Call for Consultancy: Engendering County Climate Smart Agriculture(CSA) and Climate Change Adaptation(CCA) Plans

GROOTS- Grassroots Organizations Operating Together in Sisterhood in Kenya. GROOTS Kenya is a national movement of grassroots women organized in 3500 community-based organizations working in 21 counties of Kenya among them Laikipia and Kitui. The organization was founded in 1995 after the Fourth UN Conference on women held in Beijing China, as a response to the inadequate visibility of grassroots women in development and decision-making platforms that directly impacts them. Our mission is therefore to facilitate effective participation of grassroots women and their communities in development.

About the Project

GROOTS Kenya is working with UN Women to implement the project, “Economic Empowerment of Women through Climate Smart Agriculture 2020-2023- a three-year Gender-Responsive Climate Smart Agriculture Project in Kitui, Laikipia, and West Pokot Counties. Implemented in Partnership with FAO the project is funded by the Korean government (KOICA). The project aims to increase investments in women’s capacities to ensure more equitable access to assets and productive resources. The overall goal is to enhance the gender-sensitive adaptive capacity of the selected counties to climate change and strengthen women’s capacity to meaningfully engage in climate-smart agriculture.

Objectives of the Task

The overall objective of the task is to develop guidelines for the alignment of the County Integrated Development Plans (CIDPs) with the National Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) and Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) policies and regulations, and strategies for CSA gender mainstreaming. Specifically, the consultant will be expected to:

  1. Map and develop a matrix of all the CSA and CCA technologies and practices in Kitui and Laikipia counties preferred by women, youth and people living with disabilities. Consider: the various players, the level of adoption, required resources, challenges, their coordination mechanisms and, refer to key best practices if any.
  2. Interrogate County Plans from the two target counties for CSA, CCA and their gender responsiveness and, develop practical guidelines and protocols for the alignment of the national CSA and CCA policies and regulations in the CIDPs.
  3. Develop practical guidelines and strategies for CSA gender mainstreaming.
  4. Train the technical staff in the county institutions in using the guidelines for alignment of the CSA and CCA in the CIDPs and in mainstreaming gender in CSA.

Expected Deliverables

The expected deliverables in this consultancy include:

  1. An inception report with detailed methodology and approaches that will be used in the delivery of this consultancy as well as timelines,
  2. A mapping report of all the CSA and CCA technologies and practices in Kitui and Laikipia counties preferred by women
  3. A report on CSA and CCA gender strengthening areas in the County plans
  4. Comprehensive guidelines, Strategies and protocol for gender responsive CSA and CCA policies and regulations in the CIDPs,
  5. A validation and dissemination workshop for county technical staff on the application of the guidelines and strategies in b in Kitui and Laikipia counties,
  6. A final consultancy reports.

Applicant’s Eligibility Criteria

  • The lead consultant(s) must have at least a degree in a relevant area such as Gender, Agriculture, Natural Resources and climate change, Education and Curricular Development, Policy and Planning.
  • Demonstrated experience in climate smart agricultural processes, climate change adaptation, community development, gender mainstreaming, the development of guidelines, training, good communication and participatory facilitation skills
  • Proven record in the development of guidelines or engagement in such work. Attach sample work,
  • A good understanding of national and county planning, policy and strategy making processes,
  • A good understanding of the coordination mechanisms between the national and the county governments
  • An understanding of the local context: preferably have experience of work done in the three target counties and/or similar socio-economic counties.
  • A minimum of five years of experience in consultancy.
Application Procedure

Interested candidates should send their CV and Expression of interest, including a financial pricing plan (maximum 8 pages) to by 25th October 2021.

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