Provision of Consultancy Services to Develop Communication Products of the RPU Strategy 2022- 2024 Process

Save the Children is the leading independent organization for children working in over 120 countries around the world. The vision of the organization is a world in which every child attains the right to survival, protection, development and participation. The Regional Programming Unit’s (RPU) over-arching goal for the period 2019 – 2021 is to ensure regional accountability for child rights, with the aim that children in the East and Southern Africa Region (ESAR) are safe and protected. The RPU is undertaking its Strategic Planning process for the next strategic period 2022- 2024 and it is felt that the Unit’s work is more centrally placed within the Global and Regional strategies which offers opportunity for greater connection with the broader organization, members and possibly donor. It is however critical to create products out of the current CSP process that communicate the value add of the Unit and explicitly showcase opportunities for partnership.

Purpose of the Consultancy

The purpose of the consultancy will be to evaluate the needs of the Unit in terms of communicating our CSP for both internal and external audiences. The range of communication products can be varied including those that can be used in print and social media. The key uses of the products will be to;

  • Share internally with COs, Members and Global teams to promote our strategy in a relatable.
  • Share with current and potential donors showcasing areas of potential of support and partnerships.

Alongside this, the consultancy will review current Fundraising products including

(1) Thematic Briefs

(2) RPU Capacity Statement and

(3) Master PowerPoint slides and review them with a view to update and ensure their formatting & messaging is consistent and effective.

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Responsibility of Save the Children.
  • Develop the TOR and draw the contract for consultancy services for the assignment.
  • Provide required technical and advisory assistance during the entire assignment including access to necessary stakeholders, holding regular briefing meeting and ensuring consultant has necessary background documentation, branding guidelines for their reference.
  • Mobilize and schedule visits/meetings with various staff to participate in the activities as agreed.
  • Cover the costs of the consultants as per the contractual agreement including transport and facilitation fees for the various services.
  • Review and provide final approval to the Consultant’s work plans.
  • Approve the final consultancy outputs.
  • Process payment to consultant upon completion of all deliverables as per the agreed payment schedule outlined in the contract.
  1. Responsibility of the Consultant(s)

The consultant(s) will assume the overall responsibility for designing, delivering and reporting on the assignment within the terms of reference.

The Consultant(s) shall:

  1. Undertake a rapid review of the RPU’s Comms needs related to its need to communicate its CSP 2022 – 2023 Strategic and Fundraising programming. The review will provide consultant with solid understanding of the RPU’s overall objectives for the consultancy information needs, audience analysis and make a recommendation for what is most strategic.
  2. Develop a work plan to define how to deliver the required outcomes of the consultancy according to the schedule of the pilot activities – will include development, review and sign off of the final products.
  3. Carry out an orientation session with the key stakeholders within the Unit and ESA RO.
  4. Develop a final report documenting the process for the consultancy and recommendations for the RPU on how to ensure uptake and use of the comms products.

Contracting and Reporting

By responding to this TOR the applicant agrees to be responsible for fully understanding the requirements of the document. Save the Children International reserves the right to reject any or all responses to the TOR, to advertise for new responses, or to accept any TOR response deemed to be in the best interests of the organization and what it stands for. Acceptance of this TOR should not be construed as a contract nor shall indicate any commitment on the part of Save the Children for any future action.

The TOR does not commit Save the Children to pay for any costs incurred in the submission of a response to this TOR or for any cost incurred prior to the execution of a final contract. Save the Children does not pay pitch fees to the bidders

Shortlisted applicants will be contracted by Save the Children International for interviews after which the successful firm will be selected. The successful candidate will report to Save the Children International

Duration/Timeline and Budget

The proposed consultancy days shall be divided as follows:

Consultancy Activities

  • Entry meeting, assignment scoping and pre research-(3 working days)
  • Conducing rapid review of RPU’s CSP 2022- 2024 communications needs and develop a work plan for the assignment  (including review and agreement on the plan)-(6 working days)
  • Working with focal points to produce communications products for (1) popularization of the CSP 2022-2024 (2) RPU Thematic brief (3) Capacity Statement and (4)RPU Master powerpoint slide.-(10 working days)
  • Carrying out staff review and orientation session on comms products-(2 working days)
  • Develop a final report and recommendations for future programming-(2 working days)
  • Final report and debrief meeting-(1working days)

Consultant’s Skills and Experience

The Consultant will need to have;

  • Extensive working with remote, international teams and ensuring that that they continue to deliver under lockdown and other constraining circumstances.
  • Strong experience in communications, media and advertising providing strategic and compelling product that are contextually relevant.
  • Strong experience working with NGOs to adapt in similar circumstances and ability to provide tailored and quick solutions as well as strategic long term recommendations in future.
  • Desirable if the consultant has an understanding of Save the Children’s priorities and approaches.
  • Strong analytical skill and technical skills demonstrated. Use of clear work plans to successfully achieve the assignment successfully will be important

The Consultant will be expected to treat as private and confidential any information disclosed to her/him or with which she/he may come into contact during her/his service.  The Consultant will not therefore disclose the same or any particulars thereof to any third party or publish it in any paper without the prior written consent of Save the Children. Any sensitive information (particularly concerning individual children) should be treated as confidential. An agreement with a consultant will be rendered void if Save the Children discovers any corrupt activities have taken place either during the sourcing, preparation and implementation of the consultancy agreement.

Instructions for Submission of Proposal:

Interested qualified individuals or consultancy firms are requested to submit the following by electronic means to the following address  A concept expressing the following information will be useful;

  1. Technical proposal; the proposal should respond to the TORs specifically outlining the following;
  • Company profile
  • A portfolio showing at least three similar assignments with comparable organizations
  • Availability of in house capacity and appropriate skills among staff.
  • Mandatory regulatory compliance includes:
    • Clear physical address
    • Certificate of incorporation
    • PIN certificate
    • VAT certificate
    • Tax compliance

Please note that if you have no proof of the above your tender will not be considered and shall be sealed and returned to the address provided.

  1. Financial proposal; Kindly provide a breakdown of costs and budgets as per the technical specifications above and also provide an explanation on how the same are derived.

Proposals should not exceed a total of 3 pages outlining both technical and financial proposals.

  • Expression of interest and proposals with work plans and budget must be submitted to
  • Deadline: The deadline of submission is 21st September 2021

For all details and online application:

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