Global Youth Take Action Projects

This call for projects has been designed to identify, encourage, and support youth engagement related to water resources management and climate change adaptation. More specifically this call for projects aims to support initiatives regarding water & health, water & agriculture, water-related risks, and water sharing working towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) 6 and 13.


The main objective of this call for projects is to support the implementation of youth-led initiatives related to sustainable water resources management and climate change adaptation and to enhance the young leaders’ capacities as actors of change in the water and climate sector.


The call for projects is structured around 4 main interlinked themes all related to water resources management and climate change.

Admissible projects must cover one or several of these themes:

  1. Water and health: Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) emergency response, good sanitation and hygiene habits to protect their health, (e.g., health and water campaigns), water-borne diseases solutions, water availability, quality, and quantity for domestic uses, low-cost technology to ensure safe water quality, implementation and monitoring of sustainable sanitation systems, etc.
  2. Water and agriculture: can be related to food safety, irrigation, drought issues, rainwater harvesting, storm water management for irrigation, adaptation, and management of variation in precipitation, low-cost technologies regarding agriculture and irrigation, sustainable agriculture practices, etc.
  3. Water-related risks: can be related to climate change risk management, climate change adaptation plan, recovery, and response to natural disasters such as storms, floods, and drought, etc.
  4. Sharing water: can be related to trans-boundary cooperation, watershed management, water & peace, sharing water between different needs (domestic, agricultural, industrial), sharing a source of water between villages and industries, integrated water resources management, etc.


To be eligible, participants and their project must correspond to the following criteria:

  • The project or project leaders cannot have received financial and technical support through a previous YWC call for projects.
  • The project must be conceived, led and implemented by youth aged between 18 and 35;
  • Project implementation must respect local public health rules and regulations regarding the current pandemic and must not increase the level of risks for project leaders and communities;
  • Project leaders must have project management experience;
  • Project leaders from every part of the world are eligible;
  • Projects from low- and middle-income countries, projects targeting indigenous communities, projects led by young women and projects targeting women will be prioritized;
  • The project must be sustainable; projects tackling socio-economic as well as environmental challenges will be prioritized;
  • The project must address at least one of the four themes;
  • Youth participation must be included across all aspects of the project;
  • Projects must have a direct local impact on vulnerable communities;
  • Can be a new or ongoing project;
  • The project can be submitted in French, English, Russian or Spanish;
  • The project leaders must be fluent in French, English, Russian or Spanish.

How to Apply

1) Prepare a short project presentation video (max. 3 minutes) in which must clearly state the following five main points to which you must respond positively:

  • Youth inclusion and leadership: Is the project conceived, led and implemented by young people? Is youth participation included across all aspects of the project? Are women and/or indigenous communities involved in the project?
  • Relevance of the problem: What is the problem that you are tackling? What is the link between the problem and the water and climate nexus? Which is the chosen community to tackle this problem? How relevant is the issue in the chosen community? Does the problem impact vulnerable communities?
  • Relevance of the solution: What is the solution that you are offering? What is the project title? Does the project appear meaningful in terms of issues to be addressed and could it achieve real change? What are the project objectives?
    • Innovation: Does the project have ‘thinking outside the box’ elements? Is the project multidisciplinary in nature?
    • Local partnership and multi-stakeholder integration: Do the project consider stakeholders’ and actors’ involvement?
    • Finance: Is the project financially feasible?
    • Implementation: How practical is the implementation of the project? Does the implementation plan appear credible and adapted to the ambitions set out for the project? Does the implementation plan respect local public health rules and regulations regarding the current pandemic?
  • Sustainability: How sustainable is the project and its ability for future adaptation? Is the project environmentally friendly? Is it possible to upscale or replicate the project? Which Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) are impacted by the project?

2) Upload your video on YouTube

For more information on how to upload your video on YouTube, click here.

3) Visit the Youth for Water and Climate platform to submit your project online.

Deadline: June 30,  2021.

For all details:

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