Consultancy Services Required to Facilitate a Training for Project Implementation Partners of the Ecological Organic Agriculture Initiative in Africa

Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) wishes to recruit an expert to train its Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) project implementing partners on results-based monitoring, evaluation, accountability/reporting, learning and data management. The project has integrated a results-based management (RBM) as a key approach to its project planning, monitoring, evaluation, reporting and learning under an overall M&E framework.

The training will enable the implementing partners to upgrade their knowledge and skills in planning, implementing, monitoring, and reporting on the progress and the results of the projects using the results-based management approach. The training will also give the partners the needed data collection and management skills for analysis and effective reporting.

The project’s overall goal is to contribute to mainstreaming Ecological Organic Agriculture into national agricultural production systems by 2025 to improve agricultural productivity, food security, access to markets and sustainable development in Africa. This is an African Union-led continental undertaking currently implemented in nine countries (Rwanda, Benin, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Nigeria, Senegal, Tanzania, and Uganda). It is implemented under the guidance and oversight of the AU chaired Continental Steering Committee (CSC) to establish an African organic farming platform based on available best practices; and to develop sustainable organic farming systems and improve seed quality. Based on its 10-year Strategic Plan (2015-2025), its mission is to promote ecologically sound strategies and practices among diverse stakeholders involved in production, processing, marketing, and policy making to safeguard the environment, improve livelihoods, alleviate poverty, and guarantee food
security among farmers in Africa.

Biovision Africa Trust (BvAT) is one of the leading organizations working with other partners and networks to support the development and growth of EOA Initiative in Africa. BvAT is a not-for-profit organization established in Kenya in 2009 and is in the campus of the International Centre of Insect Physiology and Ecology (icipe) in Nairobi.

Objectives of the Assignment

BvAT would like to engage an expert consultant in the field of effective training in results-based approaches and data management of projects. The training will equip the implementing partners with the requisite knowledge and skills to plan, implement, monitor and report using the RBM approach.

About the training

The training will be a comprehensive and practical training that covers the principles and practices for results-based monitoring, evaluation, accountability/reporting and learning for the entire project life cycle. It will equip participants with skills in setting up and implementing results-based monitoring and evaluation systems including M&E data management, analysis, and reporting. The participants will be trained on the latest M&E thinking and practices in RBM. The training will be designed to enable the participants become experts in monitoring and evaluating their projects. The course should cover all the key elements of a robust M&E system coupled with a practical project to illustrate the M&E concepts.

Training duration

Total duration = 14 days as follows:

  • 10 days on training (5 days for Eastern Africa partners and 5 days for West African partners).
  • 4 days material and programme preparation

Course Content

The consultant will be expected to derive appropriate content including:

  • Development of project result levels
  • Designing a project using logical framework
  • Developing indicators and targets for each result level
  • Tracking performance indicators over the life of the project
  • Evaluation of a project against the set results
  • Developing and implementing M&E systems
  • Developing a comprehensive monitoring and evaluation plan
  • Using data analysis software (Stata/SPSS/R)
  • Collecting data using mobile data collection tools (KOBO TOOL)
  • Carrying out impact evaluation
  • Using GIS to analyse and share project data
  • Results reporting.

Scope of Consultancy

Specifically, this assignment will undertake the following tasks, among others:

  1. Facilitate a 14-day training (5 days each in Eastern and West Africa: 4 days of material and programme preparation) on robust results-based management and data management training for EOA-I Implementing partners.
  2. The training will encompass the following:
    1. A needs assessment process with results submitted to Biovision Africa Trust 5 days ahead of the training.
    2. Development of training materials and course outline in consultation with Biovision Africa Trust 5 days ahead of the training.
    3. Undertaking the training.
    4. A post training evaluation assessment and report with recommendations for future trainings.

Expected deliverables/Outputs

The expected key outputs of the assignment are:

  1. A well-executed and delivered training (5 days each region)
  2. Final approved report of both trainings (in Eastern Africa and West Africa) which, among others, will include the following:
    1. Further identified training gaps
    2. Recommended mode of training
  3. A catalogue of training materials compiled and shared with the partners in the form of a booklet.

Time Frame

It is expected that the assignment will be undertaken within a period of 20 days between the months of September and October 2021.

Required skills and experience

A consultant or a team of consultants with the team leader meeting the following main qualifications
and requirements:

  1. The team leader with a master’s degree in any of the following social science fields: Business development, M&E, project planning and management, agricultural sciences or any other relevant field.
  2. The team leader with at least 5 years’ experience undertaking MERL functions for multi country donor funded programs or projects.
  3. Team leader with at least 3 years undertaking M&E trainings in the development sector with key focus in the agriculture sector.
  4. A deep understanding of the monitoring, evaluation, reporting and learning (MERL) system with key focus on results based monitoring and evaluation approaches.
  5. A team member with a good understanding of project data management for monitoring and evaluation.
  6. At team member having undertaken at least 3 trainings in the development sector in RMB approaches will be a must.

Background Materials

Various materials will be useful to this task including but not limited to:

  • EOA Strategic Plan (2015-2025) and EOA Action Plan (2015-2020).
  • SDC Project Documents (for the period 2019-2023).
  • SDC Evaluation Grid and SDC End of Phase Report requirements.
  • EOA-I Baseline study report
  • EOA-I External Evaluation Report (2018).
  • EOA-I Phase II M&E Framework.
  • Annual technical reports for 2019-2020

How to apply

Interested candidates should submit the following:

  1. Technical proposal covering the following components:
    1. An understanding of the assignment based on the TOR
    2. Proposed methodology for conducting the assignment
    3. A work plan detailing activities.
    4. Relevant similar assignments.
    5. Team composition and roles of proposed team members.
  2. Financial proposal showing the total cost of the consultancy (including costing of each member of the team, man-days for each team member), travel and other costs linked to this assignment.
  3. Detailed curriculum vitae of the consultant(s) to be involved in the assignment, with relevant supporting documents (including detailed work experience, education/degrees, and details of similar assignments)

If you believe you can undertake this consultancy and can clearly demonstrate your ability to meet the indicated qualifications, then submit your expression of interest with the above-mentioned documents to by close of business 10th September 2021.

Full TOR:

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