposal should only be submitted electronically to hr.admin@act.or.ke quoting the reference number ACT-BSVECA-10-2021 and title ARIVE BASELINE SURVEY on the e-mail subject line. The applications must include three recent references and detailed organizational profile and current CV(s) of the consultant/researchers. Applications that do not meet the above requirements shall not be reviewed.

Act! is an equal opportunity employer with zero tolerance to corruption.

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