Consultancy for the Induction of St. John Ambulance of Kenya Board Council Members on Board Governance Policies and Best Practices

Background and Rationale

Kenya is subject to recurrent, cyclical, and erratic disasters characterized as natural (climatological, hydrological, biological, and the like) or man-made (technological, social, chemical, and the like). When disasters occur in Kenya, local actors are the first to respond. However, these local actors are undermined by gaps and shortcomings within the Kenya Disaster Response System.

As such, Johanniter International Assistance (JIA), and three local NGO first responders – The Rural Agency for Community Development and Assistance (RACIDA), St. Johns Ambulance of Kenya, and Merti-Integrated Development Program (MID-P) (hereafter referred to as the consortium members) – commissioned a systemic analysis of Kenya’s Disaster Response System to identify key areas for investment and capacity building. The analysis revealed several categories of barriers that hinder effective service delivery by first responders in Kenya, which relate to policy, legal and institutional frameworks, structures and systems, resources and community/public awareness.

Based on these gaps, the consortium is investment to strengthen the capacity of the three nationals first responders (RACIDA, St. Johns Ambulance of Kenya, and MID-P) to accomplish the following: a) increase their technical capacity; b) improve their in-country fundraising capacity for timely intervention; c) increase their public recognition and accountability; d) share and develop the “Knowledge Products” of first responders, i.e. share and document best practices to better learn from successes and failures. The project will coordinate their activities with other actors such as the police, the County Steering Committees, the Northern Frontier Alliance in ASAL, etc. to avoid duplication, exploit synergies and ensure the transmission of relevant information.

The direct beneficiaries of the project are staff of the three consortium members, i.e. RACIDA, St. John Ambulance and MID-P whose technical, advocacy and fundraising capacities will be strengthened, as well as selected members of the County/National ASAL Forums and the County Steering Group.

As per the proposal, the consortium members have selected governance as the capacity area to be strengthened in the first year of implementation. The purpose is to provide capacity development for the board/council members on leadership and governance, monitoring governance, strategy audit risk and compliance among others.

Board Council Member’s Induction Consultancy Objectives.

Overall Objective

Improve the governance of St. Johns priory council and ensure that Board Members are well-informed to execute their roles and responsibilities.

Specific Objectives

  1. Training of board members on priory council charter/governance manual that clearly defines.
  • Committees and oversight responsibility;
  • Knowledge on compliance, transparency, and disclosure;
  • Importance of over-sighting board secretariat for its effectiveness
  • Separation of roles
  • Board and committees’ performance measurement mechanisms.

Outputs and Deliverables

The consultant shall deliver the following:

  1. An inception report that details the methodology to be undertaken and the approach that the consultant will employ.
  2.  A three day board induction training that ensures board members have a thorough and deep understanding of the priory council charter/governance manual.
  3. A final report of the training that include the following:
  • Methodology employed by the consultant;
  • List of those in attendance;
  • Pre and Post training test analysis quantifying improvements in the knowledge of board members vis-à-vis St. John governance structure, board documentation and best practices for board management and engagement in St. John.

Expected methodology

Consultants are encouraged to propose their own methodologies for the completion of the assignment. However, RACIDA and St. John suggest that the methodology adhere to the following steps:

  • Half day for review of board governance documents (provided by St. John)
  • Half day for an inception meeting with the senior management of St. John, including but not limited to the CEO, the Head of Business Development, and relevant members of the board.
  • One day for preparation of training materials and submission of inception report.
  • Three day board training.
  • Pre and Post Survey

It is recommended that the consultant do not submit a methodology that exceed four days of engagement, as per section 5.

Duration of Assignment

The consultant should be available to start work in September 2021 and should plan on completing the assignment within four working days.

Qualifications and Experience of Consultant

The independent consultant/consultancy firm must demonstrate experience and expertise as follows:

  • Master’s degree in Business Administration, Law, leadership and governance, or other areas of relevance to this consultancy.
  • Understanding complex governance issues and show how he/she have helped clients navigate a change in governance structure.
  • Evidence of developing effective systems including all governance documents, policies and processes for decision making and monitoring and executing trainings on the same.
  • Ability to evaluate the functions of management and the board.
  • Consultant must be able to communicate effectively with boards and management in addressing governance issues.

Evaluation Criteria:

Consultant Academic and Professional Qualification – 20%

Master’s degree in Business Administration, leadership and governance, or other areas of relevance to this consultancy.

Consultant Prior Work Experience – 35%

  • Master’s degree in Business Administration, leadership and governance, public administration or other areas of relevance to this consultancy.
  • Understanding complex governance issues and show how he/she have helped clients navigate a change in governance structure.
  • Evidence of developing effective systems including all governance documents, policies and processes for decision making and monitoring.
  • Ability to evaluate the functions of management and the board.
  • consultants must be able to communicate effectively with boards and management in addressing governance issues.

Methodology/Approach – 35%

Understanding of the terms of reference that includes:

  • Outline of methodology and approach of implementing this assignment.
  • Proposed assignment plan that includes clear timelines for the assignment that demonstrates the understanding of the assignment expectation.
  • Sample of at least of 3 knowledge products developed and disseminated that are relevant to the assignment.
  • Detailed financial proposal and budget breakdown based on expected daily rates and initial work plan. The budget should be inclusive of all costs required to complete the activities, such as logistics.

Technical Proposal Maximum 15 pages

Language and analytical skills – 10%

  • Strong analytical and information presentation skills
  • Fluency in English is mandatory.
  • Designing training plans and modules based on individual and organizational needs
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, including the ability to communicate and work with a wide range of stakeholders in a participatory, respectful, collaborative manner, and to enhance effective work relationships.
  • Commitment to team building and a consensus-led approach to work.

Only consultants scoring 75% or above will be invited to participate in the next round of procurement: presentation of technical bids.

How to apply

1. Application requirement

  1.  Technical proposal detailing understanding of the task, proposed methodologies of the consultancy, expected activities and deliverables (Must be submitted in PDF format).
  2. Financial proposal submitted in KES and not any other currency. The financial proposal should indicate only the professional fees required to complete the assignment. The training venue and catering will be the responsibility of RACIDA to provide.
  3. Detailed CVs of al professional(s)who will work on the Consultancy Assignment.
  4. If applying as a firm, the consultant must provide Certificate of Incorporation/Business Registration
  5. If applying as a firm, the consultant must submit a valid tax compliance certificate.
  6. The firm/individual consultant shall not be sanctioned or blacklisted by any government or institution.

Professional references: Please provide at least 3 references from your previous clients and full contact details of the referees.

2. Required Documentation

Mandatory Eligibility Requirement

  • Must be an Individual/ Registered firm consultant
  • Must submit CV of Key Personnel
  • If applying as a firm, the consultant must provide certificate of Incorporation/ Business Registration
  • The firm/individual consultant shall not be sanctioned or blacklisted by any government or institution.
  • If applying as a firm, the consultant must submit a valid tax compliance certificate

3. Technical Evaluation Criteria

  • Consultant Academic and Professional Qualification-20%
  • Consultant’s Prior Work Experience- 35%
  • Methodology/Approach- 35%
  • Language and analytical skills -10%

NB. The minimum technical score shall be 75%. There will be no financial negotiations, as per The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) guidelines.

4. Guidance for Submission

Interested applicants should submit their complete application to RACIDA General Procurement at the following email address by the closing date of 1st October 2021 before 5:00 PM East Africa Time. Applications received after the deadline will not be considered.

Any questions can be submitted to

For full documents:

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