Consultancy Services Required for Trauma Healing and Counselling Training

The American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) is a Quaker organization that includes people of various faiths who are committed to shift the mindsets that prioritize militarized approaches over peaceful and people-centered solutions, promotes sustainable economic systems that benefit everyone, rather than those that favor the wealthy and exacerbate inequality and environmental crises and challenges forced displacement and champions the dignity and rights of all people on the move. With a vision of A just, peaceful, and sustainable world free of violence, inequality, and oppression and a mission Guided by the Quaker belief in the divine light of each person, AFSC works with communities and partners worldwide to challenge unjust systems and promote lasting peace. As such AFSC respects the equality, worth, and dignity of all people and regard no one as her enemy, seek right relationship with all life on a sustainable Earth, accepts that AFSC’s understanding of truth is incomplete and seek ever deeper insights from lived experiences, AFSC trusts the Spirit to guide discernment of her collective actions. AFSC asserts the transforming power of love and active nonviolence as a force for justice and reconciliation.

Somali Program

AFSC believes that young people can positively transform the prevailing context of violent conflicts in Somalia into a more secure, productive, and just place. Consequently, AFSC is implementing a Peace-building program in Somalia targeting the youth, with the approaches of empowering them with peacebuilding, leadership, advocacy, and livelihood skills. The livelihood skills are meant to empower them to earn sustainable incomes and avoid the vulnerability of recruitment by violent militia groups. The peacebuilding and leadership skills are to empower them to take leading roles in peace-building activities in their localities.

Thus, to help support AFSC partners and youth participants in the Somalia Program to heal from their trauma, AFSC is planning to conduct a three-day training on Trauma Healing and counselling. The consultant will be expected to provide impactful training on Trauma and counselling to ten (10) participants who have experienced traumatic events including war, rape and other forms of violence, in order to build their resilience, and acquire better coping mechanisms. The consultant will be expected to equip the project partners with practical skills and knowledge on how to implement expressive trauma healing events in a post conflict environment. The skills and knowledge are geared towards transformation of the youth to enable them to rebuild their lives and make more constructive choices on being involved in the peacebuilding and peaceful coexistence processes.

The objective of the workshop are as follows:

  • To conduct a three (3) day training on Trauma Healing and Counselling for AFSC Somalia program Partners.
  • To equip AFSC program partner staff with Trauma Healing skills and knowledge that discourages a cycle of violence among community members.
  • To help program partner staff understand how to manage their own trauma and effectively support trauma healing of program youths’ participants.
  • To inspire the Somalia Program Partner staff to practice selfcare skills and pass the same to the youth program participants
  • Help Program partners to recognize PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) and how to effectively deal with it.

The consultant is expected to respond to the ToR with a technical and financial proposal describing how he / she will undertake the Trauma Healing and Counselling training.

Expected Deliverables.

  • Deliver an effective training that enables AFSC program Partner staff to cascade their learnings.
  • Provide the training participants with a resource materials / package for reference.
  • A detailed training report showcasing the training outputs, outcomes, and recommendations to AFSC on how to advance this aspect of programming.

Applicant Requirements

The consultant or team should have.

  • A bachelor’s degree in Psychology, Counselling, Social work, or any other relevant Social Science.
  • Minimum five years of hands-on experiences in conducting Trauma Healing and Counselling trainings.
  • Knowledge of psychosocial support, trauma healing and counselling in conflict or post conflict environments
  • A good understanding of violent extremism particularly in Somalia context
  • Knowledge of Somalia’s socio-political and historical narratives that often drive marginalization and conflicts
  • Conducting Psychosocial support, trauma healing or counselling for vulnerable and or at-risk individuals of violence
  • Undertaking psychosocial, trauma healing and counselling trainings
  • Conducting trainings in conflict prone, fragile or post conflict areas.
  • Excellent oral and written English
  • Be flexible, responsive to changes and demands and open to feedback

How to apply

All interested trainers are asked to submit their technical proposal, Assignment delivery plan, Methodology and financial proposal showing how they wish to carry out the assignment, as well as the 3 references (one being on the most recent assignment) to below contacts by close of business on Friday 9th July 2021.

The Country Representative – Somalia

P.O. Box 66448 – 00800 Nairobi, Kenya

Or email:

The AFSC is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer

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