Consultancy Opportunity: Sexual Reproductive Health and Good Citizenship Training in Nakuru and Nyandarua- DanChurchAid

1. Background

DanChurchAid (DCA) Kenya in a consortium comprised of Anglican Development Services- North Rift Region (ADS-NRR), College of Career Guidance and Development (CCGD), Growth Africa and Quercus Group is implementing Danida funded Ajira Poa! Project – Job Creation and Skills Development for Unemployed Youth in Kenya focusing on Nakuru, Nyandarua and West Pokot Counties. The 3 years project, starting in 2021, aims to increase the number of Kenyan youths who are gainfully employed or self-employed through a replicable, self-sustainable job and skills development model. The project will catalyze demand (jobs), enrich the supply (skills), and guide a range of public and private sector actors to help young Kenyans navigate the labor market, with a keen focus on green growth jobs. Through Ajira Poa, 4000 youth aged in the 3 counties will access self and wage employment facilitated through career counseling, digital and financial literacy, life skills training, vocational and technical training, job and internship placements, mentorship, enterprise development, and business incubation.

To build confidence, self-awareness and cultivate good citizenship, the project is integrating sexual reproductive health (SRH) education and guidance as well as good citizenship training to the youth recruited and engaged in the project activities. The project is planning to utilize local networks and capacities to provide these sets of life skills training providing a reference point for youth to access such services for sustainability purpose. It is against this backdrop that DCA seeking the services of a local CBO/NGO in Nyandarua and Nakuru respectively to provide Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) education and guidance and good citizenship training to the youth.

2. Purpose & Objectives

The purpose of this assignment is to provide Sexual Reproductive Health education and guidance and good citizenship training to youth enrolled in the project. The assignment entails customizing training materials to fit the youth aged 16-34, deliver the SRH and good citizenship training and guidance, and provide a network of other local SRH service providers in the projects sites where youth will access such services beyond the period covered by this assignment, and provide recommendation for future SRH and good citizenship training and education. The key objectives of the assignment are.

  • To deliver Sexual Reproductive Health education and guidance and good citizenship to the youth engaged in Ajira Poa! Project
  • Identify an approach to implement the SRH and good citizenship training to cohorts of youth in the respective counties
  • Develop or adopt youth-targeted training content on SRH and good citizenship fit for digitalization.

3. Scope of Work

The service provider will develop, adopt, or customize Sexual reproductive health and good citizenship content to fit the youth aged 16-34. The provider/s will deploy a 3-days SRH and good citizenship training per cohort through blended learning approach, document the roll-out process and provide exit recommendations on how to add value and to take the activities forward for existing and new cohorts. The provider/s will also provide a catalogue of networks of providers of SRH in the county of focus and create awareness to the cohorts of youth about the other existing SRH service providers. Finally, the consultant will induct relevant DCA staff on the use of the training materials to advance the SRH education and guidance and good citizenship training based on the recommendations for engaging future cohorts as ToT’s.

3.1. Tasks

  • Develop/adopt/customize SRH and good citizenship training materials to come-up with content fit for the youth aged 16-34
  • To roll-out 60 sessions on Sexual Reproductive Health education and guidance: and good citizenship training to 20 cohorts each of 25 pax maximum (i.e., 8 cohorts in Nyandarua and 12 cohorts in Nakuru) using blended learning training approaches.
  • Present an approach to deliver future SRH and good citizenship training to cohorts of youth in the respective counties
  • To ensure staff are familiarized with the training materials through induction sessions including how the content could be adapted for a digital training platform.
  • Onwards coaching to the youth to implement their respective action plans based on the training lessons.
  • Provided technical advice and support to participants during the entire duration of training.

3.2. Deliverables

The service provider should submit an exit report with the following content:

  • A training ‘process report’ documenting key components of the Sexual Reproductive Health and Good Citizenship, as well as integrate the results of the training evaluation for the cohorts and DCA staff.
  • A proposed itinerary, or schedule of training for the subsequent cohorts.
  • A catalogue of other SRH service providers in Nakuru and Nyandarua

4. Methodology

The program will adopt competency-based mode of training. At the onset, the trainer is expected to conduct training need assessment with the cohort of youth and come up with a training methodology and schedule based on the needs identified. The training is expected to be interactive, and engaging and should include discussions, drills, games, activities and take away assignments. A two-hours session for at least 3 days for each cohort is expected. However, the methodology above should not limit the interpretation of the ToR. The consultant can propose a methodology and itinerary relevant to this assignment which upon successful contracting will be discussed during the inception meeting.

4.1. Time Frame

This assignment is to be executed with 3 contact sessions, each session of between 2 – 3hrs, culminating to 60 sessions spread between 1st December 2021 – 28th February 2022. This period is inclusive of preparation time, training rollout, and hand-over report to DCA.

Depending on satisfactory execution of the task, the consultancy maybe extended to 28th February 2023, and possibly October 2023.

4.2. Desired Qualifications of the Lead Trainer/s

Education: The lead trainers/s should have bachelor’s degree in Health Sciences, Counselling psychology, gender and development or a related field and familiarity with SRH and good citizenship matters

Experience: The trainer/s should be a master subject matter related to this assignment with at least 5 years’ experience in Sexual Reproductive Health and/or good citizenship.

Expertise: Proven expertise/experience in adult learning methodology, experiential learning, content creation and curriculum design is an added advantage. Broad knowledge on utilizing principles, methods, and systems of working with youth.

Excellent collaboration, analytical and moderation skills, and able to interact with participants from diverse backgrounds.

Proven skills in designing, implementation, monitoring and reporting of training activities

Good organizational and time-management skills

5. Reporting

The consultant shall report to the Project Coordinator – Ajira Poa! Project.


a. For any clarifications kindly write to

Name: Mark Abaha Email:

b. Interested consultants should apply by sending technical and financial proposals to the undersigned by 24th November 2021 to, Titled: Sexual Reproductive Health and Good Citizenship Training in Nakuru and Nyandarua


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