TOR for Hydrogeological/Geophysical Survey, EIA, Drilling Supervision, Design of Water Abstraction and Reticulation System in Isiolo County – Action Against Hunger USA

Program: WASH

Project: Building Resilience Among Drought affected communities in Isiolo (BREAD-II) Counties, Kenya

Area: Isiolo County – Oldonyiro ward.


Isiolo County faces significant challenges due to recurring disasters, leading to increased food insecurity and malnutrition. The Long Rains Assessment (LRA) report from August 2023 revealed that over 79,000 people were categorized under IPC 3, a number expected to rise due to floods displacing households. The LRA report also notes the critical nutritional situation, with the county classified at IPC 4 for Acute Malnutrition and a Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) rate of 15.4% based on the February 2023 SMART survey.

To address these issues, it is crucial to implement innovative technologies and approaches for food production. This will help communities adapt to and recover from severe climate shocks, promoting long-term resilience and climate-smart agricultural practices. Additionally, providing sustainable water solutions for various uses, including domestic, agricultural, livestock, and institutional purposes, is essential for enhancing household food security and mitigating malnutrition in Isiolo. Action Against Hunger is seeking a registered and licensed company to conduct Hydrogeological assessment and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for the proposed boreholes in line with the information provided below.

Geographical information

Location Distance from Isiolo GPS Coordinates

Tuale 51KM 0.763865oN, 37.101062oE

Illpus 58KM 0.70134oN, 37.02333oE

Eltorot 54KM 0.74858oN, 37.152462oE

2. Overall and specific objectives of the Consultancy work

The overall objective of this study is to conduct comprehensive Hydro-geological /Geophysical Survey in three sites within Tuale Location, Oldonyoiro ward in Isiolo County. The Consultant/s are expected to use both secondary and primary data in the exercise; Secondary data will involve desk study of available information/data on existing boreholes, drill logs, reports and maps while primary data will be obtained by carrying out Hydro-geophysical measurements within the study area using the necessary hydro-geological surveying equipment preferably using a combination of seismoelectric and other methods. With the obtained hydrogeological data, the consultants will propose the most economical water abstraction and reticulation system.

The outcome of the consultancy will be a detailed hydro-geological survey report giving details of the findings and recommendations.

2.1 Specific Objectives

• Document existing knowledge on abstractions and ground water in the area

• Undertake geophysical survey for three location within the target sites. For each site assess feasibility and if possible, recommend the best site with installation depth for pump and estimated yield

• Prepared summary of areas hydrogeology and geology.

• Undertake Environmental Impact Assessment project summary for the proposed project at the school.

• Propose the most economical water abstraction, storage and reticulation system.

• Prepare construction BOQs and drawings for recommended borehole site.

3. Scope of the Work

The hydro-geological/geophysical investigations will be carried out in a multi-step approach;

• Desk study: Review of existing data, topographical maps, satellite images, existing studies and borehole site investigations in the area, meteorology, geological reports and maps (if available), borehole and surface water records, etc.

• Hydro-geological fieldwork: Detailed reconnaissance survey of project area. (GPS coordinates/P-codes, water level measurements, condition and performance of these boreholes, usage and performance where applicable) inspection of geological, geomorphological and structural characteristics of the investigated area; verification of existing data and findings.

• Geophysical survey at the site specifically seismoelectric with other methods (resistivity/IP profiling or vertical electrical/IP soundings)

• Analysis of hydro-geological/geophysical data.

• Compilation, analysis, and evaluation of the gathered data and information.

• Site selection and Prepare recommendation report

Water abstraction, storage and reticulation system.

• Estimate the daily water demand for the community

• Design the most economical water abstraction system taking into account the available sources of energy.

• Design an appropriate storage and reticulation system.

4. Expected output of the consultancy

• Hydrogeological report including

o Desk review of hydrogeology, geology (identify potential faults

o Overview of existing abstractions in the area

o Geophysics investigation results for proposed locations detailing proposed drilling depth and pump installation depth

o Analysis of the geology, based on desk study, current abstraction and geophycail investigation develop water balance, set

• Recommendations for borehole development, to include but not limited to, the following:

o Locations of recommended borehole expressed as a coordinate(s) and indicated on a sketch map

o Recommendations regarding borehole or well density and minimum spacing in the project area

o Recommended depth and maximum diameter.

o Recommended construction characteristics, e.g. wire-wound screen, grouting depth

o Anticipated yield

o Any other relevant information (e.g. need to monitor neighboring boreholes during tests)

• Environmental Impact Assessments including

o Assessment of potential impacts that may occur at all phases of project.

o Provide potential effects of the project and propose suitable mitigation measures.

o Develop environmental management and monitoring plan.

o Provide decommissioning/rehabilitation plan

• BOQ and drawings for the proposed borehole development (including drilling, pump installation and water reticulation).

• Supervision drilling – the consultancy costs to include the costs of borehole drilling supervision on your bid.

5. Roles and responsibilities

5.1. Consulting firm should:

• Have experience of drilling, Hydrology and geophysical investigation and show previous geophysical analysis reports

• Have experience in WASH and deliver his valid testimonials that show his involvement in similar consultancy work.

• A registered NEMA lead expert to undertake EIA project summary for the proposed borehole.

• Prior agreement with the methodology of lit review, sampling, data collection and other relevant issues

• Cover all expenses as per the ToR

• Delivery of reports in hard and soft copy for the client;

• File the reports with Water Resource Authority.

• Submit 5 hard copies and 1 soft copy of completed report to NEMA for licensing.

• Make a presentation to the management.

• Supervise the drilling works as well as pump installation

5.2. ACF will:

• Prepare contractual agreement as per the offer;

• Provide official addresses of contact persons;

• Comment the draft reports

• Facilitate debriefing workshop

• Effect payments as per the agreement

6. Time frame

The assignment is expected to take one week (for both fieldwork and report compilation). The schedule shall be determined in discussion between ACF and the Consultant.

7. Application procedures

The Consultant is required to provide the following

  • Technical proposal on how the assignment will be conducted including equipment to be used.
  • Financial Proposal –The financial proposal shall clearly show the breakdown of costs (professional fees, applicable taxes and others).
  • Must submit a copy of updated Valid Tax Compliance Certificate issued by the Kenya Revenue Authority (Will be verified on the KRA TCC Checker)
  • Must submit copy of KRA pin/VAT Certificate.
  • Must submit a copy of registration certificate and up to date practicing license as an EIA expert, hydrogeologist
  • Must submit the company profile indicating capacity to undertake the proposed environmental impact assessment /audit studies and hydrogeological assessment.
  • Proof of similar consultancies undertaken within the past three years.
  • Up to date CVs of the technical personnel to undertake the proposed consultancy.
  • Proposed activity timelines to perform the assignment.
  • Availability to perform the assignment at the earliest possible time.
Submission InstructionsQualified contractors are invited to submit their valid documents as stated above, submitted as PDF document stamped with the company’s logo/letter head and current postal address on each of the page submitted and received on or before Tuesday, 30th January 2024 at 1700 hours to the following email address:

Please quote Hydrogeological/Geophysical Survey, EIA, Drilling Supervision, Design of Water Abstraction and Reticulation System in Isiolo County as the email subject line

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