Call for Proposals: Consultancy for the Comprehensive Documentation and Development of a Compendium of Human Rights related Cases and Barriers towards Access to HIV/TB Services

Tender Number : GFPREQ02153

1. Summary of the Assignment.

1.1. Purpose: The purpose of the consultancy is to document compendium of cases, success stories and innovations on reducing human rights related barriers to HIV/TB services focusing on adolescents and young people (AYPs), Key Populations (KPs) and People living with HIV and affected by HIV TB /DRTB in 24 counties.

1.2. Partners: Global funds, Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS), National AIDs and STI Control Program (NASCOP), National Syndemic Disease and Control Council (NSDCC), County Governments, AMREF Health Africa in Kenya, HIV and AIDs tribunal community, KELIN and other relevant stakeholders.

1.3. Duration: 25 Working Days

1.4. Estimated Dates: 18th September 2023 to 20th October 2023

1.5. Geographical Location: The documentation will be conducted in 24 counties targeting different populations under the Global funds HIV grant as follows; Adolescents and young people: – Kilifi, Kisii, Machakos, Siaya, Turkana and Kajiado. People living with HIV and affected by HIV TB/DRTB: – Samburu, Migori, Vihiga, Trans zioa, Kiambu, Taita Taveta, Homa Bay, Elgeyo Marakwet, Garissa and Tana River: – Key populations: – Mombasa, Kisumu, Kwale, Nyeri, Nakuru, Nairobi, Uasin Gishu and West Pokot. The documentation will also target Persons with disability (PWDs) drawn from organizations of persons with disabilities (ODPs) trained on legal literacy.

1.6. Target Population: STOP GBV champions, Community paralegals, Violence prevention response (VPR) teams ,Persons with disability champions (PWDs),Organizations of people with disability (ODPs) Duty bearers (law enforcers , law makers , health care workers, GBV County/sub county focal persons etc.) ,Pro bono lawyers, Community gate keepers/figure heads, Sub recipients (SRs) and the beneficiaries; Key populations, People Living with HIV and affected by HIV TB/DRTB and Adolescents and Young people.

1.7. Deliverables: Inception report, data collection tools, and Final documentation of compendium of cases, success stories and innovations.

1.8. Methodology: It is expected that the proposed methodology will be effective in responding to the specific objectives as well as friendly to the specific population under the program.

1.9. Evaluation Management Team (EMT): The EMT appointed by the procuring entity shall evaluate the proposals based on their responsiveness to TOR.

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