Consultancy to Strengthen County Food Safety Coordinating Committees (Eligible to National Consulting Firms Only) – MESPT



Micro-Enterprises Support Programme Trust (MESPT) has since the year 2002 developed a niche in supporting the growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) by providing integrated business solutions for sustainable development. The Trust is a multi-donor entity jointly founded by the Government of Kenya and the European Union who later relinquished their position to the Royal Danish Embassy in Kenya, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (DANIDA). Through its vision of being the leading and preferred provider of resources for the development of enterprises, MESPT is anchored on four (4) pillars namely (1) Agri-Enterprise development; (2) Access to Finance; (3) Agricultural productivity and Food Safety and (4)Green transformation. MESPT desires to contribute towards the creation of green decent jobs and improve competitiveness and socio-economic sustainability among stakeholders and more so the smallholder farmers and SMEs.


“Build a more Prosperous Society”


To facilitate sustainable business development and financial services to small holder farmers and Agri SMEs in Kenya.


AGRIFI programme is an EU-Danida funded Programme whose objective is to support production initiatives for smallholder farmers that are adaptive to the changing climate and market requirements. The 7-year programme runs from 2018 to 2024 where MESPT is an Implementing Partner of results area TWO and THREE of the overall four Results Areas of the programme.

Result area two of the project is aimed at strengthening the capacities of actors along selected value chains through the Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education Training (ATVET) system approach. To ensure compliance of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Standards (SPS) measures by the country, AgriFI Programme has set up a series of capacity building initiatives to empower and equip the responsible inspectors and certifiers with the proper knowledge and tools to regulate SPS compliance of Horticulture (with special focus on beans, mango and avocado), Aquaculture and Dairy produce. Activities under the result area inter alia include supporting upgrading, development, and upscaling of agricultural value chain-based training curricula under the ATVET Centers.

Under result area three the programme has undertaken several capacity building interventions of the private sector and the selected counties to implement and enforce standards on animal health, food safety and plant health. Activities under the result area three include translation of sanitary and phytosanitary measures for value-chains supported under result area two into user-friendly sector guidelines tools and practices for use by the sector; and training private and public sector on SPS, food and animal product safety requirements and supporting the development of Food Safety Management System.

Through the programme, Counties have also been supported in setting up mechanisms for testing, surveillance, and enforcement of SPS measures. Broadly, the programme is incrementally strengthening the capacities of value chain actors, bolstering commercial farming, and improving food security. Through all the above-mentioned initiatives it is expected that the investments demonstrate the existing potential in the enhancement of food safety system as well as the ATVET model to trigger investment from both the public (especially the counties) and the private sector.

Additionally, Under Result area III, AgriFI programme seeks to strengthen, Ownership, management, regulation, food safety and sanitation of the wet markets through several interventions which include training of market actors on food safety and waste management, training of market management committee on leadership, governance, and market management, supporting the formulation of policies addressing management of the wet markets, infrastructure development to address issues of hygiene and sanitation, and advancing private-sector-led waste management approach hence ensuring circularity and greening of the markets


AgriFI programme under Result area III has supported formation of County Food Safety Coordination Committee which is a multi-departmental and multi-agency committee mandated to coordinate all the food safety initiatives at the county level and formulation of food safety, ATVET and Wet Market policies and bills. Most of these bills and policies have gone through cabinet approval and are awaiting enactment at County Assembly and eventual implementation.

The alignment of County legislations with National legislations as well as enactment of the bills is crucial in supporting the sustainability of the programme interventions at the county level. This assignment is expected to take up from the outcome of the previous legislative assignment and work to strengthen the enactment and operationalization of legislations in the 13 counties as well strengthen sustainability of County Food Safety Coordination Committees through promotion of one health approach in addressing and coordinating of food safety matters and initiatives.

It will be expected that the consulting firm will work hand in hand with the AgriFI Programme, the respective Central Competent Authorities (CCAs) and government agencies to strengthen County Food Safety Coordination Committees especially on one health approach and support the enactment and operationalization of legislations in all the 13 Counties of programme focus. At the end of this process Counties will have enacted all the bills that support implementation of the Food Safety agenda. The consultancy is therefore expected to provide support to the county technical staff, executives and the legislature through the process of enactment and operationalization of all the policies and laws in view of the gaps that will have been identified in the ongoing process.


The assignment will involve supporting the county teams to;

a) approve food safety legislations including the Wet market & ATVET policies, bills and or regulations

b) to strengthen the capacity of the target counties to be able to operationalize County Food Safety Coordination Committee and enhance linkage to the national level ambitions. As such, the consulting firm will be expected to put in place systems that will promote close interactions with all national level entities as to end up with one national food safety system that will be cascade by counties as key supporting structures,

c) strengthen Policy dialogues with both national and respective county Governments on ownership and regulation of wet markets.

In view of the policy discussions already taken place in 13 Counties of focus , this consultancy will be expected to map out key actors within the space of legislation , draw a clear road map for completing the legislation through to the enactment . The assignment will cover all the AgriFI 13 counties namely, Migori, Kisii, Kakamega, Bungoma, Nakuru, Nyandarua, Kiambu, Meru, Embu, Kirinyaga, Machakos, Makueni, and Kilifi. In addition, the firm will also be expected to advise on how the process will link up to other related policies and laws at the national level.


  • Sensitization and dialogue meetings with respective county teams; both the concerned CECMs, County Assemblies, and legal teams
  • Support the completion of draft bills and presentation in the county assemblies. For the already ongoing processes, try to help in identifying any aspects that might have been left out.
  • Facilitate all relevant stakeholders to proactively participate in all policy dialogue.
  • Facilitate discussion and agreements with stakeholders with an aim of catalyzing Practical Action about operationalizing the enacted legislations.
  • Organize training/group meetings with all CFSC committee members: Training sessions/meetings will be organized with all the Coordinating Committees and CCAs to further emphasize their ToR, the activities to be undertaken by the committee and promote one health approach.
  • Provide support to the committees in each County: This will be continuous to as part of monitoring to ensure committees are achieving their objectives including sustainability meeting and discussion with CECMs to ensure budgetary support to the committee.
  • Facilitate Process Documentation and Learning for all policy dialogue engagements.
  • Document and share half year report(s) 6 months after signing of the consultancy and final report by the end of the contract or as and when needed by MESPT, Danida or and EU throughout the period of this contract.


The assignment is expected to commence in October 2023 and be completed by September 2024. During implementation of this assignment, periodic briefing will be provided to the AgriFI Programme Manager.

Payment plan is as follows:

  • 30% upon signing of the contract and after receiving of the acceptable inception report.
  • 30% upon execution of assignment and submission of acceptable draft documentation report.
  • 40% upon presentation of acceptable final documentation report


AgriFI is a seeking firm that has experience working in the agriculture sector for over 5 years and have past experience in technical support for the private sector, County Governments and Competent Authorities in addressing food safety related policies and legislative gaps. Specifically, the firm should have a team with the following qualifications;

  1. At least a bachelor’s degree or equivalent in law, Agribusiness, agricultural economics or related fields
  2. A minimum of 5 years’ experience working in agriculture sector, food safety, SMEs and similar fields as a consultant with a track record
  3. Solid understanding of legislative processes, especially within counties
  4. Good understanding of agriculture value chains (especially dairy, horticulture and aquaculture) and food safety structures strengthening the same.
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