Career Opportunity: Project Coordinator – Gender and Women’s Economic Empowerment , Plan International


Plan International is a rights-based development and humanitarian organization working for better lives for all children. We are independent of government and have no political or religious affiliation. Our purpose is to strive for a just world that advances children’s rights and equality for girls. We have been building powerful partnerships for children for more than 80 years, and are now active in more than 70 countries.

Our global strategy has a specific focus on girls, as they are often the most marginalized and most often left behind. We have committed ourselves to the ambitious target of reaching 100 million girls over 5 years, to ensure they can learn, lead, decide and thrive. This is our contribution to reaching the sustainable development goals, and in particular the goals on gender equality. Our organization is transforming itself to meet this enormous challenge everywhere we work. We need bold, forward-thinking and innovative individuals to lead our country operations, driving change and delivering results that will allow us to reach our target of 100 million girls.

With approximately 38 years of experience in implementing its programme, Plan International Kenya (PIK) mainly operates in 10 geographical areas; Nairobi, Machakos, Kajiado, Tharaka-Nithi, Siaya, Kwale, Kilifi, Homa Bay, Kisumu and Tana River.


PlK’s strategic goal in the next five years is to end teenage pregnancies and end all forms of sexual and gender-based violence against adolescent girls and young women. We aim to help create an enabling environment where girls and young women are safe, valued, equally cared for, and have equal opportunities. PIK will contribute to the global strategy by aiming to reach directly approximately 2.75 million (children, including girls and Young Women over the period of the strategy 2022-2026 and to reach additional beneficiaries through its interventions.


Plan International’s Conservation and Sustainable Management of Coastal and Marine Ecosystems (COSME) project aims to significantly scale up Plan International Kenya’s current women-led, climate-resilient livelihoods and coastal management project in Kwale and Kilifi counties. It takes an ecosystems-based approach in partnership with Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) Canada, COSME will also capitalize on opportunities for South-South learning by working between Kenya/Tanzania cross-border communities within the same marine coastal and coastal forest eco-regions. COSME will deploy three interlinked Nature Based Solutions for climate adaptation and biodiversity conservation in the selected eco-regions: i) mangrove restoration and conservation; ii) sustainable seaweed farming; and iii) locally-led forest management and conservation. Small-scale conservation agriculture practices will also be deployed to build the resilience of women in selected communities. COSME’s ultimate outcome of improved climate-resilient, equitable economies within communities relying on coastal and marine ecosystems, especially women, in coastal regions of Kenya will contribute to poverty reduction because addressing climate change is inextricably linked to improving poverty and hunger outcomes. The project will employ a gender-transformative approach, building off three evidence-based assumptions: i) power and gender inequalities undermine responsive, locally-led climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation, particularly those with limited access to knowledge, skills, resources and assets and unequal decision-making capacities; ii) coastal Kenya remains untapped for gender-responsive NbS; and iii) low participation of women in climate governance and weak collective action among women’s rights organizations (WROs) and youth-led organizations (YLOs) in local climate action.

Several local partners and stakeholders will also play an essential role, including the C-WEED Corporation, the Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute (KMFRI), the Kenya Forest Service (KFS), including its Beach Management Units, and Pwani University.


The Project Coordinator- Gender and Women’s Economic Empowerment will ensure successful initiation, planning, implementation as well as monitoring and reporting of the project interventions and budget. The incumbent will be responsible of direct management of the implementation Project Officers and ensure effective establishment of key relationships with key stakeholders in the county and the project locations within the county. With support from the project manager, he/she ensure liaison with other project teams for synergy and integration of project interventions.  S/he will be the technical resource for the project Gender and women economic empowerment in the broader scope of the COSME project.

Reports to – Senior Project Manager – COSME

Direct reports – Project Officers


High level: Frequent level of interaction with children


•    A typical office environment.
•    The position requires constant interaction with boys and girls as well as communities and the incumbent will be required to use a motorbike for frequent visits to the field sites for project visit, meetings and implementation.

Effective Technical Project Design, Planning and Implementation (35%)

•    Responsible for county level implementation of nature-based solutions for climate adaptation and biodiversity conservation interventions in the selected eco-locations which include mangrove restoration and conservation, restorative aquaculture and locally-led forest management and conservation.
•    Coordinate adoption of small-scale conservation agriculture practices to build the resilience of women in selected communities.
•    Mobilize and provide training for the partners, selected groups and other stakeholders on the various recommended focal nature-based solutions (Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration, NRM including Mangrove and Forest Restoration, Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture; Sustainable Utilization and Conservation of Marine Resources, Soil and Water conservation, etc.) using the requisite project models.
•    Provide skills, knowledge, and inputs necessary to enable local communities, especially women gain climate and risk-informed economic opportunities, restore and conserve the natural environment to reduce future climate risk and increase biodiversity for sustained ecosystem service.
•    Ensure all project initiatives integrate gender equality and inclusion (GE&I) in project structures including mangrove conservation groups/Community Forest Associations/Seaweed farmers and other value chains operate on principles of equality and address stereotypes, power relationships and intersectional forms of exclusion.
•    Facilitate effective mobilization of community members, especially women, to create awareness and develop their capacity to analyze their vulnerabilities and act on climate risks including improving awareness of policies.
•    Support exchange visits within, and outside for women to learn about alternative livelihoods- (including Climate Resilient Sustainable Agriculture.
•    Support development and advocacy for adoption of the women led community climate risk preparedness plans.
•    Facilitate communities led by women to advocate for development and implementation of climate change and NRM policies by the county government.
•    Support communities led by women to engage government duty bearers for increased resource allocations and implementation of the community identified climate change adaptation models/ alternatives through the annual planning and planning processes ensuring their demands are included in the annual development plans.
•    Work with partners on developing community sensitization and information material, protocols and approaches for NRM interventions in their project contexts
•    Establish specific capacity building methodologies for effective delivery & sustainability of project interventions.
•    Ensure gender- transformative approaches are employed in the project to challenge power and gender inequalities that undermine responsive, locally-led climate change adaptation and biodiversity conservation.
Partnership and Networking (20%)

•    Ensure collaborative roles and partnerships with key county partners, County Government, National Government line Ministries, KEMRI, KFS, KEFRI, Private sector, Community Based organizations, NGO, Learning Research institutions and any relevant authorities.
•    Gather and provide quality feedback and data to be used to develop technical papers and recommendations on key issues for external engagement with decision makers.
•    Participate in the Annual County Government’s Planning and Budgeting process to influence environment, climate and NRM policy and planning for ecosystem restoration.
•    Participate in Sector Technical Working groups and forums at county levels as will be appropriate.
•    Ensure that programme stakeholders and partners are kept informed of all the Government laws and policies in respect to NRM and any changes to government laws, policies and budgets that may affect implementation of the programme.
•    Coordinate reflection and learning forums for community and partners for purposes of providing forums for experiential learning & reflection.
Quality Assurance, Monitoring, Reporting & Documentation (20%)

•    Support program assessments, planning, implementation, monitoring & evaluation, documentation and dissemination of promising practices.
•    Support the Project Manager and the MEAL team in setting project targets and monitoring/tracking milestones.
•    Mobilize community partners and support joint monitoring visits with key partners to track and document program progress in the targeted counties.
•    Develop monitoring plan for the project with partners and other stakeholders agreeing on the required standards for monitoring, with support from the MEAL Coordinator.
•    Ensure project data is captured, validated and updated on approved programme M&E system.
•    Coordinate with the Project Manager and partners to effectively support the project to carry out all measurements, baselines, assessments, designs, monitoring and evaluations – in accordance with established standards, policies and procedures.
•    Support the development and submission of program reports and core documents as per donor standards and guidelines.

Financial Management (10%)

•    Develop and regularly update annual and quarterly project implementation plans and budgets.
•    Monitor expenditures to promote prudent budget management and adherence to approved budget.
•    Promote compliance with relevant donor policies, contracts and agreements.

Risk Management (5%) 

●    Identify and manage project risks.
●    Promote compliance with Plan Kenya and donor requirements and regulations in project implementation.

Safeguarding Children and Young People (Safeguarding) and Gender Equality and Inclusion (GEI) (5%)

•    Understands and puts into practice the responsibilities under Safeguarding and GEI policies and Plan International’s Code of Conduct (CoC), ensuring that concerns are reported and managed in accordance with the appropriate procedures.
•    Leads the orientation of programme staff to ensure that they are properly inducted on and understands their role in upholding Plan International’s safeguarding and GEI policies;
•    Ensures that Plan International’s global policies for Safeguarding Children and Young People and Gender Equality and Inclusion are fully embedded in project design, during implementation and as principles applied in day-to-day work of Programme team;
•    Ensures that Plan Kenya contributes to Plan International’s global efforts to ensure safeguarding and GEI, including making sure that relevant reporting and data are submitted.

Other duties (5%)

•    As assigned by the Line Manager


•    Setting and communicating ambitious but realistic work goals and priorities, explaining how these contribute to Plan International’s purpose.
•    Setting high standards for self and others’ behaviour, inside and outside work. Championing our values and commitment to rights, gender equality and safeguarding. Supporting the health, well-being and both physical and psychological safety of our staff, including their safety to speak out.
•    Holding self and others to account for what we have agreed, dealing with poor performance quickly, firmly and constructively.
•    Creating a positive team spirit, helping people work well together, to reflect and continuously improve the efficiency and quality of what we do.
•    Collaborating with team members, colleagues and partners in finding creative solutions to problems by sharing information, experience and ideas and actively seeking their input.
•    Motivating and developing others by taking an interest, giving constructive feedback and praise, ensuring they are properly trained and helping them develop their potential.
•    Positive about change and supporting others in adjusting to it, helping them understand.


•    Understands Plan International in Context, including its purpose, values, and global strategy, and can communicate these to varied audiences, including how Plan International will deliver on its objectives through the theory of change.

•    Manages legal and reputational risk including risk assessment, communication, risk management and reporting in full compliance with Plan International’s core risk-related standards (Child and Youth safeguarding and Protection, Gender equality and inclusion, Counter Fraud Safety and Security.

•    Managing activities and resources including skills in strategic thinking, planning and organizing, financial planning and monitoring, and programme and project management, including MERL principles and procedures for cost allocation and cost recovery.

•    Managing people and information including skills in assessment and coaching, evidence-based management, communication skills, both speaking and writing, and digital working, including personal digital skills.

•    Programme and project management: -Aware of the programmes that Plan International delivers directly and through partner organizations. -Aware of the programme and project management procedures relevant to their role.; -Complies with financial procedures and controls relevant to their role; -Seeks opportunities to reflect on and learn from all work.

•    Digital working: Identifies ways to use digital to improve the effectiveness of work activities. Understands how digital enablers can contribute to achieving Plan International’s purpose. Utilizes the digital tools available in line with privacy and safeguarding guidelines.

•    Evidence-based management: Understands the importance of high-quality data and the implications of poor data.  Understands what data Plan International needs to inform decision making. Interprets a range of sources to inform evidence-based decisions relevant to their role.


Qualifications/ experience essential:

•    Bachelor’s degree in Natural Resource Management, Environmental Science, Rangeland Management, Forestry or Climate Change from a recognized University.
•    Minimum of 4 years’ experience in implementing sustainable natural resource management programs; sustainable utilization and management of coastal and marine ecosystems and climate change adaptation in Kenya integrating sustainable livelihoods with demonstrable competencies in designing, planning, implementation, documenting and reporting
•    Technical knowledge in NRM, Agriculture/Food security, DRM and other Livelihoods, Gender issues and Youth inclusion.
•    Experience in Rights based Approaches.
•    The holder of this position must be a result orientated person.
•    Excellent interpersonal, communication, networking and representation skills;
•    Proven leadership qualities, problem-solving and negotiation skills, and evidence of successful team player.

Experience desired:

•    Applying a “three pronged” approach to gender and inclusion: policy dialogue; gender and inclusion mainstreaming; and targeted programming for girls and women.
•    Working with women and youth in livelihood programmes
•    Working with local partnerships in projects
•    Application of Social Action Research and evidence-based policy advocacy.

Languages required:

•    High level English oral and written communication skills, including representation and liaison skills. Knowledge of Kiswahili an added advantage


•    Shapes work programmes with relevant leaders and stakeholders, aligned with relevant strategies, and balancing global and local priorities with opportunities
•    Designs projects with clear objectives and measurable results contributing to overall outcomes.
•    Coaches partners as part of daily work by explaining key concepts, standards and resources; and working alongside others to apply effective evidence-based practice.
•    Identifies, assesses and nurtures mutually beneficial relationships with appropriate partners. [supporting partnership relationships]
•    Embeds capability building of relevant stakeholders into programme and project design
•    Mainstreams gender and inclusion into programming and influencing work by applying strategies for gender transformative change.
•    Uses participatory approaches and the engagement of our Primary Impact Groups and other key actors and stakeholders throughout the programme and project cycle, including monitoring and evaluation.
•    Works politically to engage with and influence key actors and stakeholders in own field(s), including government, inter-governmental organizations and the private sector


•    Experience in Human Rights Based Approaches.
•    Financial inclusion: Including marginalized and excluded people, and particularly girls and women, in the financial systems, including banking and digital finance products for vulnerable groups and use of savings groups.
•    In-depth knowledge of gender and inclusion and global/local development issues, with particular knowledge in girls’ rights and child rights, feminist movements, the key actors and institutions, and the power dynamics involved.
•    Mastery of key gender inequalities, gaps, barriers and opportunities at the national, regional and global level and gender and inclusion in programs, and especially for children and girls.
•    In-depth understanding of the policies, processes, institutions and organizations that shape the development and humanitarian context and standards within Kenya.
•    Understanding of the implications of working with a rights-based approach to development and is able to analyse the situation of children’s and particularly girls’ rights in his/her working context
•    In-depth knowledge on different types of partnerships and civil society strengthening and capacity building. Understanding issues, principles and strategies and their root causes and working with Plan’s principles and a range of strategies and approaches to improve outcomes


•    Uses rigorous evidence and analysis to make choices and drive change over different time scales, short term and long term
•    Understands key issues, principles and strategies for the field and using them in analysis:
•    Appreciates and implements the conceptual basis of climate change adaptation, sustainable natural resource management, livelihoods and governance.
•    Understands the linkages between resilience and climate change adaptation and potential economic options such as Restorative aquaculture.
•    Knowledgeable on the roles and responsibilities of national governments and actors, NGOs/CSOs, diaspora and private sector in strengthening climate change governance, NRM and Livelihoods and how to engage with such actors
•    Draws from the potential relevance and contribution of development programmes and actors in supporting to Restorative aquaculture, NRM and how to engage with such actors
•    Highly approachable, trustworthy and confidential
•    Excellent communication and presentation skills
•    Excellent planning, coordination, and reporting skills


•    Ability to design, implement and monitor evidence-based solutions for gender transformative programmes.
•    Ability to influence power holders about the need for and benefits of addressing gender equality and inclusion, including being able to offer a range of evidence-based solutions.
•    Excellent relationship building skills – networking, influencing and stakeholder management skills
•    Ability to identify, analyse and monitor diverse, relevant external actors to work with and understand the purpose and implications of working with them.
•    Experience in capacity building
•    Hands on experience and skill in result based MERL system

Equality, diversity and inclusion is at the very heart of everything that Plan International stands for.

We want Plan International to reflect the diversity of the communities we work with, offering equal opportunities to everyone regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation.

Plan International is based on a culture of inclusivity and we strive to create a workplace environment that ensures every team, in every office, in every country, is rich in diverse people, thoughts, and ideas.

We foster an organizational culture that embraces our commitment to racial justice, gender equality, girls’ rights and inclusion.

Plan International believes that in a world where children face so many threats of harm, it is our duty to ensure that we, as an organisation, do everything we can to keep children safe. This means that we have particular responsibilities to children that we come into contact with and we must not contribute in any way to harming or placing children at risk.

A range of pre-employment checks will be undertaken in conformity with Plan International’s Safeguarding Children and Young People policy. Plan International also participates in the Inter Agency Misconduct Disclosure Scheme. In line with this scheme we will request information from applicants previous employers about any findings of sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and/or sexual harassment during employment, or incidents under investigation when the applicant left employment. By submitting an application, the job applicant confirms their understanding of these recruitment procedures.

Disclaimer: Plan International is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate applicants on any basis. We also do not charge Job seekers any fees at any point of the recruitment process.

Early application is encouraged as we will review applications on a rolling basis throughout the advertising period.

Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply for this position.


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