Terms of Reference for External Endline Evaluation for ‘Integrated WASH for Under-developed Schools’ in Kilifi County


August ,2023

Islamic Relief


Project: Integrated WASH for Under-developed Schools

Activity: External Endline Evaluation for ‘Integrated WASH for Under-developed Schools’ in Kilifi County.

Location: Msumarini, Mavueni and Mapawa Primary Schools

Duration: 15 days


IRK started operations in Kenya in 1993 through a local CBO in Mandera District, Northern Kenya. It opened its fully-fledged office in March in 2006 at the height of drought in the Horn of Africa. Since then, it has been providing humanitarian and development assistance to vulnerable communities. Over these years IRK has remarkably changed the lives of the vulnerable and disadvantaged communities. In January 2010 and October 2011, IRK extended its operation to Wajir county and Garissa County; to serve both the local community and Refugee at Dadaab Camp. and most recently in 2017 and 2018 to Kilifi and Marsabit counties respectively.

Islamic Relief Kenya is currently implementing programmes in the following sectors: Health and Nutrition; WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene), Sustainable Livelihoods and Disaster Risk reduction (DRR), Child Welfare/Protection & Education and Emergency Response. Moreover, Islamic Relief’s programmes are aligned to respond to & comply with government developmental policies (such as Vision 2030), community focus, regional vision as well as global sustainable development goals.

For Islamic Relief Kenya (IRK), there is no greater priority than ensuring our work has the greatest positive impact on the people we serve. Inspired by our Islamic faith and guided by our values, we envisage a caring world where communities are empowered, social obligations are fulfilled, and people respond as one to the suffering of others. Children are the heart of every community and have been at the core of Islamic Relief’s work over the past 30 years. In working with vulnerable children around the world, Islamic Relief takes seriously its responsibility to uphold the protection of children, uphold children’s rights and promote Islamic teachings, national and international frameworks to provide safeguards from harm.

Islamic Relief Kenya believes that all children have a right to personal dignity and protection from abuse and recognizes the special responsibility and duty of care it bears to create a safe environment for children within the projects and programmes it manages and supports. The interest of child safety and protection should be paramount to any other interest that might compromise it.


The Integrated WASH for Under-Developed School project is a two-year Education Project targeting three Primary schools namely Mapawa, Msumarini and Mavueni Primary Schools in Kilifi South sub county, Kilifi county.

The project intends to achieve in the following ways: –

  • Improvement of school infrastructure through the construction of 10 new classrooms, 10 rehabilitation of school classrooms
  • Improvement of WASH facilities through the construction of latrines, supply of water tanks and connection of the schools and community with piped water together with hand washing points.
  • Advocacy on gender/child rights protection through the engaging BOMs, PTAs, pupils, youth, women/ men groups, and public transport actors through community on awareness creation and sensitization.
  • Environmental conservation culture through environmental clubs in schools and engaging in tree planting drives in the community.

The project is being implemented directly by Islamic Relief Kenya in collaboration with other stakeholders in Kilifi County notably the government departments of education, child/gender, environmental, water and sanitation at the county level

Through this Integrated WASH project, IR Kenya will help reduce school dropout rates, increase retention and enrolment of child/ girl in school through provision of friendly environment, supply of clean piped water, construction of toilets and supply of sanitary / dignity kits for the girl child so that they don’t miss classes when they are on their menstrual period. Furthermore, will help the community form and strengthen existing structures for child/girl education, child/gender rights and protection.

ProjectImpact: Improved access to quality education and retention of children in Schools through access to Water Sanitation and Hygiene targeting school going children and strengthened support for child rights fulfilment

Project Outcomes

Outcome 1: Increased access to quality education through creation of friendly learning, water and sanitation infrastructure

Outcome 2: Increased access to safe water supply and sanitation facilities

Outcome 3: Increased awareness on child and gender education

Outcome 4: Enhanced environmental conservation culture

Project expected Outputs

Output 1.1: Provision of improved school infrastructure and adequate learning materials

Output 1.2: Three primary schools to have access to clean water supply and improved sanitation

Output 2.1: 12 forums held on Girl child right advocacy and Mentorship activities

Output 3.1: Forums held to advocate for child rights

Output 4.1: Support adopt a tree through IRK-Green Environmental Club

Purpose and Scope of The Endline Evaluation

The purpose of the assignment is to conduct an endline evaluation to assess the performance of the project and capture project achievements, intended and unintended change /outcomes, challenges and best practises in targeted project areas to inform future similar programming and measure progress against the project baseline. The Endline evaluation will be limited to project implementation areas Kilifi South sub-county of Kilifi County, Kenya.

This end of project evaluation will have three guiding objectives:

Objective 1:

Evaluate to what extent the Integrated WASH project has fulfilled its goals based on the objectives in the project log frame on;

  1. Efficiency in delivery of project outcomes.
  2. Effectiveness in activity implementation.
  3. Relevance of the project and interventions.
  4. Cost Effectiveness.
  5. Quality of intervention.
  6. Timeliness as set out in log frame.

Objective 2:

Assess whether the Integrated WASH added value to the interventions with a positive effect to the rightsholders and other stakeholders. What has contributed to this added value and what has not?


  1. Which of the project approaches, and modalities/strategies were the most effective?
  2. Is there any substantial evidence on how project learning, were generated and applied to improve the delivery or effectiveness or efficiency?
  3. What measures have been taken, to create visibility of the project’s added value, towards line ministries and other stakeholders?

Objective 3:

Identify and assess key lessons learned, challenges and draw recommendation for future programming.

The end line evaluation should at least include one lesson learned and recommendation per evaluation category, i.e. effectiveness, efficiency, relevance etc.

  1. What are the key lessons learned?
  2. To what extent has the delivery of response activities contributed to effective, efficient, relevant and timely delivery of aid and enhanced impact for the beneficiaries?


  1. Will the changes caused by this project continue beyond the life of the project?
  2. What, mechanisms have the project and key stakeholders, put in place to sustain the key project Outputs and Outcomes?
  3. How has the project worked with local partners to increase their capacity in a sustainable way?


The Endline evaluation will be conducted by an independent consultant supported by IRK staff. The consultant will also work closely with IRK Integrated WASH Project team and will be under the supervision of IRK MEAL Coordinator and IRK Kilifi Field Coordinator. The survey will use both qualitative and quantitative approaches in data collection and analysis.

Document Review

This will entail reviewing of project documents and other secondary materials as provided by the project, and/or from other relevant sources.

Drafting evaluation tools

The consultant will lead in drafting evaluation tools which will be reviews by IRK team and when approved used for data collection. The tools should address the evaluation objectives and linked to project goal and outcomes.

Field Data Collection

Data collection will be done in Kilifi County, Kilifi South sub county using participatory methodologies identified in each tool. The consultant and the research assistants will be subject to IRK values and policies while undertaking the field work, interacting with IRK staff, primary actors (beneficiaries) and throughout the engagement period. The consultant and research assistants will have to make a commitment to safeguarding and child protection policy at the point of engagement.

Target Groups/Respondents

The project primary actors/beneficiaries and stakeholders to be engaged in this survey comprise local community members, school pupils, BOM/PTA, school headmasters, teachers, parents and government specific officials.

Data integrity

The consultant is required to ensure high level of integrity through-out data collection and analysis process. It is important for IRK to get the real benchmarks per indicators to inform further programming.


  • A detailed inception report containing methodology, tools, key sources of data, and work plan for field work.
  • Presentation of the Endline evaluation findings to IRK and relevant stakeholders for validation.
  • A comprehensive narrative End line report minimum 10 pages and maximum 30 pages excluding the annexes, and preliminary pages.
  • A dashboard of all the indicator benchmarks measured through this survey

Roles and Responsibilities

  • In-depth review of Integrated WASH project documents and related reports;
  • Submission of a comprehensive inception report detailing the Endline evaluation work plan; methodologies and Endline tools;
  • Lead in the data collection process;
  • Lead in entry and analysis of primary data
  • Drafting the Endline survey report;
  • Facilitation of final validation/exit meeting;
  • Preparation and submission of final Endline evaluation report and a dashboard complete with all indicator benchmarks.

Role of IRK

  • Provide relevant project documents;
  • Participate in the review of the drafted tools;
  • Provide feedback and input to the process of adjusting the Endline evaluation methods and timeframe;
  • Mobilization of all sampled Endline survey respondents;
  • Provide supportive supervision to the consultant and the research team throughout the engagement period.

Duration of the Assignment

The assignment will take 15 contract days commencing from the signing of the contract. The contract will be effective from the date of signing the agreement by both parties and it will continue until the completion of all the tasks and timely submissions.

[12:06] Abdullahi Osman Adan

Application process

The applicant shall submit an expression of interest detailing how he/she will carry out the task. The following are required to be submitted by the applicant:

  • Suitability statement showing commitment and required skills to carry out the assignment.
  • Financial proposal on the cost production of the materials.
  • Work plans showing timelines of the assignment.

Bid Documents

Mandatory Documents Required: –

  • Copy of ID of the consultant
  • Company Certificate of incorporation
  • County Business permit/License
  • Valid Tax Compliance certificate
  • Company PIN certificate
  • Updated CV for the lead consultant / key personnel
  • Documented similar work done

NB: – Bidders to ensure conformance to the requirement

Consultants Qualifications, Skills and Experience

The Consultant/s will possess the following minimum skills;

  1. At least a master’s degree in related field;
  2. Strong experience in Monitoring, Evaluation and Research, preferably in the humanitarian sector;
  3. Strong experience in people centered and rights-based programming at policy, strategy as well as implementation level;
  4. Good understanding of Kilifi county where the project is operating in;
  5. Strong experience in participatory research methodologies;
  6. Broad previous experience working in the ASAL areas;
  7. Excellent analytical, facilitation, communication and report writing skills.

Cost of Bidding

The bidders shall bear all costs associated with preparation and submission of its bid & IRK will in no case be responsible for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.

Amendment of Bidding Document

At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, IRK May for any reason, at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, modify the bidding documents which will be binding on them. The amendment will be notified in writing to all prospective bidders who have received the bidding documents & will be binding on them. In order to allow prospective bidders responsive time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their bids, IRK may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for bid submission.

Language of the Bid

The bid prepared by the bidder, as well as all correspondence & documents relating to the bid, supporting documents and printed literature furnished by the bidder, shall be written in English language.


– IRK will examine the prequalification documents to determine completeness, general orderliness, sufficiency in responsiveness, price and product brand.

– The potential supplier shall not contact IRK on matters relating to their bid from the time of opening to completion and official communication sent to them. Any effort by the potential supplier to influence IRK in the evaluation shall result in disqualification.

– Prequalification will be based on meeting the minimum criteria regarding the applicant’s legal status, general and experience, personnel and financial position as demonstrated by their responses as set in clause 8.

– The applicants MUST have registered offices and IRK reserves the discretion of visiting physical premises from which the applicant conducts business if so desired to confirm existence and capability to deliver the assorted item.

Employment of Minors

The supplier shall not employ children in executing the contract. The Contractor shall observe international conventions relating to child labor namely the UN Convention No.182 on worst forms of child labor and Convention No. 138 on the minimum age for admission to employment.

Criminal Act

The supplier undertakes to comply with all applicable laws and to ensure that it does not engage in any kind of criminal activity including but not limited to bribery, fraud, corruption, terrorism and to maintain ethical business practices as well as not to commit any Prohibited Acts defined

as: –

i) To offer, promise or give any person a financial or other advantage;

ii) To request, agree to receive or accept any financial or other advantage not expressly provided for as an inducement or a reward for the performance of any function or activity in connection with this Agreement.

Budget and payment modality

The payment on the awarded contract will be made against outputs and on submission of assessment report. Upon approval of the stated deliverables Islamic Relief Kenya shall process payments for the service provider.

The total budget for this assignment includes expert’s fee, material development cost, draft and final design, review facilitation, printing and binding.

Responsibilities of Islamic Relief Project team

The project team shall organize, monitor, supervise the work, review progress of the work, provide regular technical support and feedback and provide support for engaging stakeholders and constituents as when required. They will provide necessary technical assistance for planning and implementation process. The project team will also establish linkages with the ministry of cooperative trade and enterprise development and other partners to help provide assistance as required.

Expressions of Interest/Bidding Process

  • Interested persons are requested to submit their financial proposals and IRK will provide venue, stationeries, and accommodation. The consultant will be paid upon completion of the deliverables as detailed below:
  • The interested organizations/Firms or Individuals are requested to submit their proposals in hard copies on or before 25th Sept 2023 at 11:00 am in our Nairobi Office Tender Box

Tender Schedule:

dvertising of Tender: 11th Sept 2023

Closing of Tender: 25th Sept 2023 at 11:00 am

Opening of Tender: 25th Sept 2023 at 11:00 am

Task: Evaluation: 26th -28th Sept 2023

Date: Award: 29th Sept 2023

Note: Tenders will be opened immediately after the deadline date and time specified above. Tenders will be publicly opened in the presence of the Tenderers’ designated representatives who choose to attend at the address below

The subject of the email must indicate the tender title, tender reference, and Location quoted as follows.

Note: IRK reserves the right to extend the tender publication period, revise the opening and evaluation and period.

TOR Title: Consultancy Services for External Endline Evaluation for Integrated Wash For Under-Developed Schools Project in Kilifi County.

TOR reference: IRK/KLF/CONSULTANCY/002/09/2023

Interested eligible firms/individual consultants can download the TOR with evaluation

criteria from the Islamic Relief Kenya website: https://islamic-relief.or.ke . The sealed proposal

with the bid title and reference number is to be dropped in the Tender Box at Islamic

Relief Kenya Office no later than 25st Sept 2023 at 11:00 am addressed to,

Procurement Committee

Islamic Relief Kenya

Kirichwa Road, off Ngong Road

P.O. Box 417 – 00202 (KNH)

Nairobi, Kenya

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