Request for Proposal for Consultancy Services to undertake Organizational Re-Structure for the Young Women’s Christian Association of Kenya


YWCA is a women led Organization that has been in existence in Kenya since the year 1912. It operates with main activities at the Head Office but implements its activities through the branches spread across the country.


YWCA desires to engage in a process that would achieve reorganization of its current structure and other operational structures. The process would see to it a new structure that would facilitate effective and efficient way of operating while synchronizing operations of its branches and Head office.

Changes in the structure follows response to a need for alignment to conform to current Organizational demands in order to achieve competitive advantage.

Scope of Review

The process is being undertaken as part of YWCA Strategic direction plan 2019-2023 to change its branch structure from autonomous to semi-autonomous. It will inter alia allow the following among others;-

  1. Management of staffing gaps that stood out as a constraint on the performance of operations. The recommendations included restructuring of the people strategy, develop mechanisms to allow its implementation, understanding the challenges and enabling factors and making tailored recommendations.
  2. Review of existing structure of YWCA with regard to both Administrative, Operations and Governance.
  3. Recommend most optimal structure based on the present and draw practical implementation of the same.
  4. The proposed structure should address all functional areas including General Administration, Finance, Human Resource, Programmes, IT and Communications as well as Business Development.

Terms of Reference will Include the Following;-

  1. Desk review study of the present Organizational structure as well as its operations.
  2. Identification of gaps in the current structure and suggest not only suitable but practical changes in system, processes, technological architecture and such other matters considered appropriate for ensuring sustenance of such synergistic benefits.
  3. The changes should achieve robust system driven process that aligns to current market trends.

Noting that YWCA operates within the requirements of the NGO Board, the process should allow compliance to the Board’s requirements as well as other related Acts of the laws in Kenya.

Main Objective

Entails review and development of basic arrangement of the current organizational chart to allow clear link between the branches and the head office. The outcome should allow functional departments to implement the Strategic plan.

Intended Users and Uses of the Outcome

The YWCA executives, YWCA Management and staff.

Approach and Methodology

It is anticipated that the consultancy will involve;-

  • Reading key documents related to the current YWCA as relevant
  • Individual and discussions with Top management team
  • Visits to at least one branch
  • Physical or online engagement with relevant Board/Committee members and management team
  • Analysis of the implementation gaps of the current Organogram
  • Identification of the system and process gaps

Consultant Profile

  • A suitably qualified team led by Organizational Development specialist with proven record of ability to assess business process engineering or re-engineering.
  • Excellent analytical skills as well as report writing.
  • Good knowledge and experience on management of NGO and NGO Board requirements.

Location: Head Office and online conversations with the field staff/membership

Consultancy Budget: The Consultant to provide reasonable quote

Deliverables/Reporting and dissemination requirements


Should contain summary of understanding of the project with reference to initial information and research collected, a detailed work plan, practical methodology with proposed tools, responsible persons and timeframes.

2.Draft review report

With initial findings and recommendations

3.Final review report

Maximum of 15 pages without appendixes

How to Apply

Interested applicants must send their proposal for undertaking the review to YWCA Kenya to by 8th June 2023.

The application should contain in summary:

  1. Profile of the lead consultants with professional license, traceable references and evidence of previous related assignments
  2. A summary and a breakdown of how the consultant/s understands and plans to carry out the assignment

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