Consultancy Services Needed for a Market Assessment

CARE International in Kenya was founded in 1945, CARE is a leading global humanitarian and development organization fighting poverty. CARE International in Kenya has been working in partnership with Development and relief Organizations, the private sector, and Government of Kenya since 1968 and is currently under the direct management of CARE US. We seek a world of hope, tolerance, and social justice where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and security. CARE commenced its humanitarian program in Kenya in 1968. Since then, we have built a substantial development and humanitarian program including refugee operations, emergency response, livelihoods, food security, climate change adaption, sexual reproductive and maternal health, women and girls’ economic empowerment, and youth employability. CARE Kenya’s mission is to reduce poverty at the household level and to provide relief in emergencies.

Beiersdorf Kenya Project

CARE International in Kenya in partnership with Beiersdorf-NIVEA, a global corporate enterprise based in Hamburg Germany, is implementing a two years COVID19 resilience project, aimed at fostering good health and economic resilience of the vulnerable women and youths in Kakamega and Bungoma Counties. In the health front CARE Kenya in partnership with a local FM station, will support COVID19 Mass awareness sessions, in collaboration with ministry of Health experts, equip 200 health facilities with infection prevention and control (IPC) materials, conduct community health campaigns and Strengthen capacity of 400 front line health workers on use of Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology in COVID19 home based care case management. In the economic resilience front, the project shall train women and youths on community led Savings and Loan (VSLA) methodology, provide financial literacy skills training to 4000 VSLA members through interactive chat bot platform. The project will build capacity of beneficiaries on entrepreneurship and provide grant support to viable micro enterprises, owned by women and youths.


The economic contribution of women in rural households is key to build resilience of every member in the household. Gender equality will only be achieved when women gain equal economic rights, control over economic resources and access to economic opportunities. CARE seeks to strengthen women’s position as economic actors and to address their exclusion from economic processes and structures (Informal & formal). This will reduce women’s exploitation, marginalization, and vulnerability, enabling them to effectively participate in and reap from the benefits of economic opportunities and build prosperity for themselves, their families and the community. According to the UN and McKinsey Global Institute, tapping the economic potential of female entrepreneurs may add an additional US$28 trillion to global GDP by 2025; whilst investing in programs that promote economic empowerment for women may provide a return of US$7 for every US$1 spent. In Kenya, women constitute 47% of the labor force, yet only 9% of businesses are female owned. A deeper study of the business environment, the socio-cultural, legal and regulatory, political and educational factors that affect women and youths in small enterprises, is important in unraveling market system challenges suppressing effective participation of women in economic activities.

Overall Objective

The overall objective of the consultancy is to undertake a market assessment in Bungoma and Kakamega Counties, to provide CARE Kenya with a deeper understanding of viable business enterprises, for women and youth entrepreneurs, as well as the associated market system barriers and mitigation measures.

Specific Objectives

  1. To identify viable inclusive microenterprises and value chains that favor participation of women and youth entrepreneurs.
  2. To identify existing market system barriers and enablers (formal &informal), to women and youth’s participation in microenterprise opportunities.
  3. To establish required BDS services and relevant skills to stimulate effective market entry by women and youth entrepreneurs.
  4. To provide recommendation on the market system interventions required to assist women and youth entrepreneurs effectively participate in microenterprise opportunities.

Scope of the Consultancy

The scope of the assignment shall include desktop review of relevant market study reports, market data collection in Bungoma and Kakamega counties, analysis of the field report and corroboration with existing study reports in order to provide sound recommendations in accordance with the study objectives. The consultant is expected to liaise with the Program Quality, learning and accountability manager for technical support and Beiersdorf project team led by the project manager on administrative matters.

Expected Output

The following deliverables are expected from the consultant.

a) Inception report.

The inception report shall outline the scope of work and timelines. The first inception report to be presented on the inception meeting and the reviewed report within 2 days of the inception meeting. The inception report and meeting will provide CARE Kenya with opportunity to confirm if the consultant share same understanding and interpretation of the TOR and implementation schedule.

b) Draft Comprehensive report.

The draft consultancy report, addressing the TOR should be produced in English for CARE Kenya to provide feedback within 17 days from the date of approval of the Consultancy.

c) The final report.

The final report will be produced within 5 days after receiving comments on the draft report from CARE Kenya team. Other than the technical content and structure, the report should capture feedback from beneficiaries, relevant actors in the microenterprise space, regulatory authorities, as well as notable challenges during the exercise and recommendations.

Responsibilities of the Consultant and CARE Kenya

a) Responsibility of –Consultant.

  • Prepare both technical and financial proposal in power point (PPT), demonstrating clear understanding of the assignment, including activities and realistic timelines, during virtual technical evaluation session.
  • Develop both quantitative and qualitative date collection tools relevant to the specifications in the TOR and share with CARE Kenya team, during virtual technical evaluation session.
  • Prepare and present in power point (PPT) the inception report to CARE Kenya, prior to commencement of work. The report should demonstrate the consultants’ understanding of the assignment, the detailed breakdown of activities and timelines.
  • Undertake thorough desktop review of relevant study reports.
  • Supervision of field data collection in Bungoma and Kakamega Counties.
  • Analyze the study results and prepare a comprehensive report.
  • Provide details of relevant documents required from CARE at inception meeting.
  • Prepare and share draft report for review with CARE Kenya team.
  • Prepare the final report in English language and share the soft copy with CARE Kenya.
  • Prepare a PPT summary report for presentation during stakeholder’s validation session.
  • Prepare valid Invoice alongside the final report with input from stakeholders incorporated.

b) Responsibility of –CARE Kenya.

  • Provide any information that may be required by the consultant during implementation of the assignment
  • Participate in decision making according to consultant tasks above and be available for consultation as needed
  • Review draft report and provide feedback.
  • Introduce the consulting team to the County authorities in Bungoma and Kakamega.
  • Facilitate payment as specified in the contract document.

Evaluation Team’s Qualification and Skills

CARE Kenya is looking for experienced Consultant(s) who is/can work in collaboration with teams.

The Consulting firm should possess the following:

  • Duly registered with availed certificate of incorporation.
  • KRA tax compliant, with most recent copy of tax compliance certificate.
  • Evidence of undertaking similar assignment, within the last one year.
  • Recommendation letter from a recent engagement.
  • Excellent communication, reporting and presentation skills in English.
  • Knowledge of CIK work, or other international NGO’s (desirable).

Schedule, Budget and Logistics

Proposed timeline

The engagement is expected to commence from 16th/11/2021 and conclude by 17th/12/ 2021, as scheduled in the table below.


Time Frame

  • Virtual technical evaluation session-1 Hour-November 11th ,2021
  • Inception meeting with project team and Program quality, leaning and Accountability (PQLA) Manager-1 Hour-November 16th, 2021
  • Detailed inception report including detailed work plan, sharing with the project team for review-2 days after the Inception meeting-November 18th, 2021
  • Desktop reviews-3 days-November 18th, to 22nd, 2021
  • Field data collection including training of data assistants-7 days-November 23rd to 30th, 2021
  • Presentation of the Zero draft report-5 days-December 1st to 6th, 2021
  • Review of draft report by CARE Kenya team-3days-December 7th to 10th, 2021
  • Presentation of the 1st draft report to CARE Kenya team-3days-December 10th to 13th ,2021
  • Validation session-1 day-December 14th, 2021
  • Presentation of final report, incorporating feedback from Validation meeting-3 days-December 15th to 17th, 2021


All costs inclusive of taxes should be included in the quoted budget outline by the consultant. Including the accommodation, transport, and communication expenses.

Coordination, Responsibilities and Management Protocol

The Program Quality, Learning and Accountability Manager will be the technical lead in the exercise. The consultant will report to Project Manager-Beiersdorf, who will also be the contact to the consultant(s) and ensure access to requisite documents and other support needed to facilitate work of the consultant.

The CIK will provide support during county visits, including letters of introduction to the County authorities in the project area.

Application Process

Prospective consulting firm is expected to submit technical and financial proposals in English, including the following:

  • Copy of certificate of incorporation.
  • Copy of most recent KRA-tax compliance certificate.
  • Profile of consultant/consulting firm, a clear demonstration of previous experience in undertaking similar assignment.
  • Expression of Interest (EOI) outlining how the consultant meets the selection criteria and their understanding of the TORs. Proposed activities of schedule/ work plan with timelines
  • Financial proposals including consultant fees and field costs
  • Short cover letter stating interest and availability
  • Professional CV / Resume of the lead consultant(s) who will undertake the evaluation
  • Three Professional References
  • Recommendation letter from a recent similar engagement.

Please email your application to by 09 November 2021 COB EAT. Please use “Beiersdorf Market Assessment Consultancy” as the subject title of your email. Incomplete applications will not be considered, and only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

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