Request for Proposal for Selection of Consult to Develop the Kenya AIDS Strategic Framework Two (KASF II) Communication Strategy

1.0 Background
The National AIDS Control Council spearheaded the development and roll-out of the Kenya AIDS Strategic Framework Two (KASF II 2021 – 2025) to guide the HIV and AIDS Response in Kenya for the next five years.
The development of KASF II, a joint effort between NACC and partners in the HIV response in Kenya, took a bottom-up approach which ensured contribution of the Kenyan public to the process and ownership of the final product. This is also in line with the Constitution of Kenya 2010 in Article 1 (2) which holds that all sovereign power belongs to the people of Kenya.

Health Communication in general and HIV and AIDS communication specifically continues to thrive in a terrain that is characterized by dynamic audiences and a myriad of media and information sources. The ‘one size fits all’ approach no longer counts, given the technological advances and liberalization of media, which put credibility at the center of any communication initiative. NACC recognizes that effective, integrated and coordinated communication is integral in meeting KASF II objectives, and subsequently, the need for the KASFII Communication Strategy.

Development of the KASF II Communication Strategy shall aid in the tailoring of messages for specific audiences, as well as choice of the most effective platforms through which the said messages can be disseminated to the targeted audiences.

2.0 Justification
In order to streamline HIV and AIDS communication, a dedicated policy document must be put in place that acts as a reference point for Communication initiatives. The Communication Strategy shall enhance uniformity in design and implementation of effective HIV and AIDS programs at both national and county level, thereby responding to the information needs of the target audiences. The KASF II Communication Strategy is expected to enhance implementation and achievement of the KASF II objectives, since it will provide guidance on packaging and disseminating of appropriately tailored HIV and AIDS information specific to different publics as defined by the nine thematic areas of KASF II.

3.0 Objective of the Consultancy
The objective of the consultancy is to develop KASF II Communication Strategy to guide the implementation of the KASF II and County AIDS Implementation Plans (CAIP 2021 – 2025). KASF II Communication Strategy is expected to enhance awareness, visibility and knowledge of HIV and AIDS amongst the targeted audiences.

4.0 Specific Tasks
Under the leadership of the Communication Division and with the support of the Communication Technical Working Group, the consultant will carry out the following tasks:

  • Undertake review of the KASF I Communication Agenda to guide in KASF II Communication Strategy development
  • Draw a five year communication plan as per the KASF II thematic areas
  • Develop key HIV messages as per the KASF II thematic areas
  • Provide clear output and outcome indicators for all communication activities to be undertaken under the Strategy which shall also aid in the implementation of the CAIPs
  • Identify the appropriate media outlets and platforms to be used as vehicles for churning out the program communication per thematic areas as well as target audiences, which need to be multiple, simultaneous and interlinked
  • Develop an inbuilt feedback mechanism for monitoring and evaluating the implementation of the KASF II Communication Strategy
  • Offer advisory and capacity building services to the Communication Technical Working Group to enhance strategy implementation including opportunities to leverage on mainstream media

5.0 Deliverables

  • Inception Report incorporating expected approach to the task
  • KASF II Communication Strategy
  • A comprehensive communication work plan and key messages for KASF II
  • Final printable version of the KASF II Communication Strategy

6.0 Consultant Requirements/ Qualifications
The KASF II Communication Strategy Consultant is expected to be someone who is familiar and up-to-date
with the HIV Response in Kenya and the globe. In addition, he/she must:

  • Be a holder of a bachelor’s degree in Communication, Development Communication, Journalism, Public
    Relations or related fields
  • Advanced degree (s) in related fields will be an added advantage
  • Have a minimum of five (5) years working experience in Communication
  • Demonstrate previous experience in developing national Communication Policies/Strategies for the health sector
  • Proven record to have successfully undertaken two (2) related assignments in the last three (3) years
  • Demonstrate experience in effective media relations with good knowledge and understanding of the media landscape in Kenya
  • Demonstrate ability to draw long term communication strategies targeting different target groups

7.0 Timelines
The duration for this consultancy is thirty (30) days.

Read the full ToR here;

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