Call for Applications: Sport Impact Awards 2023


The Sport Impact Awards ceremony is part of the Sport Impact Summit, a federating event that brings together personalities and international decision-makers in order to address, in a very concrete way, issues at the heart of the development of sport and development through sport in Africa.

The second edition of the Sport Impact Awards will reward the commitment of a new class of winners to replicate the best sport projects on the African continent.

The ceremony will take place on the evening of 1 June 2023 at « The Venue » in Dakar, Senegal. The winners will be announced at the ceremony.

Each winner will also receive a financial or equipment grant as well as support from Sport Impact in the promotion and enhancement of the winning initiative during several events planned in the second half of 2023.

Key information

  • Eligible countries: Africa
  • Themes open for application: Sport & Health ; Sport & Education ; Sport & Gender ; Sport & Inclusion ; Sport & Innovation ; E-Sport

 Eligibility criteria

  • The call for applications is open to legal entities active on the African continent (associations, foundations, local authorities, associative sports clubs, federations, EIGs/CIGs, cooperatives, public institutions, private structures and other declared groups).
  • The applicant structure must have implemented an initiative during the year 2022 in the field of sport in relation to one or more of the themes eligible for this call for applications.

For more information:

Application deadline: April 21 2023 at 18:00 GMT

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