MESPT-AGRIFI-02-2024 – Consultancy for Energy Audit for 12 ATVET Centres and 3 PSLFs under Agrifi Programme


Micro-Enterprises Support Programme Trust (MESPT) has since the year 2002 developed a niche in supporting the growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) by providing integrated business solutions for sustainable development. The Trust is a multi-donor entity jointly founded by the Government of Kenya and the European Union who later relinquished their position to the Royal Danish Embassy in Kenya, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (DANIDA). Through its vision of being the leading and preferred provider of resources for the development of enterprises, MESPT is anchored on four (4) pillars namely: Agri-Enterprise development, Access to Finance, Agricultural productivity and Food Safety and Green transformation.

AgriFI Programme Overview

The AgriFI Food Safety Programme titled ‘Food Safety Systems for Value Chain Competitiveness’ (FSS-4-VCC), funded by the European Union through a delegated cooperation agreement with DANIDA where MESPT was selected as the Implementing Partner. The food safety programme is a 7-year programme (2018 -2024) being implemented in 13 Counties (Kilifi, Makueni, Machakos, Kiambu, Kirinyaga, Embu, Meru, Nyandarua, Nakuru, Bungoma, Kakamega, Kisii and Migori) with a focus on Aquaculture, Dairy and Horticulture value chains.MESPT is an Implementing Partner of results area TWO and THREE of the overall four Results Areas of the programme.

Result area two of the programme is aimed at strengthening the capacities of actors along selected value chains through the Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education Training (ATVET) system approach. To achieve this, the programme has set up a series of initiatives around review of the training curricula to incorporate food safety, strengthening ATVET Centres, strengthening of value chain actors on sanitary and phytosanitary standards (SPS), capacity building of farmer cooperatives/associations, linkages to competitive markets. and capacity building of the private lead firms and industry associations to strengthen compliance on SPS.

Under result area three the programme has undertaken several capacity building interventions of the private sector and the selected counties to implement and enforce standards on animal health, food safety and plant health. Activities under the result area three include strengthening County Food Safety Cordination Committee, support to policy framework (Food safety, ATVET and Wet Market policy and bills), strengthening monitoring, testing, and surveillance in Counties, capacity building of Competent Authorities and support to selected wet markets.

Broadly the programme envisages sustainable Agricultural Technical Vocational Education Training and Food Safety system with proper investment from the County Government (CG) and private sector which in turn will bolster competitiveness of value chains of focus.


The overall objective of this consultancy is to carry out energy scoping audits for 12 ATVET Centres and 3 PSLFs under the AgriFI Programme to identify opportunities to reduce energy consumption and/or energy costs incurred during their operations.

All the 15 entities are drawn from the 13 Counties supported by the programme (Kilifi, Makueni, Machakos, Kiambu, Kirinyaga, Embu, Meru, Nyandarua, Nakuru, Bungoma, Kakamega, Kisii and Migori).

Specific objectives

Establish the potential of energy saving at their premises.

To provide information regarding available energy saving technologies policy requirements of such projects

Assess viability of Solar Power as a substitute for the current energy sources and possibility of grid connection to off load excess power generated.

To identify opportunities of waste management through recycling.

Scope of Work

The consultancy is therefore expected to carry out Investment-grade energy audits for 12 ATVET Centres and 3 PSLFs to establish their energy demand, energy utilization and efficiencies. Further, the audit should identify waste management techniques for the 15 entities.

Specific audit scope

The type of lighting used in the premises, number and type of lighting bulbs used Vis a Vis control switches.

Assessment of heat demand for boilers and other cooking appliances, sources of heat energy, type, and efficiency of heating appliances.

Assessment of Cooling and Ventilation gadgets, where applicable, including door and window blinds and insulations for losses.

Assessment of energy demands processing, refrigeration, pasteurization, lighting and other electrical equipment like computers, printers, photocopiers, motors, pumps, fridges, LCD projectors, fax machines, scanners, and microwaves, among others.

Assessment of solid and liquid waste generated at the premises to establish potential for recovery and bio-digestion of waste.

The firm is expected to carry out:

Analysis of buildings and utility energy data, including study of the installed equipment and analysis of energy bills.

Survey of the real time operating conditions for optimum energy use and recommend appropriate cost saving measures.

An understanding of the building behavior and of the interactions with weather, occupancy, and operating schedules and how they affect energy consumption.

Selection and the evaluation of appropriate and feasible energy conservation measures.

Estimation of energy saving potential.

Provide an updated list of potential energy and waste management suppliers for clients.


The proposal, to be submitted in English, shall include:

A technical proposal incorporating:

A covering letter expressing interest and explaining how their experience addresses the requirements of the TOR.

A description of deliverables, clear work plan (days and activities) with the proposed methodology which shall include full justification for implementation approach to be used.

Details of at least 3 referenced similar assignments for the past 3 years.

Detailed Bios of the proposed teams.

A copy of valid KRA Tax compliance Certificate, professional bodies if any, current practicing certificate and certificate of registration/incorporation.

How to apply

Download tender document by clicking on the following link

Any clarifications should be sent to

Interested bidders are expected to write to to capture their email addresses. These will be used to share clarifications requested by other bidders.

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