Consultancy Service for AHN Registration and Development of Network Governance

Goal of the consultancy:

To provide consultancy services for the Registration of ASAL Humanitarian Network (AHN) with the NGO Board and improvement of its governance architecture and subsequent ways of working.


In Kenya, the full potential of local and national actors and organizations in humanitarian preparedness and response has not been fully exploited. Despite local organizations being embedded in communities, understanding the local dynamics and better access to insecure and remote locations, the disaster response has largely remained ad-hoc. This is further compounded by limited understanding of the capacity of local actors, weak response coordination mechanism and insufficient organizational funding among others.

Over the last few years local actors’ roles have been increasingly recognized but more needs to be done to amplify the collective voice, influence and increase presence in decision making spheres nationally and globally.

The ASAL Humanitarian Network (AHN) consists of 30 local and national NGOs spread over 10 ASAL Counties in Kenya and its purpose is to push for the localization agenda and be a catalyst for change towards an effective aid system. The following pillars from the basis of the AHN operational model:

  1. A locally led no-regrets kitty/pooled fund with clear trigger criteria to enable a competitively bided for response in the ASAL region.
  2. Use of evidence-based outcomes of locally led emergency responses to influence government, UN and other INGOs for a systemic shift in the way emergency response happens in Kenya.
  3. More focused organizational and institutional systems strengthening with local actors on the driver’s seat of readiness model/ agree harmonized due diligence/pass porting approach with likeminded actors and allies.
  4. Space and local voices in coordination forums, platforms with clear representation at decision making tables.
  5. Advocacy and influencing – local to global advocacy and enable more equitable partnerships; funding and locally led humanitarian responses; nexus programming, active citizenship, holding duty bearers, including ourselves, to account and amplifying the voices of marginalized communities.

Since 2019, Oxfam in Kenya has been at the forefront to support the ASAL network and has now signed a framework agreement with ALDEF, on behalf of the ASAL Humanitarian Network (AHN). The AHN has also been in partnership with other INGOs such as ACTED, Concern Worldwide, DCA, NRC and Impact throughout the 2019 -2023 drought response, 2020/21 floods and locust crises. The support around strengthening local humanitarian leadership from these organizations has happened through different forms – collaboration on fundraising, provision of technical support, harmonized approaches, ceding space at coordination forums and enhancing visibility of partners, as well as scale up of response.

Rationale for this consultancy

It is important to note that the latest SWOT analysis for AHN has identified significant strengths in the organization’s approach to humanitarian response, capacity building and advocacy. These strengths include cost-effective and faster operationalization models, scaled up disaster response in the ASAL regions, enhanced space for local actors, demonstrated localisation agenda in action, donor confidence and amplification of voices from ASAL communities.

However, there are several weaknesses that have been identified. These include inadequate dissemination of information about AHN’s mandate, lack of sum total of the collective, insufficient resources to undertake strategic advocacy and influencing work, and inadequate support for governance functions. Other weaknesses include piecemeal project-based capacity building, analysis of members key niche, polices and strategies for joint work and system change strategic funding.

AHN also faces potential threats such as competition from similar networks, changing humanitarian priorities and space for actors, weak administration and network governance structure and inadequate clarity in collective commitment to AHN’s vision by its members.

To ensure that the ASAL Humanitarian Network (AHN) is moving forward in its vision and mission, the network’s members have collaboratively agreed to register the AHN secretariat (greater added value) with the NGO board, without jeopardizing the members mandates.

Scope of Work and Deliverables:

The Consultant shall provide the following Services:

1.Registration of the ASAL Humanitarian Network:

  • Conduct a quick comparative review of other consortium/ network registration models
  • Collection of all necessary information, documentations as specified
  • Submission of the required documents and information
  • Follow up on and delivery of registration of certification

2. Review of the Network Governance architecture

In collaboration with the AHN Board and the secretariat develop clear processes within the chosen governance model to ensure effective network management and cooperation.

  1. Assess the current governance and management structure (delineate the separation of the network governance and management functions; ensure that governance systems and processes are fit for purpose)
  2. Document the AHN Governance current structure (description of the secretariat organogram; further refine job specifications for each positions detailing its roles and responsibilities, competencies, accountability and scope)
  3. Draft the board constitution policy, the conflict of interest and compliance policy.
  4. Drawing from current practices, develop coordination mechanisms and communication flows for the network (ways of working between the board, the sub committees, the secretariat, the technical working groups, the members)
  5. Finalize the drafting of membership documents (registration form for LNGO and or including INGO, payment of annual membership fees, teaming agreement, terms of engagement, Code of conduct)

3. Report writing

The final report will include:

  1. The participatory organizational assessment outputs done with the AHN Steering Committee and Secretariat
  2. Recommendations on the AHN organizational development

The report should also provide a detailed road map for the organizational development plan and clear milestones.


It is anticipated that the methodology will encompass the following:

  1. Desk reviews of organizational documents (terms of engagement, strategic plan, etc.) that will be provided including meeting minutes, policies, reports and process documents
  2. Develop organizational assessment tools and questionnaires
  3. Identify and conduct interviews with key staff, including secretariat staff members, the Board, partner organizations, and as necessary, other persons with a strong understanding of the needs and activities of the network members
  4. Validation Workshop of findings – Group discussions include staff and board officials
  5. Final report with recommendations

Qualifications of the consultant:

The lead consultant should possess the following qualifications:

  • Relevant education in strategic management up to degree level
  • At least 10 years’ experience in community development work, strategic management
  • Demonstrated technical expertise and experience in policies review and organisation capacity development.
  • Experience in program/project reviews will be an added advantage.
  • An understanding of cultural, political issues affecting pastoralist in Kenya and in the entire horn of Africa region an added advantage

The consultancy will be for a period not exceeding 30 calendar days.

Submission of Proposal:

Those interested in the consultancy must include in their application a detailed technical and financial proposal with the following components:

  1. Technical Proposal
  • Understanding and interpretation of the TOR
  • Methodology to be used in undertaking the assignment
  • Samples reports of documents related to similar assignments
  • Share at least 3 references of similar work done previously

2. Financial Proposal

  • Consultant’s daily rate
  • Activity costs

The proposals should reach the undersigned by CoB 29th Oct 2023 and work to start by 15 November 2023.

The final report for the work expected on the 15th January 2023.

Addressed to:

The Chairman

ASAL Humanitarian Network (AHN) and marked ‘AHN Registration and Development of Network Governance.”

Evaluation and Award of Consultancy

AHN will evaluate the proposals and award the assignment based on technical and financial feasibility. AHN reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal received without giving reasons and is not bound to accept the lowest or the highest bidder.

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