WASH/IPC Webpage IT Consultancy


The African Christian Health Associations Platform (ACHAP) is a regional faith-based organization providing a platform for Christian Health Associations (CHAs) and Church Health Networks from Sub-Saharan Africa. Established through a declaration of commitment by the 3rd Africa Christian Health Associations Biennial Conference held in Bagamoyo, Tanzania in January 2007, ACHAP provides a platform for advocacy, networking, communication, capacity building as well as partnerships for the CHAs. ACHAP brings together more than 40 national-level faith-based networks providing services in 32 countries across Sub-Saharan Africa to share resources, establish technical working groups (TWGs), and provide ongoing training and technical assistance (TA) to its members. In addition, governments see ACHAP members as critical players and in many African countries partner with them to provide health support services, even to government facilities.

ACHAP is seeking to engage a consultancy firm or individual to develop a water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) and infection prevention and control (IPC) webpage for the organization on our existing website. This “WASH/IPC” webpage aims to be a virtual space for organizational-level WASH practitioners to access key technical resources, events, and training. It will be designed as a service by and for WASH and health practitioners, particularly those working in supported Christian member organizations in Africa.

The main output of this initiative is the ”one-stop’’ shop for online knowledge sharing and learning to provide the opportunity for local Christian member organizations to engage and benefit from knowledge, data, and learning products. It aims to link existing external partners and stakeholders-operated resources, such as https://www.mwater.co/ amongst other WASH tools, to simplify accessing and sharing information and knowledge, particularly for local actors in technologically challenging settings. ACHAP will provide the consultant a list of resources to populate on the webpage.

Aside from the resource repositories, the WASH webpage will also link key partners and member networks to key agency document repositories and online training packages and provide regular updates on WASH events and conferences through regular WASH Learning Resource newsletter updates and social media engagement.
Information gathered through the mapping of existing platforms and a survey to WASH practitioners will also influence the items included on the webpage.


The consultancy will have the following tasks:

  • Build and add/upload content to the WASH/IPC webpage with the guidance and support of colleagues from ACHAP WASH and Communications technical experts and USAID Momentum Country & Global Leadership project.
  • Ensure webpage is created in a way that allows French speakers to translate the materials when visiting the English written webpage.
  • Advise on the user experience for developing engaging and impactful solutions for different settings in Sub-Saharan Africa.
  • Support in creating Google analytics of WASH resources and dashboard generation to track website visits.
  • Sensitize the core team on customization, system management, and administration to establish in-house capacity for ACHAP so the ACHAP staff can make changes and update the website themselves once the consultancy is completed.
  • Configure security module for system and data protection.


ACHAP expects the consultant shall complete and submit the following deliverables:

  • Completed launch of the WASH/IPCwebpage on ACHAP’s existing website.
  • WASH resources included on the WASH/IPC webpage.
  • Initial maintenance plan after final deployment.
  • Training plan for staff users.
  • Final presentation/workshop for relevant staff.
  • Completed User Manual for the database system.


This consultancy is expected to take an estimated total of five (5) days to build and set up the WASH/IPC webpage on ACHAP’s website and five (5) days to develop and support the WASH/IPC webpage. This is expected to be completed within 30 days of signing the consultancy contract.

The consultancy will also include limited ongoing maintenance/updating of the webpage each month through September 30, 2023.



  • Advanced degree in a relevant field (such as computer science, data/information/health management, econometrics, advanced statistical analysis, information technology, or software engineering).


  • Demonstrable skills in working with one or more programming languages including Java Runtime Environment (JRE 7 or higher) Tomcat server, Java, and PostgreSQL 4, web – Apache HTTP Server, Apache Tomcat, Databases – MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle.
  • Demonstrable skills in programming and scripting – PHP, Java, Perl, JavaScript,
  • Development experience utilizing web-based applications such as J2EE, JDK, Struts, Spring, Hibernate, and HTML.
  • A minimum of five (5) years of relevant professional experience is required at national and international levels in the areas of innovation, sustainability, water & sanitation, climate change, development, and /or cooperation.
  • Previous expertise in information system management especially on web-based software platforms and database administration.
  • Excellent skills and experience in training facilitation, mentoring, and capacity development.
  • Demonstrate oral and written communication skills, including presentations.


We seek an individual consultant or a firm with practical experience in developing WASH online platforms. ACHAP expects a technical proposal that must include the following points:

  • A description of your experience customizing and deploying a webpage within the last two years.
  • A description of your proposed method for completing the project, including planning sessions, the outline of the key steps and the sequence of the work, etc.
  • A clear and detailed timeframe to complete the tasks, with an indication of timelines against individual deliverables.


Interested qualified consultants/ consulting firms are requested to submit their Expression of Interest (technical and financial proposal) to hr@africachap.org by COB 23rd June 2023. Please note that responses will be shared with all potential bidders.

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