Consultancy: Mapping Social and Political Movements in Kenya

About Inuka Inuka Kenya Ni Sisi! is a Kenyan grassroots social movement organization founded in 2009 and registered/incorporated as a Company Limited by Guarantee in 2012. It envisions a peaceful, united and well-governed Kenya with equal economic and social opportunity for all citizens. The organization exists to empower Kenyan citizens to improve their lives and demand good governance as a means to achieve socioeconomic growth and equality of opportunity among all Kenyans. It purposes to curate a social movement (the Ni Sisi! Movement) that will seek to unite Kenyans to forge a collective identity, drive transformation in leadership and improve maisha — wellbeing — for all Kenyans. To this end, Inuka supports community groups/organizations and collaborates with initiatives at the local, national and regional level to build capacity and linkages for effective collective action. Inuka Kenya Ni Sisi!’s philosophy is underpinned by the concept of “dignity before development” — each individual’s inherent dignity must be upheld at all levels of interaction. Inuka Kenya has developed three strategic objectives which, together, will form the basis upon which citizens at the local level will found their efforts to take charge of their citizenship and governance processes. As such, the three objectives are the key pillars that will support the creation of a Ni Sisi! social movement. These three objectives are:

  1. Using technology to disrupt and replace norms and narratives that dehumanize and instrumentalism violence, tribalism and inequality
  2. To build, protect, restore and ensure human dignity, harness collective positive identity, foster trust between citizens and state
  3. To transition to a civic movement through partnerships, collaboration and membership leveraging hopes, aspirations and fears for an activated citizen holding the government to account.


Inuka Kenya Ni Sisi! Ltd would like to engage a consultant/Consultancy firm to identify and document existing movements and people initiatives that have the potential to be coalesced into a collective national movement.;

  1. Map social and political movements in Kenya,
  2. Outline a detailed information matrix consisting name, existence (time, location, membership, status, leadership etc.), objects, achievements/impact in the community of work and outlook of each of the initiatives/movements, and
  3. Advise on the best way of engaging the initiatives, their roles and expectations in the national movement

Scope and Methodology

The Mapping of Movements in Kenya will be a participatory process and will employ both secondary and primary research methodologies. Specifically, this will entail:

  1. Literature Review: This will entail a comprehensive review of the relevant literature and any other information that the Consultant considers important to the mapping exercise.
  2. Primary Data Collection: Primary data collection will be undertaken to collect data and information. The consultant will prepare the data collection tools and share with Inuka for feedback.
  3. Undertake Synthesis and Analysis: Collate, synthesize and analyze both primary and secondary data and information on the Mapping. This will include the use of quantitative and qualitative techniques. The analysis shall also aim at generating critical recommendations on social and political movements in Kenya.
  4. Report Writing: The consultant will compile an interim report detailing findings and providing recommendations.

The consultant is expected to share the data collecting tools for review and comment by Inuka and before proceeding with the data collection and present these in an inception meeting. Thereafter, the consultant shall undertake research and analysis and produce an interim report, comprising the findings. The Interim report shall then be forwarded to INUKA and thereafter disseminated during a validation workshop to be organized by INUKA, to disseminate the findings and receive feedback. Further, the Consultant will analyze the feedback, revise the interim report and prepare a final report, detailing the process and methodology, key findings, lessons learnt and key recommendations as well as answering all the questions in these TORs. Finally, the consultant shall present the main findings and key recommendations to the INUKA team.

Deliverables/Expected Outputs

The expected deliverables of this consultancy are as follows:

  1. Hold/facilitate an Inception meeting.
  2. Draft data collection tools, pretested and revised.
  3. Undertake primary data collection
  4. Data analysis
  5. Interim report
  6. Facilitate validation workshop.
  7. Final report
  8. Present the main findings and key recommendations to the Inuka team

All the materials, information and reports, the output of the end mapping exercise shall be the property of Inuka and the Consultant is bound by Inuka’s confidentiality requirements.

Work Plan and Time Schedule

The Consultant must conclude the entire evaluation exercise by 15th November 2021. Bids for the Consultancy, must include clearly articulated and detailed technical proposal interpreting the TORs, and activities schedule/work plans with clear outputs within specified milestones.

Consultant’s Profile

Inuka seeks to engage the services of qualified and experienced individual consultants/consultancy firms to undertake the exercise.

6.1. Qualifications & Experience The consultants/consultant firms must have the following qualifications and experience:

  1. A relevant degree from a recognized university.
  2. At least ten (10) years of professional experience in the development sector.
  3. Experience in working in Kenya and thorough knowledge of Civil Society sector in Kenya
  4. Demonstrated ability to prepare and present analytical and logical mapping report

Budget and Logistics

The consultant shall submit the proposed budget with broken down costs for particular items, for the assignment, including breakdown and justification.

Submission of proposal/EOI

Based on the above, Inuka is inviting interested parties to submit expressions of interest. Individuals or firms applying shall detail the following:

  • Consultants’ profile and Capability Statement describing the technical capacity and experience of the firm or group of individuals
  • Names and resume of individual(s) or team members proposed and their roles in the achievement of the assignment
  • Testimonials and sample reports of similar assignments taken in the recent past
  • Technical Proposal interpretation the Terms of Reference (TORs)
  • Financial Proposal clearly demonstrating the costs of the consultancy.
  • Detailed implementation plan and time frames.

The assignment will commence on September 15, 2021 and be completed and a final report submitted by November 15, 2021

The proposal shall be sent, in soft to the following emails: and copy

Deadline for submission is September 10th, 2021

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