Consultancy to Conduct Skill Needs Analysis, Anticipation and Matching in Industries Key to the Counties of Narok, Nakuru, and Kajiado’s Economic Grow

Inclusive Growth Through Decent Work in the Great Rift Valley Project

Public Private Development Partnership (PPDP)

Donor Agency: The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA)

Executing Agency: International Labour Organization (Country Office for Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi)

Geographical coverage: 3 Counties (Nakuru, Kajiado, and Narok)

Consultancy Duration: 30 days (10 Days per County)

Key State agencies: TVET Curriculum Development and Certification Council (CDACC), National Industrial and Training Authority (NITA), and TVETA


Project Overview

The International Labour Organization (ILO) with support from SIDA, a government agency working on behalf of the Swedish government, is implementing the “Inclusive Growth through Decent Work in the Great Rift Valley Project” through a Public Private Development Partnership (PPDP) approach. This approach is a modality for concrete cooperation between public partners and private sector and encourages the private sector to proactively create business ventures that also improve conditions for people in poverty. The PPDP implementation model allows private sector companies and public partners to be implementing partners – not just donors – which fosters sustainability, local ownership and exchange of expertise.

The overall goal of the project is to improve the living conditions for young people in and around the project areas, i.e. Narok, Kajiado, and Nakuru counties in Kenya by acting as a catalyst to boost decent job creation through skills development, business development and community engagement.

The project focuses on youth, women and vulnerable community members, in Nakuru Narok, and Kajiado counties, and seeks to address: exclusion of indigenous communities, high levels of poverty, lack of employable skills leading to lack of job opportunities, weak informal sector and low grade SME activities, gender inequalities, high risk of opposition to private sector investments if a non-inclusive approach is taken, and need for capacities to advocate for basic rights and services – water sanitation, health, education and basic rights of workers.

Desired Outcome

The project has three main outcomes.

  1. Decent and green jobs resulting from relevant and quality skills provided by selected vocational training centres and other training institutions.
  2. Decent and green jobs resulting from improved and more sustainable value chains and growing enterprises.
  3. Communities access improved services due to increased accountability in service delivery and advancement of human rights, including SRHR.

The project is in sync with promoting employment creation and employability, a priority jointly set by government, employers, and workers organizations under the Kenya Decent Work Country Programme (DWCP). The project is among the pathways through which DWCP, and the Decent Work Agenda (DWA) is being implemented in the country.

2. The Need for Skills Gap Analysis, Anticipation, and Matching

The demand for skills in Kenya is influenced by various factors, including economic changes, urbanization and migration, and ongoing demographic changes. The adequate supply of skills is determined by availability, quality, and the relevancy of initiatives that promote skill development. Consequently, the country does not have well-defined mechanisms to promote skills development about changing work dynamics in an increasingly digitized world. The low participation of employers in skill development, particularly through Workplace Based Learning (WBL), and the undefined scope of industry-based learning are causing a mismatch in technical skill acquisition in Kenya. The inability to match industry with an adequate supply of demand-driven skills, which is critical for skills development, has increasingly resulted in not only a mismatch of skills but also widened the gap between supply and demand in the labour market. For this reason, there is need to promote decent job initiatives founded on relevant and quality skills provided by selected vocational training centres and other training institutions.

Rationale of the Assignment

Outcome one of the project aims at creating decent jobs through improving the quality and relevance of skills provided by selected vocational training centres, which will serve as a model for other training institutions. Therefore, enhancing and diversifying employment opportunities for the youth and women in target communications through relevant and quality skills acquisition will be a critical focus area. Industries typically employ based on relevant skills, qualifications, and often the experience of the person seeking employment. The employability of youth and women from the affected communities through the attainment of the appropriate technical and soft skills, qualifications, and work experience required by the private sector will be delivered through the following approaches:

  1. Enhancing Institutional capacity to identify, assess and certify RPL beneficiaries in the public-private sector.
  2. Building the capacity of VTCs to produce graduates with relevant and quality skills demanded by both public and private sectors, including green jobs.
  3. Securing commitments with the private sector companies and/or SMEs to promote demand-driven skills through the provision of attachments, internships, and employment opportunities for the youth and women graduates from the affected communities.
  4. Similarly, securing government commitment at national and county levels and identifying specific roles and responsibilities.
  5. Developing occupational competency standards and reviewing relevant courses that are demand-driven based on the industry’s skills needs
  6. Partnerships with the public and private sector partners enhance the capacity of selected vocational training centres to deliver demand-driven skills training and create linkages with industries for attachments, internships, and mentorship.
  7. Greening VTCs to modify their institution’s awareness, behaviours, and activities to match them up with the broader principle of sustainability – that is, economically, socially, and environmentally responsible- and enhance their capacity to produce graduates with relevant and high-quality skills in green jobs.

3. Approach to the Assignment

  1. The consultancy will be expected to plan on how to perform both individual and company/sectorial skills gap analyses in the targeted areas using any tests or questionnaires to draw insights and feedback.
  2. Assess skills trends and labour market needs by considering growth to determine what skills employers may or may not need to support their industries and market trajectory.
  3. Establish necessary skills using various company goals and market trends. Determine the skills employers need to accomplish their goals and maintain a competitive edge. Rank necessary skills by importance to know where to prioritize training and development.
  4. Consider measuring skills trends in line with the effects of climate change and its impact on various industries and occupations by looking at what employers are doing to address the impact of climate change and what skills needed to align with climate change corrective measures.

Description of Tasks

The main task by the consultant will entail:

1.Design of an effective data collection methodology and the actual data collection and analysis, for both the supply and demand side.

2. Skills needs Analysis in the identified priority sectors per county

  • An Assessment of the skills supply i.e. Determine skills supply, trends in enrolment and completion rates for each of the educational levels characteristics of the labour force and the factors that affect labour market dynamics.
  • Assessment of skills demand i.e. Determine skills required by employers in the respective sector and the profile of the labour force; Conduct a comprehensive assessment of the main recruitment mechanisms, employment, and livelihood opportunities by sector, and document the competencies required within the sector value chains.

3. Documentation of the occupational specific tasks, including occupational changes and changes of skills within an occupation

4. Identification of work enablers i.e. general knowledge and skills, worker behaviors (personal traits and interpersonal skills), and tools and equipment used for each of the selected trade area per TVET institution.

5. Identify the private sector partners to collaborate with for Vocational Training Centres in the three counties.

6. Hold focused group discussions with expert workers to validate occupational standards.

7. Link/compare the occupational standards to the existing training standards (if any) in the TVET institutions and recommend appropriate course of action

The other tasks for a successful consultant shall be to;

  1. Submit an inception report that include but not limited to interpretation of the Terms of reference, detailed proposed approach and methodology, work plan and proposed budget (professional fee and logistical costs)
  2. Facilitate Validation workshops with key stakeholders.
  3. Develop draft reports which shall be reviewed by the ILO PPDP and specialist,
  4. Based on comments from internal reviews and validation workshops, develop final report that should include but not limited to:
    • Background information on competence-based education and training courses
    • County economic priorities, skills needs and skills gaps.
    • Quality and relevance of CBET implementation
    • Occupational standards in the identified sector value chains
    • Stakeholder analysis and engagement strategies with in CBET implementation
    • Recommendations on Training standards, Assessment frameworks and delivery mechanisms
    • Recommend short module courses (2-6 months) that can enhance employability to fill up gaps established during the survey.
    • List of stakeholders/private sector players in each county

4. Desired Experience and Qualifications

The consultant should meet the following requirements.


  • University Degree in Education, Technology, Economics, or any other social sciences with a focus on skills development, Education and training or related field. Advanced degree/ postgraduate training in labour market surveys, Curricula reviews and development, Education Assessment is recommended.

2. Professional Training and certification.

  • A KICD recognized curricula developer will an added advantage

3. Skills:

  • Must possess good communication skills, both oral and written.
  • Excellent writing/editing commands of English is an asset.

4. Experience:

  • At least 7 years of experiences working in labour market surveys, Curricula reviews and development, Education Assessment and technical education setting.
  • Sound knowledge, understanding of labour supply and demand dynamics and
  • Proven experience and expertise in competency-based education and training

5. Selection Criteria

ILO / PPDP Project will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical responsiveness and financial feasibility. Ensuring transparency, impartiality, and neutrality as per below guide.

Criteria – Maximum Points

Technical proposal – 35 points

Academic Qualification and experience – 25 points

Experience in similar assignments – 20 points

Knowledge of skills development and training in the informal sector – 5 points

Analytical and report writing skills, (must attach three related tasks) – 15 points

Total – 100 points

Incomplete and applications received after the closing date will be disqualified. The project will notify the selected candidate two weeks after the close of applications date.

Contract terms and application process

ILO’s IGDS Number 224 (Version 1) shall guide deliverables and payments on External Collaboration consultancy assignments.

How to Apply

Interested and qualified candidates should submit their applications which should include the following:

  1. Curriculum Vitae with at least three (3) relevant referees;
  2. Technical and Financial Proposal for implementing the assignment not more than seven (7) pages; and
  3. Sample report of a similar past assignment carried out not more than five years ago.

Only qualified candidates send applications to; E-mail to reach by 27th October 2023 Quoting “ILO/PPDP Skills Gap Analysis Anticipation and Matching” on the subject line.

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