Sub-Saharan African Consortium for Advanced Biostatistics Fellowships
The DELTAS Africa SSACAB II Consortium is inviting full time applications for 37 MSc, 18 PhD & 7 Post-Doctoral fellowships in Biostatistics for the 2024 academic year. Fellowships are open to candidates with a strong background in Statistics, Mathematics, Demography, & other quantitative fields.
Further, competent candidates from health science fields, such as biomedical sciences, pharmacy, & medicine who may benefit from a biostatistics qualification, are also encouraged to apply. Eligible applicants should apply for a place at one of the Consortium Partner or Collaborating Institutions.
- MSc scholarships are open to candidates with a strong background in Statistics, Mathematics, Demography, and other quantitative fields. Additionally, the following are also encouraged to apply:
- Competent candidates from the health science fields, such as biomedical sciences, pharmacy, and medicine who may benefit from a postgraduate course in biostatistics.
- Candidates who have completed their masters’ coursework and require support with their research component.
- Eligible applicants should have applied for a place at either the partner or collaborating institutions offering postgraduate biostatistics degree programs.
- The scholarship is open to nationals of low and middle-income countries in the Sub-Saharan African region who are resident in the region as per World Bank definition.
- Applicants should be under 35 years of age to qualify for the MSc program.
- Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the respective universities offering the MSc degree before applying for the fellowship
Host Institutions:
- Wits University
- Wits Global Change Institute (GCI)
- University of Abomey- Calavi
- Moi University
- University of KwaZulu Natal
- KEMRI Wellcome Trust Research Programme
- University of Pretoria and South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)
- London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- University Medical Center Utrecht
The MSc scholarships will cover the following for selected fellows in the 2024 academic year:
- Tuition fees and basic medical insurance.
- A monthly stipend to cover accommodation and living expenses.
- Reasonable support for the MSc research project and supervision.
- Travel costs to and from the academic training institution and the host research institution
For more information: