Consultancy for the Development of an Advocacy Communication and Social Mobilization Strategy for Food Fortification – Breakthrough ACTION 


Breakthrough ACTION is a cooperative agreement funded by the United States Agency for International Development [USAID] to lead its social and behavior change [SBC] programming around the world and led by the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs [CCP]. Breakthrough ACTION Kenya will support the Division of Nutrition and Dietetics (DND] and the Division of Health Promotion [DHP] to develop an Advocacy Communication and Social Marketing [ACSM] Strategy for Food Fortification. This assignment will include a desk review, technical writing of the strategy, and stakeholder and target audience engagement. The ACSM Fortified Foods Strategy will contribute, to the Advocacy and Awareness Creation result area of the Division of Nutrition and Dietetics Annual Work Plan 2022/23 to guide the awareness creation to decision makers to increase resource allocation for small-scale food fortification technologies and through consumer education campaigns, create awareness and behavior change in the consumption of available fortified food items at the community level.

Purpose and objective of the assignment

Breakthrough ACTION Kenya is looking for a consultant with a broad experience in the areas of advocacy, social mobilization, and social marketing to lead the process of development of an ACSM strategy and client SBC materials for food fortification.

The consultant is expected to work closely with the DND and DHP management and technical officers, technical working groups, the National Food Fortification Alliance, and nutrition partners and stakeholders during the process of the development of the ACSM Strategy for Food Fortification.

Tasks for the local consultant

  1. i)Prepare an inception report and a workplan with clear timelines.
  2. ii)Develop an evidence-based ACSM Strategy for Food Fortification, for the DND tailored to decision makers around fortified food.

iii)    Define the scope of the strategy through a consultative process with DND and DHP technical working groups, key stakeholders, National Food Fortification. Alliance and nutrition partners for consensus on communication priorities that should include the impact of COVID19.

  1. iv)Review and analyze research, desk review of key documents, and reports to understand the food fortification situation in the country including landscape, past achievement, lessons learnt, best practices, strengths, and weaknesses
  2. v)Define the ACSM strategic focus for the various concerned parties as defined by ; the DND and DHP
  3. vi)Develop a detailed implementation plan with targets and a monitoring and evaluation plan

vii)  Draft the ACSM Strategy and present it to the DND, DHP, key stakeholders, National Food Fortification Alliance and nutrition TWG for validation and for approval after necessary revisions.

viii)  Make viable recommendations on operational strategies in the areas of participatory communication, social mobilization and behaviour change, and on appropriate materials and media to reach target audiences in diversified contexts.

Proposed Methodology

  1. a)The consultant will work alongside Breakthrough ACTION Kenya staff to facilitate ‘ workshops with the DND and stakeholders to conceive the concept, draft the strategy and disseminate the strategy with the national key stakeholders. The consultant will use a participatory approach that captures the inputs of DND and DHP, key stakeholders, nutrition partners, and TWGs.
  2. b)The consultant will conduct:
  • An initial consultative meeting with stakeholders
  • ACSM strategy development workshops with selected members of the DND, DHP, and partners
  • One day feedback meeting
  1. c)The DND, DHP, nutrition TWG and the consultant will review the draft ACSM Strategy for Food Fortification during an in-person or virtual meeting depending on the situation
  2. d)The consultant will modify the draft based on feedback and share the second draft with the DND, DHP, and nutrition TWG. Further modifications may be • required as necessary.

Roles and Responsibilities

  • Breakthrough ACTION will oversee the logistics planning for meetings, engaging with the consultant during the entire process, identifying stakeholders in consultation with DND and linking them to the consultant, within the agreed timeframe.
  • DND will collaborate with the consultant by sharing the relevant program documents, studies and information needed for the process.

Key Deliverables

  1. Inception report with timeline and budget
  2. Report of preparatory workshops-
  3. ACSM Strategy for Food Fortification with key messages per target group, detailed implementation plan, targets and detailed budget projection with an executive summary.
  4. Client SBC materials (ready to use electronic copies] for promotion of consumption of fortified food at community level
  5. Agenda for the workshops
  6. A comprehensive report of document review and analysis

Required Competences

  • Proven experience in public health, health promotion, advocacy, social marketing, and related fields (community mobilization, participatory communication and digital technologies, strategic management],
  • Knowledge of the nutrition and food fortification landscape desired.
  • At least 5 years work experience in the development, planning and management of social development programmes, with practical experience in the adaptation and application of the advocacy strategy development processes. r
  • Good communication skills Ability to facilitate discussions between different stakeholders and foster consensus on technical issues.
  • Competency in digital technologies.
  • Consultant must be fluent in English (spoken and written] with excellent writing and presentation, skills.
  • Excellent analytical and advocacy skills
  • Experience with working in culturally diverse contexts
  • Initiate and execute activities in a timely manner


  • Masters in Nutrition/Public Health/Health Promotion/Social Sciences or related fields (social marketing, and strategic management]
  • At least 5 years’ experience in the development of strategic and policy documents.
  • Experience working in public health programs. Knowledge and understanding of the nutrition landscapes is an added advantage

Duration of Assignment

The duration of the assignment is thirty (30] working days spread over a four-month period from March to June 2023.

To Apply

Send the application to

The application should respond to the Terms of Reference that includes:

  • A detailed CV
  • A summary of relevant services provided, and milestones achieved during the past 3 years; highlighting liaison with relevant ministries
  • A proposed methodology (maximum 4 pages], and activity time schedule
  • A financial proposal/ budget with the subject “Development of ACSM Fortified Foods Strategy”

Proposals are due by 10th  February 2023 at 5pm Kenya time. The subject of the email should read, “RFP – Development of an ACSM Strategy for Food Fortification” Awarding of all or a portion of this scope of work is contingent on available funds. The contract will be a fixed-fee contract.

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