Terms of Reference: Consultancy to conduct a Situational and Policy Analysis of the Health Landscape, East African Community Pandemic Preparedness Project – African Population and Health Research Center (APHRC)

I. Introduction:
About APHRC:
The African Population and Health Research Center is a premier Africa-based, African-led, international research and policy institution seeking to drive change on the African continent headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, with a regional office in Dakar, Senegal. Our researchers contribute to the body of evidence about the critical issues in population health and well-being that impede Africa’s development to provide strong direction and recommendations to policymakers- and decision-makers at all levels. Our priority research areas are Human Development, Health and well-being, Data Science and Evaluation, and Population Dynamics and Urbanization in Africa. In addition to the research component, APHRC has other programmatic areas in Research and Related Capacity Strengthening, Policy Engagement and Communications, and International programs.

APHRC seeks to engage a qualified and experienced consultant or firm to undertake a comprehensive desk review of the situation and policy analysis of the health landscape in the East African Community (EAC) member States in relation to pandemic preparedness and response (PPR). The consultant will also identify whether there have been gender considerations or mainstreaming in relation to health policy and practice aspects that inform PPR.

About EAC Pandemic Preparedness Project
The aim of the project is to provide support to the EAC and its Member States to focus on the identification of key priorities for pandemic preparedness and long-term health system strengthening in the areas of integrated disease surveillance (IDS), implementation of the emergency corps, and defining governance/accountability (with respect to emergencies). Ultimately, the work will ensure alignment with Africa CDC and WHO’s work on strengthening national policies for PPR. This investment will also align with EAC’s set objectives regarding cooperation in identifying priority health activities in the region as set out in Article 118 of the Treaty for establishing the EAC. The Center and the EAC Secretariat will ensure the development and implementation of an effective PPR policy framework.

A situational analysis and a policy analysis report of the health policy landscape
While several EAC Member States developed pandemic response and recovery policies, a recent study (Kapiriri et al., 2022) shows that they were all produced at the height of the pandemic. As such, they were more of an emergency mechanism than a reflective process. Some countries also have public health measures articulated in different policy instruments. However, to understand each member state’s policy environment, the response approach, and whether a gender lens was used, it is essential to do a situation
and policy review to identify gaps and best practices. The expected outcome is that this data will inform EAC’s PPR policy framework and other interventions.

II. Scope of Assignment
APHRC is seeking a consultant to conduct a desk review and analyze the health landscape and policies in the East EAC Member States in relation to pandemic preparedness. The consultant is expected to carry out the review and analysis while considering the gender angle. This assignment aims to support the EAC and its Member States in identifying key priorities for pandemic preparedness and long-term health system strengthening. The consultant will focus on areas such as integrated disease surveillance (IDS), implementation of emergency response teams, and defining governance and accountability mechanisms for emergencies within the EAC. The consultant will also check to find out if gender was considered in developing the policy frameworks. Additionally, the consultant will ensure alignment with the work of the Africa CDC and West African Health Organization (WAHO) in strengthening national policies for pandemic preparedness and response (PPR).

Specific Objectives of the Assignment
1. Conduct a comprehensive desk review of the health policy landscape in East African Community (EAC) Member States, including assessing existing policies, frameworks, and strategies related to pandemic preparedness and response.
2. Identify key gaps and challenges in the current pandemic preparedness and response efforts within the EAC countries, focusing on integrated disease surveillance systems, emergency response mechanisms, and governance and accountability structures.
3. Review existing policy frameworks related to PPR to identify whether a gender lens was used to guide their approach.
4. Analyze best practices and lessons learned from other regions or countries that have successfully implemented effective pandemic preparedness strategies, specifically emphasizing their applicability to the EAC context.
5. Provide evidence-based recommendations for strengthening pandemic preparedness in the EAC countries, including specific actions to enhance integrated disease surveillance gender mainstreaming, improve emergency response capabilities, and establish robust governance and accountability mechanisms for effective coordination during emergencies.
6. Identify opportunities for regional collaboration and coordination in pandemic preparedness efforts. The consultant will explore potential areas for collaboration among EAC Member States, including sharing best practices, pooling resources, and establishing mechanisms for joint surveillance, information sharing, and coordinated response during health emergencies.
7. Conduct a stakeholder mapping and analysis to identify key actors, their power, interests, relations, and roles in the member state pandemic preparedness. This objective involves mapping relevant stakeholders, such as government agencies, international organizations, civil society groups, and private sector entities, and understanding their respective responsibilities and contributions to pandemic preparedness. The analysis will help identify opportunities for strengthening partnerships and coordination among stakeholders.

III. Methodology
APHRC expects an in-depth, evidence-based, critical analysis at the EAC level. The reports must deliver informed insights and reflections with practical recommendations.

IV. Deliverables
1. An inception report and schedule of work
2. A comprehensive situational analysis report
3. A comprehensive policy analysis report indicating whether a gender lens was used identified gaps and opportunities for gender mainstreaming.
4. A stakeholder mapping and analysis report

V. The written report will be:
1. Each report should not exceed 20 pages, excluding annexes and references, to be submitted on an agreed deadline.
2. Each report should include an executive summary that does not exceed 5 pages.
Content: All the required documents and reports in their draft and final versions shall be submitted to APHRC within agreed timelines and remain the organization’s explicit property.

VI. Requirements and Selection Criteria for the Consultant/s

  • Master’s degree in development, social science, political science, or related field, 10 Marks


  • Advanced English essential and local languages advantageous, 5 Marks


  • At least 10 years’ experience in the field of policy, governance, health or related fields, 15 Marks
  • Proven experience conducting situation and policy analysis (an example of relevant previous work is mandatory and will be kept confidential if required), 15 Marks
  • Proven experience working with government authorities, civil society organizations and academic institutions 10 Marks
  • Experience working in the EAC region, 15 Marks

Understanding of the Terms of Reference

  • Shows a clear understanding of the outputs expected from the assignment, 30 Marks

VII. Consultancy Period.
The period of this consultancy will be approximately 20 pro-rated working days, starting
in March 2024 and ending on 30th April 2024.

VIII. Management
The Final Report is subject to review and authorization by APHRC’s project team.

IX. Bid Requirements
Consultants who meet the requirements of this assignment should submit an Expression of Interest of a maximum of four (4) pages, which should include the following:

1. Suitability statement that expresses commitment to availability for the entire period of the assignment.
2. Cover letter of no more than one page – attached separately.
3. Consultant’s CV
4. A quotation clearly indicating daily consultancy fees.

How to Apply

Submit your application to consultancies@aphrc.org and copy Doris Omao domao@aphrc.org by Midnight EAT: March 12, 2024. Please label the email: EAC_PPP Consultant

Special Notice

APHRC is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace. All employment decisions are made on the basis of qualifications and organizational needs. Reasonable accommodation may be provided to applicants with disabilities upon request, to support their participation in the recruitment process.

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