Baseline Evaluation Consultant – Feed the Children


Feed the Children, one of the World’s leading anti-hunger organizations, works to create a world where no child goes to bed hungry. The organization works with different partners worldwide to help children by providing healthy food, safe water, and education so that children and their families in the target communities become independent.


The Purpose of the baseline survey is to establish the initial status of the indicators per Key Results Areas in the program implementation areas. This will act as benchmarks upon which future Evaluations can be used for comparison to gauge programme impact, relevance, effectiveness, and sustainability to build an evidence base that enables Feed the Children and its partners to improve program effectiveness, increase accountability and advocate for change.

The survey will provide specific data as per KRA, which targets and milestones can be set/revised, and progress measured over time within each result area. The baseline will also allow the project team to validate if proposed interventions within the project design are relevant and sufficient in scale and scope to meet these targets. This information will inform programming decisions and support the project team to monitor the progress and results of the interventions.

Specific tasks will include:

  • Develop explicit survey guidelines, detailing the baseline survey design, methodology, indicators, tools, work plan schedule and budget to carry out the assignment in Nairobi, Kajiado, Samburu and Turkana FEED program areas.
  • Provide training resources and mobilize for trainings.
  • Develop a Sampling Design, methodology and data collection & Management Protocol and tools that are standardized. Data related to health outcomes/strategies should relate to the DHIS/HIS information and format.
  • Prepare baseline execution design/inception report.
  • Get input on purpose, and objectives indicators from partners.
  • Adapt available standard data collection methods, tools and sampling.
  • Facilitate and participate in inception meeting with FEED to standardize survey methodologies and plan for baseline execution.
  • Advise on requisite survey logistics.
  • Manage the baseline schedule
  • facilitate recruitment and training of data collection team using training resources provided, including conducting pre-test
  • Co-ordinate data collection, and its entry into a suitable platform ( if applicable) for cleaning and analysis.
  • Conduct data analysis based on the data analysis plan
  • Develop and submit the first draft of the baseline assessment report and debriefing to project management team. The report should be comprehensive and provide detailed specific findings within each Key Result Area.
  • Submit the final baseline survey report to project management team.i.e. Hard Copies and a soft copy. The raw data, the database which has been cleaned (both qualitative and quantitative, including original field notes for in-depth interviews and focus group discussions), and data collection tools used in the evaluation should be submitted together with the report.
  • Facilitate Validation meetings.
  • Incorporate feedback into the report

Study Areas

The study will be conducted in four Counties, namely Turkana (Kalokol and Kang’atotha Wards), Samburu (Waso Ward), Nairobi (Viwandani Ward) and Kajiado (Matapato North and South Wards).

Key Deliverables

  • A Detailed Survey Protocol (Inception report) and tools (draft and final tools).
  • Draft Survey Report.
  • Final Survey Report in hard and soft copy.
  • PowerPoint presentation summarizing the baseline survey report.
  • Database used for data entry and data analysis.


  • The proposed consultancy team should include a Team Leader with at least a master’s degree in development studies, public health, Agriculture, Nutrition, or other related fields.
  • Proven qualifications, skills and over 10 years experience in research work and experience in Kenya on contemporary issues affecting communities’ food security, and nutrition especially those in ASAL counties in Kenya.
  • Demonstrated experience in application of online data collection platforms
  • Proven data analysis skills for both qualitative and quantitative data
  • At least eight years of relevant experience in facilitating grassroots work/programs on community development issues; mobilisation, training, planning, implementation, coordination, monitoring, and evaluation at the national and regional level.
  • Proven report-writing and research experience, with the ability to present recommendations supported by findings gathered through desk review, interviews, and focus group discussions.
  • Ability to produce high-quality output promptly while understanding and anticipating the evolving client needs.

How to Apply

Interested consultants are requested to apply for the package by email to or

Please indicate the following “FEED/HHCP/010/2023 Baseline Survey” in the subject line of your email application.

The package should include: –

  • Cover letter summarizing the experience as it pertains to this assignment,
  • A brief technical proposal of not more than 20 pages, the proposed methodology for undertaking this assignment, and a short work plan with timelines.
  • Information on each team member’s composition and level of effort – including updated curriculum vitae that spell out qualifications and experiences.
  • Financial proposal that indicates a daily rate (in KES) to undertake the terms of reference and other related costs -if applicable-. Applications submitted without a daily rate will not be considered.
  • References and links of similar work undertaken in the past (at least two) that demonstrate strong technical skills in conducting baseline surveys, community program analysis, Nutrition Rapid assessments, food security assessments and program development.
  • Contacts of three organizations recently contracted the consultant to carry out relevant study.
  • Commitment to availability for the entire assignment.

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