Lorenzo Natali Media Prize

Lorenzo Natali Prize for Journalism is awarded to journalists defending human rights, democracy and development and is open to all journalistic media: radio, television, written press, Internet.

The prize is an integral part of the European Commission’s development policy which sees defending freedom of speech, democracy, human rights and development as action in favor of good governance, peace and progress, and for improving living conditions in the poorest countries.

Three prizes are awarded every year in each of the following five regions:

  • Europe (Member States and states of Central and Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean States),
  • Africa,
  • the Arab World and the Middle East,
  • Asia and the Pacific,
  • Latin America and the Caribbean.

Rules of the competition:

  • applicants are print, on-line, radio and TV journalists employed by the local media in the five regional categories mentioned above
  • the script submitted (TV, radio) or the written journalistic work presented (written press, Internet) should not exceed 10,000 signs (about 5 pages including spaces).
  • the journalistic work or the extract of a series of journalistic works presented must have been published in print, on-line media or broadcasted on the radio or on TV between January 1st and June 30th of the prize year.
  • entries must be submitted written in one of the 23 official languages of the European Union along with a compulsory summary in English, French or Spanish.


  • Prizes are awarded every November.
  • Each winner receives a Trophy and a Financial Award according to the following distribution :
  • 1st Prize: EUR 5.000, 2nd Prize: EUR 2.500, 3rd Prize: EUR 1.500.
  • Additionally, a Grand Prize will be awarded for the best article. The Grand Prize will receive EUR 5.000 more.

For more information: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_23_1323

Journalists can apply by submitting eligible stories until midnight of 28 April.

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