MESPT-AGRIFI-05-2023 – Production of AgriFI Programme Case Stories (Eligible to National Firms Only)

(Short videos & written case stories)


The Micro-Enterprises Support Programme Trust (MESPT) has since the year 2002 developed a niche in supporting the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises by providing integrated business solutions for sustainable development.

The Trust is jointly founded organization by the Government of Kenya and the European Union who later relinquished their position to the Royal Danish Embassy in Kenya, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (DANIDA). It is supported by DANIDA and other donors. MESPT is the leading proxy through which development partners/ donors and investors can build the capacity of the business services sector and the agricultural sector in Kenya.

AgriFI Programme Overview

The AgriFI Food Safety Programme titled ‘Food Safety Systems for Value Chain Competitiveness’ (FSS-4-VCC), funded by the European Union through a delegated cooperation agreement with DANIDA where MESPT was selected as the Implementing Partner. The food safety programme is a 7 year programme (2018 -2024) being implemented in 13 Counties (Kilifi, Makueni, Machakos, Kiambu, Kirinyaga, Embu, Meru, Nyandarua, Nakuru, Bungoma, Kakamega, Kisii and Migori) with a focus on Aquaculture, Dairy and Horticulture value chains.

Programme focus:

AgriFI Programme builds on the premise that there is a skill-set gap among value chain actors that has affected the competitiveness of agricultural Value Chains (VCs). Lack of coordination and harmony in dissemination of the required skills and knowledge to VC actors has exacerbated the situation. Besides, food safety has not been of priority in the dissemination of skills and knowledge. The programme’s key focus is on food safety, plant & animal health. The competitiveness of the selected value chains, Dairy, Horticulture (Mango, Avocado and Beans for export) and Aquaculture is enhanced through: –

RESULT AREA 2: Strengthening capacities of actors along the selected value chains through the Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) system approach. The approaches being employed to achieve food safety along the selected value chains.

RESULT AREA 3: Increasing the capacity of private sector and public sector (National and County Governments) to implement and enforce standards on food safety, plant health and animal health.

The Programme’s interventions contribute to food security, which is one of the government’s strategic pillar and SDG 2 (Zero Hunger). It recognizes the need to invest into the food safety system and marketing to reduce wastage, the importance of adopting appropriate technology and need for improve the weak market systems to spur production and value addition in agriculture. The programme interventions also contribute to SDG 1 (No Poverty), SDG 3 (Good Health & Well-being), SDG 8 (Decent work and Economic growth) and SDG 12 (Responsible Consumption & Production). AgriFI programme looks forward to engaging continuously with like-minded partners in its activities to leverage on synergies for holistic achievement of the Goals (SDG 17 on Partnership for the Goals). The programme also contributes to the Kenya’s Vision 2030 priority sectors such as agriculture under the Economic and Macro pillar and education and training under the social pillar; all of which promise to raise the country’s GDP growth rate and to improve the quality of life for all Kenyans.

The Assignment

MESPT is seeking a production firm that will professionally produce 7 short videos (Max 4 minutes) of the programme milestones and 7 written (case stories – max 800 words) replicas of the selected milestones. The stories will include:

  1. Meru Dairy Union
  2. Kamuthanga Fish farm
  3. Roy Shammer Agribiz Ltd
  4. Nakuru Free Area wet market
  5. KESPHIS LIMS system
  6. TVETA and TVET CDAAC partnership in curricula development linked with the roll out of CBET courses currently ongoing in Mabanga ATC
  7. 2 County Food Safety Committee that has performed very well in formulating the policies, approval, and enactment of the same. They will also demonstrate county investments on food safety initiatives.

The 2 assignments will be conducted in Meru (2 sites; Union & one cooperative), Machakos (1 site), Bungoma (2 sites; Roy & Mabanga), Nakuru and Nairobi.

The stories shall capture the food safety milestones, successes and challenges, best practices and lessons learnt towards achieving programme results areas that include: –

  • Reviewed 4 curricula to address food safety, animal, and plant health inclusion.
  • Review/ development of Training and Learning Guides.
  • Value chain actors (VCAs), farmers & Trainer of Trainers (ToT’s) capacity building specifically on Sanitary and Phyto-sanitary Standards. Developed Standard Assessment Guides (SAGs) and Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to support VCA in Value Chains of focus.
  • Revamping of 13 ATVET centres (infrastructure, human resource training, upgrade from Agriculture Training Centers (ATCs) to ATVETs, model learning units, development of Business/Sustainability plans, ATVET bills etc.)
  • Partnership with 13 counties that have all formed the County Food Safety Committees (CFSC) which are now operational.
  • Development of Food and Feed Safety policies and bills
  • County officials and food inspectors training on food safety regulation, inspection, and enforcement.
  • Private Sectors Lead Firms (PSLF’s) and Central Competent Authorities engaged.
  • VCAs trained and adopted food safety measures plus ToTs and how this is influencing the training of VCAs (focus on ATVET Model)

The focus will be on the impact of our interventions, bringing out the spill-over effects to indirect beneficiaries. E.g., how has the review of curricula influence the way the ATVETs conduct their operations beyond what had been anticipated by the programme, how has infrastructure support by the programme led to additional support being received by other dept agencies, are there cases of farmer adopting food safety standard in other VC beyond the ones being targeted by the programme, programme outcomes etc.

The stories should bring out impact at the ultimate goals which include: –

  1. Reduction in volumes of rejects due to adherence to food safety measures.
  2. Improved productivity
  3. Increased sales turn-over
  4. Farmer integration into local and international markets.
  5. ATVETS been commercial-driven entities.
  6. Counties having investments on food safety control systems in place to drive surveillance and enforcement on matters of food safety standards.
  7. Wet markets infrastructure development and food safety systems.

The produced materials are intended for our donors EU and DANIDA, other potential donors and investors and by extension intended to promote the MESPT brand as one that delivers and is a trusted partner that properly utilizes resources for the intended purpose. It will also form part of our learning and providing direction to future programming.

Assignment Objectives

The overall objective of the assignment is to produce 7 short videos (Max 4 minutes) of the programme milestones and 7 written (case stories – max 800 words) replicas highlighting best approaches, best practices, achievements, and real impacts in the programme focal areas.

Other Objectives include:

  1. Desire to showcase our work to the donor & partners.
  2. To strengthen our partnerships.
  3. Increase the programme visibility.
  4. To raise public awareness of our work

Production visioning

The production focus area will be to demonstrate delivery of 2 programme result areas namely:

RESULT AREA 2: Strengthening capacities of actors along the selected value chains through the Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) system approach. The approaches being employed to achieve food safety along the selected value chains.

RESULT AREA 3: Increasing the capacity of private sector and County Governments to implement and enforce standards on food safety, plant health and animal health.

The videos will also focus on the programme outputs from our interventions namely:

  1. Use of agricultural vocational training centres for capacity building on Food safety standards
  2. Use value chain approach to promote farmer integration into the local, national, and international markets.
  3. How well have the intervention put forth by the programme enabled VCAs bridge the gap between adopted food safety practices and the Market requirements?
  4. implementation of food safety policy and regulations that have been formulated through programme support.
  5. How infrastructure support by both the programme and county have propelled the ATVETS towards commercial viability and sustainability.
  6. What are the factors influencing the realization of food safety system as well as the challenges that the ATVETs are struggling with.

Role of the Service Provider

Under the direct supervision of the Corporate Communications officer working closely with the AgriFI Programme, MEAL managers and the CEO, MESPT is seeking the services of a competent production house/ firm to do the following: –

Short videos production

  • Develop 6 short clips/ video’s overall concept and scenario.
  • Interview selected participants for the videos -include project staff/manager, county government officials, central competent authorities (national government), ATVET staff, farmers/value chain actors, programme partners etc.
  • Interviews recorded in Kiswahili must have captioned English translation on the final production.
  • Develop a production schedule for the videos.
  • Provide high quality photography of each selected site/ story line.
  • Visit all the selected project sites and interact with the government official, private sector partners and local communities/beneficiaries who have been impacted by the programme initiatives.
  • Develop the videos script and storyboard to be used in the video production – this will be presented to MESPT management for approval before commencing the filming.
  • Perform appropriate video filming and shoot interviews with the projects’ beneficiaries and stakeholders.
  • Present draft short videos for comments on contents and edit accordingly for final approval.
  • Submit 6 short video HD on email and in DVD as well as hand over master copies of each version.
  • Submit 600 well edited still photos of projects and interviews carried out.

Programme Written Case Studies/stories

  • Develop a production schedule for the case stories.
  • Develop content and propose appropriate photos for each case story.
  • The case stories can have additional content derived from existing programme reports.
  • Final case stories should each have a minimum of 800 words in the programme branded word document template.
  • Submit 6 case stories, well edited in soft copies/ on email.


  • The language of communication on both the short videos and the written case stories will be English.

Duration of the Assignment

The assignment is expected to take a maximum of 90 working days from the date of signing the contract. This is because of the anticipated delays in the availability of selected partners.

Intellectual Property

All information produced pertaining to this project (videos, photos, audios, etc.), existing information (reports, programme document, contracts, stories etc.) that the service provider may have access to under this consultancy shall remain the property of MESPT. Furthermore, MESPT shall have exclusive rights over their use for a period of not than 20 years. Except for purposes of this assignment, the information gathered shall not be disclosed to the public nor used in whatever form without written permission of the MESPT.

Equipment for the Assignment

Any equipment needed to complete this assignment will be provided by the service provider and no equipment will be purchased or provided by MESPT for this production.

Insurance during the Assignment

The service provider and his/ her crew are expected to take care of their own insurance for the staff involved and all the equipment for the assignment. MESPT shall not cater for any health emergency and or treatment, theft, injuries or damage of camera gear or injury caused during photography/videography during this assignment.

Service Provider Requirements and Procedures of Application

Desired skills, competencies, and qualifications:

  • Previous experience in producing EU and DANIDA funded programmes short videos/ documentaries especially for development organizations and NGOs.
  • Organizational capacity to conduct the assignment.
  • Technical capacity to capture and relay complex and highly technical information in a simple manner for the purpose of the target audience.
  • Skills and experience in audio -visual animation, illustrations, and infographics.
  • In-depth knowledge of how development programmes work – results-based management and results-oriented approach to project implementation.
  • Ability to draft concise and informative documentation in English.
  • Ability to think out-of-the-box.
  • Excellent communication and organizational skills, with demonstrated evidence of capacity to produce and present good case stories.
  • Analytic capacity and demonstrated ability to process, analyses and synthesize complex, technical information.
  • Ability to innovate, combining methodological approaches and data from various levels and disciplines.
  • Strong interpersonal skills, excellent communication, and networking skills.

Education & Experience

  • Recognized diploma in production/electronic media, graphic design, or related field.
  • Bachelor’s degree in PR, Mass Communications, Journalism, Corporate Communications,
  • At least 3 years relevant work experience

Applicants are required to submit the following:

  • A Technical Proposal:
    • Letter of Interest and a brief methodology on the approach and implementation of the assignment.
    • Personal CVs of 4 technical personnel (e.g., Lead Producer/ Director, Camera man and any other senior technical staff such as writer and editor) proposed for this project highlighting qualifications and experience in similar projects.
    • 3 Work references – contact details (e-mail & phone numbers) of referees/ firms you have produced similar assignments.
    • Sample work previously done for other clients – provide a min of 5 and max of 7 videos links and min of 5 written soft copies/ links of case stories recently completed.
  • Financial proposal:
    • To indicate total service/ consultancy fee with a breakdown of expenses (unit price together with any other related expenses).
    • All costings shall be in Kenya Shillings.
    • The financial proposal document must have a password.

Application procedure:

If interested in undertaking the prescribed work, one should email us the Technical and Financial Proposals not exceeding 20 pages. Ensure that the following are all included to avoid being disqualified: –

  • Letter of interest.
  • Organizational profile / Capacity Statement.
  • Interpretation of the ToRs understanding.
  • Methodology to be used in undertaking the assignment.
  • The assignment schedule/ work plan.
  • Relevant experience related to the assignment -provide links.
  • Recommendation letters by other firms you have carried out similar assignments -minimum 3.
  • Curriculum Vitae of the Production crew to carry out the assignment.
  • Financial proposal must include all rates in Kenyan shillings.

Remuneration and Payment Plan:

The service provider’s payment shall be based on the financial proposal developed for this consultancy. The payment plan to the firm awarded the assignment will be in 2 phases as follows: –

  1. 30% upon submission of concept report and or story board that demonstrates understanding of the assignment.
  2. 30% upon submission of raw short videos drafts and written case stories drafts.
  3. 40% final payment upon submission of the final outputs, incorporating suggestions and recommendations of MESPT.
Download tender document at

Any clarifications should be sent to

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