Consultancy: Documentation of Project Achievement, Strategies/Best Practices and Challenges

FEMNET continues to be intentional in influencing decisions made at national, regional and global levels, constantly ensuring African women voices are amplified and their needs, priorities and aspirations are prioritized in key policy dialogues and outcomes that have direct and indirect impact on their lives. FEMNET has established her niche as a nucleus serving to mobilize African women and girls to lobby and advocate for the domestication and implementation of commitments made by African governments to the advancement of gender equality and realization of women’s rights. Such commitments include the global and continental declarations on gender equality and women’s rights that African governments are signatories to such as the Convention on the Elimination of All forms of Discrimination against Women and Girls (CEDAW), Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA), ICPD Program of Action, and the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development (SDGs) at the global level and the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights on the Rights of Women in Africa (Maputo Protocol) at the regional level.

About the project

Data Driven Advocacy is a two-year project implemented under the umbrella of FEMNET by GROOTS Kenya and FOWODE in Uganda in partnership with EM2030 (EM2030 connects data with advocacy for gender equality by ensuring girls’ & women’s movements, advocates and decision makers have easy-to-use data & evidence to guide efforts to reach SDGs through the use of innovate tools such as the SDG Gender Index and online platform with data and stories, technology for data management and visualization for use by advocates). The project is in its final year of implementation and will come to completion in November 2021.

FEMNET is providing funding, capacity strengthening & technical support, to GROOTS in Kenya & FOWODE in Uganda to power data and evidence informed advocacy to fuel progress towards gender equality during implementation, follow up & review of SDGs. The project is intended to reach 2749 primary beneficiaries & 150,000 secondary beneficiaries, since the project linked to global and regional influencing with stakeholders / audiences drawn from FEMNET membership across Africa.

This project primarily focuses on the policy advocacy and specifically policy & budget reforms and improved service delivery, and with strong emphasis on the enabling environment: building women’s leadership and capacity, safe spaces, network building, and cross-movement building. The outcomes of these pathways also involved community mobilization and campaigns and the empowerment of women’s and girls’ initiatives to build assets, awareness of rights, and access to land, education, and skills, each of which is a focus of the two partner organizations.

The project is working with advocates and policy makers across the 2 countries, in the following regions: Kenya: National focus with deep dive and specific focus in Kakamega, Laikipia, Nakuru counties and in Uganda: National focus with deep dive and specific focus in Eastern Uganda (Busia district), and Western Uganda (Masindi District)

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this documentation is documenting FEMNETS success stories, strategies used and how they are contributing/impeding the successful realization of the impact. The documentation shall provide an in-depth analysis of the best cases as well capture areas of improvement. The consultant will be required to review the progress made in achievement of the project indicators and targets. The documentations will be presented as compelling narratives with active voices of direct participants and implementing partners. Short videos will also be required. The consultant will be required to identify lessons learnt and best practices as well as capture clear photos where applicable.

Objectives of Assignment

Specifically, the success/impact stories will highlight the following.

  • The impact of the project in ensuring use of data in policy and advocacy in Kenya and Uganda.
  • Concepts, strategies and or approaches used in designing and implementing the most successful and outstanding initiatives of the program.
  • The changes / outcomes, (both intended and unintended) with practical examples, that have occurred during the program implementation period.
  • Strategies/approaches that works best, what did not work best and recommendations on how best to improve and replicate them in other programming.
  • Lessons learnt and how these can shape the continuing implementation of the project and future similar data advocacy projects.
  • Conduct an analysis of progress made toward the achievement of project indicators and targets.

Scope of Work and Terms of Reference

The documentation entails conducting a comprehensive feminist analysis of the impacts of the project in Kenya and Uganda. The documentation will also propose some promising practices that can be maintained and replicated or scaled up by FEMNET, her members and partners for future project interventions that seek to advance data driven policy work. The documentation will combine stories and voices of FEMNETs partner organizations and direct beneficiaries from the two countries that participated in the project with results based on official reports and accounts of technical staff from FEMNET and the two lead partner organizations. These impact stories and lived experiences will be shared with policy makers, funding partners and will be made available on FEMNETs’ official website.


The exercise will involve desk review of project reports, project proposal, log frame, MEAL plan, Baseline report and other secondary related documents related to the project to analyze factors that (positively or negatively) influenced the achievement or non-achievement of results/outcomes.

Discussions with project team to identify and agree on the potential storylines/concepts/strategies/approaches to be documented.

Site visits/online discussions/interviews in the two targeted countries and respective regions.

Conduct key informant interviews (KIIs) with FEMNET technical staff on this project.

Conduct KIIs/FGDs with implementing partners in Kenya and Uganda GROOTS and FOWODE, respectively.

Key Deliverables and Outputs

  • An inception report demonstrating understanding of the tasks in the ToR and how you propose to accomplish the required tasks including tools and methodology/approach.
  • A high-quality information pack/ report (not more than 20 pages) of:
  • success stories, impact stories, Case studies.
  • The opportunities, gaps, challenges, and lessons learnt with a focus on implementation and the ways of working between the partnerships.
  • Strategies/best practices of delivery of this project by FEMNET and the partner organizations.
  • Document the unintended outcomes and emerging opportunities.
  • Any relevant insights, innovations, and recommendations.
  • An 8-minute Video about the key highlights of the project (One FEMNET Staff, two partner representatives, 2 direct participants)

Required Qualification, Skills and Competencies

The Consultant(s) should demonstrate the relevant qualifications, skills and competencies to deliver on this assignment.  FEMNET expects that the Consultant will have the following:

  • Hold a Masters’ Degree from a recognized university in a relevant field such as Journalism and Communication, Development Studies, Gender and Development, Social sciences, Monitoring and Evaluation or equivalent.
  • At least five years of professional experience in investigative and human impact story writing, preferably on data driven policy advocacy and influencing Governance issues.
  • The consultant should espouse Pan African Feminist values
  • Working knowledge of Feminist approaches to development
  • Strong research skills and ability to analyze and synthesize relevant information and develop highly analytical reports.
  • High sense of journalistic ethics and in-depth understanding of human right issues.
  • Excellent written oral and communication skills (English).
  • Ability and availability to start work immediately.
  • Strong understanding of safeguarding and committed to uphold safeguarding with the highest standards.

Duration of Assignment

The assignment is for 1.5 Months.

Selection of Consultant

The consultant shall be contracted by FEMNET. The contract will include Withholding Tax (WHT) deduction in line with laws of contracting where FEMNET is headquartered. A WHT certificate will be issued to the consultant. Payment will be done through bank transfer to the consultant bank account. FEMNET will not meet the costs of bank charges. Payment schedule will be agreed upon with the consultant upon successful selection. In case of team/firm applicants, a designated assignment contract manager will be the contact between FEMNET and the team and responsible for all deliverables.

Application Process

Interested applicants should send the following:

  1. Technical Proposal should be no more than 6-pages and include:
  • Cover letter to express interest and confirmation of availability to undertake assignment in period stated.
  • Understanding of the Terms of Reference.
  • Approach and Methodology that demonstrates how the consultant will undertake the assignment.
  • Work plan indicating number of days for each task, and clear deliverables (use Gantt Chart) and allocation of consultant’s tasks during the assignment.
  • Content and outline of the Final Report
  • Summary profile demonstrating background of consultant(s), attach CVs separately.
  • Contact information (email and cell phone number).
  1. Financial Proposal should include:
  • Professional fees
  • Value Added Tax rates, as applicable.
  • Withholding Tax rates, as applicable
  1. References

A Demonstration of relevant experience in undertaking similar work is required. The consultant(s) shall:

  • Attach the Executive Summary of any previous similar assignment/documentation.
  • Provide name, designation and contact details of at least one referee from a previous, similar assignment.

Applications are by e-mail only, sent to: Please indicate the reference on the subject line as FNT/EOI/39/2021Impact Documentation-DDA Project. Deadline for submission of applications is on 5th July 2021

For details:

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