Consultancy to Structure and Design a Humanitarian Affairs Unit and Undertaking Market Analysis on its Value add to the Region/RPU Programs

International multilateral aid has been at the forefront of humanitarian crisis for the last 50 years. During this time the sector has institutionalized and professionalized resulting in the entrenchment of power dynamics that favor actors based in the Global North. Having recognized this Save the Children’s Regional Programming Unit (RPU) in East and Southern Africa wants to invest in a partnership that focuses on internal and external critical reflection that complements the Eurocentric dominance of current sectorial research. Rather than considering transformation as an existential threat to the status quo, a position that is arguably perpetuated by echo-chamber recycling mythologies, the RPU wants to further expand the range of gazes to ensure the perspectives and voices of Global South expertise can influence Save the Children and the broader sector. As the sector goes through a fundamental period of uncertainty, INGOs fearful of challenge to their identity and relevance are in a change or be changed moment. To this end, the RPU is seeking a partnership with a regional academic, or think tank entity who specializes in critical reflection and analytical research on the study of humanitarianism to create a space for practitioner-based reflection through a global south lens. The partnership can then harness the access Save the Children enjoys to global north dialogues with a view to disrupting the narrative.

We’re seeking a consultancy for 2 months to help identify and negotiate an equal partnership and design the structure of the joint Humanitarian Affairs Unit.

Background Information

ESARO-Regional Programming Unit, through the DANIDA Hum Program will be pioneering Humanitarian Partnership in the Region in 2022 -2025 framework agreement. 25% of the total funding under the next DANIDA Lot Hum Framework will be implemented through a local partner. This is in line with the organization humanitarian ambition and priorities for 2022 – 2024 which include Localization agenda and shifting the power to the national and local actors. DANIDA also aims to facilitate sharing capacity between Save the Children and local partners, and increasing focus on shifting the power to children and communities through the transfer funds, ownership and leadership to local partner organizations, local civil society networks and informal civil society groupings in the global South.

Purpose and Objective of the consultancy

The purpose of the consultancy is to develop a concept note that outlines an initial structure of the proposed Humanitarian Affairs Unit, including a favoring of the unit being hosted by the partner agency.

Objectives for the HAU consultancy

  1. Identify and negotiate a partnership with a research or think tank entity within the East and Southern Africa region.
  2. With the partner, facilitate a design workshop for the Humanitarian Affairs Unit to harmonize views and ideas from key stakeholders and identify the niche space a HAU can occupy.
  3. Undertake market analysis on Humanitarian research opportunities in the Region focusing on the demand/consumption of the research produced and the value add in identifying existing gaps in the academic and thought leadership space.


Interested candidates are requested to submit:

  • Short proposal (incl. proposed methods and support needs)
  • Work Plan for the planned work
  • Budget


  1. An HAU business model/ structure that can be operationalized to fit well with the RPU.
  2. Strategy and work-plan for the partner to implement localization research and advocacy work.
  3. A consultancy narrative Report detailing the process and approaches used, key experience, key learnings and recommendation to RPU for similar future assignment2 Design workshops for RPU and a partner.

End notes:

Save the Children (SC) is the world’s leading independent organization for children, underpinned by vision, a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation.

Save the Children (SCI), through DANIDA funding, is running a four year (2018-2021) Regional humanitarian project. The second phase of the DANIDA Framework will be commencing in 2022 and will be running for another 4 years till 2025. The project focuses on Building Resilience of Children, Families and Communities Affected by Conflict, Climate Change and Migration. The core target groups are children, families, youth and communities affected by conflict, climate change and/or migration. The project seeks to strengthen three main outcome areas, namely:

  1. Child Protection in Emergencies (CPiE)- Regional mechanisms, CSOs and national governments provide inclusive protection services for vulnerable girls, boys and young men and women in the HoA, in particular MPHSS and FTR services
  2. Education in Emergencies (EiE)- Education Clusters in HoA promote the participation of local civil society in life-saving humanitarian assistance, and national sector planning processes.
  3. Humanitarian assistance – Save the Children and partners provide life-saving programming to affected communities in the Horn of Africa, through: effective Emergency Preparedness Plans that facilitate fast and efficient responses and increased capacity to undertake analysis of humanitarian dynamics.

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