Grant Title: Transforming the Horticulture Sector in East Africa for Better Incomes and Improved Livelihoods for Small Scale Farmers – Horticulture Innovation Lab


The Feed the Future Horticulture Innovation Lab program advances bio-physical and social knowledge and innovation within the horticulture sector, specifically in Africa, South Asia, and Central America.  Our global research network works with and promotes local leadership to advance horticulture and social innovations, empowering smallholder farmers to earn more income while better nourishing their communities.

The Horticulture Innovation Lab is currently soliciting full technical applications from local organizations to conduct research focused on: pre-harvest and post-harvest management to reduce post-harvest losses; and enhanced marketing and market access of vegetables in the East Africa region. The focus countries are; Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia. The selected research projects will be funded at $250,000 up to $750,000 depending on the scope of work, over a period of up to 3 ½ years. A total of approximately $1.2 million will be awarded, through which we aim to fund 2-4 projects. We encourage applications for a single subtheme, and collaborative projects that cover multiple sub-themes.

The Horticulture Innovation Lab is looking for research applications led by local organizations that are relevant to, and appropriate for smallholder farmers and disadvantaged populations in focus countries. The research should result in useful recommendations and key takeaways for future Horticulture Innovation Lab research and development. Successful teams will include multiple disciplines, including agribusiness and nutrition experts, as well as horticulturists, agronomists, sociologists and economists.

Eligibility Criteria

The lead applicant and principal investigator must be from these USAID Feed the Future countries from within the region – Kenya, Uganda and Ethiopia. The Applicants can be from academic institutions, government sectors (including national agriculture research services), private entities, or other community based organizations. While international collaboration is allowable, intellectual lead and management should remain in the region. This includes but is not limited to leading efforts in determining research methodology, implementation, and information dissemination, such as publications and conference participation. Priority will be given to research projects with budgets that include a majority of funds to regionally based partners.

For more information:

Applications due January 10, 2023 5:00pm PST

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