Consultancy to Develop Resource Mobilisation and Partnership Strategy and Costed Annual Plan, Workplan (RM&PS 2022-2026) – ChildFund International

ChildFund International is a global organization whose vision is a world in which every child realizes their rights and achieves their potential. Our mission is to build the capacity of children who are deprived, excluded, and vulnerable as a result of poverty to improve their lives and become leaders who bring lasting and positive change to their communities; promote societies whose individuals and institutions value, protect and advance the worth and rights of children; engage supporters in such a way that their support enhances children’s lives and enriches the supporters’ lives. ChildFund International began working in Kenya in 1970 and currently works with and through 11 Local implementing Partners spread across 27 counties to serve approximately 1.5 million children, families, and community members. We implement programs around Child Protection, Household Economic Strengthening, Education, Early Childhood Development, Emergency Response, Health, Agriculture, Nutrition, and livelihoods.

In FY 22, ChildFund Kenya invested over US $10.5 million in programs aiming to realize long-term, sustainable change for children, youth, and their families. Core sector programming focused on child protection, household economic & livelihoods strengthening, early childhood development, education, WASH, food security, emergency response, health and nutrition, climate change and resilience building. Kenya’s current strategy sees us supporting and contributing to this vision and mission through our work with and for children in all life’s stages.

Background and Context

In April 2022, ChildFund Kenya unveiled its ambitious 5-year strategy (2022 – 2026) to reach 7.5 million children and their families through various programmes and contribute to the achievement of ChildFund’s global strategy to reach 100 million children and their families annually by 2030. To achieve our goal as outlined in the Country Strategic Plan (CSP), the Country Office (CO) projects to raise a revenue of USD 52,293,495 by the end of the current CSP period. Of the total amount, 32% will be raised through grants from ChildFund Alliance, multilateral, private sector and local donors and International Office, while 68% will be raised through sponsorship. To diversify their funding sources, Local Partners (LPs) will be encouraged to participate in consortiums for joint proposal development and supported in local funding raising efforts.

To achieve our mandate, the CO is in the process of finalizing the Resource Mobilisation and Partnership Strategy (RM&PS) to guide implementation of the CSP. The RM&PS contains a detailed roadmap to raise $52.3 million for our programming intervention for the 5-year period 2022-2026. In addition, the strategy sets the conditions to diversify its resource base, including by leveraging support from ChildFund Alliance members to increase funding and to attract new donors. Internally, the strategy will provide clarity and enable the effective allocation of internal resources and strengthen the capacity of county office staff and LP’s.

The document contains strategic approaches, key interventions, resource requirements and implementation framework to guide ChildFund to secure the necessary funds to deliver on the organization’s mandate set out in the CSP for 2022-2026. There is a need review, finalise and cost the RM&PS that will be developed to ascertain the resource requirements for its implementation and determine the financial gaps, priorities, and investments for the duration of the RM&PS.

Purpose of the consultancy

ChildFund seeks the services of a Costing Consultant to review and undertake development of estimate costs and finalization of the RM&PS 2022-2026, whose Draft is already developed. The consultant will work with the Grants and Acquisition Management (GAAM), Programs & Sponsorship Director, Finance and Senior Management teams to review the RM&PS and finalise it, develop estimated costs for implementing the strategy, Convert the Costed Strategy into Annual Work Plan and Targets and finalise the review and design of the RM&PS

Scope of Work

The Consultant will review the current RM&PS and lead the development of the workplan, annual targets. development of the costing component and finalisation of the strategy.

The consultant is expected to undertake these main tasks:

  • Review, Re-Design and Finalise the RM&PS.
  • Develop a comprehensive five-year implementation matrix outlining all strategic objectives, the strategic activities, activities, timelines, responsible Departments/units and resource plans.
  • Convert the Developed Costed RM&PS into Annual Costed Work Plans and Annual Targets
  • Develop templates for the summary and detailed budget.
  • Conduct a comprehensive search for unit costs estimates applicable, assess data quality and decide what source data to use; document cost data sources, data quality assessment, and data gaps, and report any adjustment/adaptation in calculations including assumptions made during the costing process.
  • Conduct budget and allocative efficiency analysis.
  • Determine cost estimates for the Resource mobilisation and partnership strategy priorities. The current draft includes approximately four Strategic Action Areas:
    • Deepening partnership relationship with traditional donors
    • Significantly increase income for programs through diversification of development & humanitarian emergency partners’ funding base
    • Human Resource Capacity Strengthening for Fundraising & Resource Development.
    • Strategic communication and visibility for fundraising & resource development.
  • Develop a financing landscape table, based on data and inputs sought from ChildFund team.
  • Finalization of budget and related documents
  • Develop a final compiled summary budget aligned with the workplan and annual targets after incorporating feedback received.
  • Compile detailed annexes with documented assumptions and methodologies, including a set of Excel files with unit cost data and analysis, quantifications and targets.
  • Develop a brief final report from the consultancy.
  • Develop a brief report on costing process – best practices and challenges.


Four deliverables are required with this consultancy:

  1. A reviewed RM&PS, with clear table of content, designed cover pages and edited final document.
  2. Brief report of the review of secondary resources assessing best practice related to costing of action plans.
  3. A cost scoping document that confirms the details of actions to cost.
  4. Cost estimation analysis report
  5. Finalization of the Resource Mobilisation Strategy ready for publication.

Qualifications of Consultant (s)

  • Holder of at least a master’s degree in financial management, Business Administration, Economics, Project Management, Development studies, International Relations or related field.
  • At least ten years’ experience in the development sector, preferably in fundraising, resource mobilization and strategic planning, including ability to formulate strategic plans, implementation plans, work plans and budgets and linking implementation plans and budgets to strategic plans.
  • Excellent interpersonal, communication, presentation and writing skills required.
  • Excellent analytical, organizational, facilitating, presentation and communication skills.
  • Excellent report writing and presentation skills.
  • Fluency in English and Kiswahili

Management and Coordination

The key people that the consultant will be working closely with at ChildFund include Grants and Acquisition Team, Finance, Programs & Sponsorship Director, Communications, Human Resource and The Senior Management Members.

Work plan & Timelines

The consultancy is expected to take place for a maximum of 20 days from 27th March 2023. Specific timelines applicable will be agreed during the inception meeting.

Payment process

Payment upon submission and acceptance of the inception report to ChildFund – 30%

Payment upon submission and acceptance of the RM&PS Document including all the accompanying reports and annexes to ChildFund Kenya, GAAM Department – 70%


  • The Consultant’s compensation shall be paid NET, within 30 days from receipt of a proper invoice unless otherwise specified.
  • Payment will be made through direct bank transfer otherwise specified.
  • The payment shall be subjected to 5% withholding tax as required by the Law at the time of payment.

How to Apply

Technical proposal: The candidates should describe their capacities and how they intend to accomplish the assignment.

Financial proposal: The consultant should provide the overall cost of the assignment and should be broken down. Provide a detailed work plan with milestones for the activity/assignment. The consultant is expected to finish the assignments in 20 days starting from the time of award of the contract.

Interested candidates should submit their Expression of Interest through by 21st March 2023. An evaluation of the proposals will be made by ChildFund Kenya who may engage in an interactive process with the consultant to further specify the scope and methodology to be used as well as budget, deliverables and deadlines.

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