Vacancy Opportunity: Psychosocial Support Expert – Right to Inclusive and Safe Education (RISEII) for children in Kalobeyei, Finn Church Aid (FCA)


Finn Church Aid (FCA) is the second-largest Finnish development cooperation organization and an important provider of humanitarian assistance with operations in 13 countries across the globe. FCA Kenya was established in 2014 and supports three thematic areas: Right to quality education, Right to livelihood and Right to Peace.

  • FCA Kenya began its operation in Education in Emergencies (EiE) in Kakuma/Kalobeyei in 2019. Through funding from United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Finland (MFA), and Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration (BPRM).
  • FCA supports quality primary education in seven schools in Kalobeyei Integrated Settlement. The schools have a population of approximately 21,438 learners comprises of refugee and host community learners.
  • Kalobeyei Integrated settlement hosts approximately 44,430 refugees and asylum seekers. Children aged 0-11 constitute 47% (48% girls and 52% boys), and adolescents aged 12-17 represent 19% (54% girls and 46% boys) of the settlement population (UNHCR population statistics,2022). South Sudanese refugees make up 74% (123,593) of the total refugee population, followed by refugees from Ethiopia (12.33%) and Burundi (7%).

2. Background of the Project evaluation

FCA Kenya is currently implementing a one-year project funded by the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (BPRM) education project namely Right to Inclusive and Safe Education in Kalobeyei (RISE II) in Kalobeyei Settlement. The project is implemented across 8 primary schools that have a population of 21,438 learners (56% boys,44% girls) and 229 teachers. The goal of the project is to provide inclusive and equitable quality primary education in a safe environment for refugee and host population boys and girls in Kalobeyei Refugee Settlement.

The project addresses the specific needs of the most vulnerable children, including children with disabilities (CwDs), Out-of-school children (OOSC), and overage learners’ children in Kalobeyei Settlement and surrounding host communities in Kenya. The activities aim to improve access to quality education through primary teacher education training, enhance the protection, safety, and well-being of learners in the schools, and increase access to safe and inclusive primary education. The project also focuses on the psychosocial well-being of both the teachers and learners in the schools. A baseline survey was conducted in the month of November 2021 and gives an overview of the situation at the beginning of the project.

Overall project impact: The goal of RISE II is to enhance access to inclusive , equitable and quality primary education in a safe environment for refugee and host population boys and girls in Kalobeyei Refugee Settlement.

Project Objectives:

  1. Objective 1: Enhanced access to equitable and inclusive primary education for refugee and host population boys and girls in Kalobeyei refugee settlement.
  2. Objective 2: Strengthened protection, safety, and well-being for refugee and host population primary school boys and girls in Kalobeyei refugee settlement.
  3. Objective 3: Enhanced access to equitable and inclusive primary education for refugee and host population boys and girls in Kalobeyei refugee settlement.

3. Rational, purpose, and priority objectives of the consultancy

Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) can – and should – be an integrated part of the learning experience to help children and adolescents cope and heal from stress and adversity. Education, gender-based violence, child protection and health actors must work collaboratively via joint programming and coordination through existing networks to ensure that mental health and wellbeing is protected and promoted in education response**.**

School-based MHPSS should provide a high degree of guidance and structure. Facilitators and teachers need clear instructions and comprehensive training and support to run effective activities that are safe and provide children and adolescents with engaging learning opportunities to practice new skills, build confidence and learn specific social emotional competencies

The rationale for selected approaches should be informed by evidence. For example, stress reduction activities and adapted skills-based cognitive behavioral activities have some level of evidence supporting their use in crisis contexts.

Interventions, teaching methods and curriculum should in no way expose children and adolescents to potential harm. Further, beyond “doing no harm”, the intervention should provide a “value add” and do good – offering girls, boys and adolescents new skills, tools and experiences to better cope with and navigate life’s inevitable challenges.

MHPSS interventions should be crafted for – or highly adapted for – use in the specific context, with the genuine participation of and/or co-creation by the target audience

The Main objectives of the activity will include:

  • Training teachers to effectively employ effective practices that will foster communication, emotional literacy and self-awareness
  • To provide teachers with basic tools and skills for improved psychosocial support to distressed children in the crisis context

4. Scope of the evaluation

The consultancy will engage with learners, teachers and project staff across the 8 primary schools in the Kalobeyei settlement managed by FCA. The duration of the assignment will be ten (10) days including travel. The consultancy will begin on February 27th, 2023; however, preliminary works may begin earlier such as the development of the tools and review of documents/FCA guidelines. The final report incorporating feedback to Finn Church Aid will be submitted 3-5 days after the presentation of the preliminary findings.

5. Timetable

Inception report & work plan – 1 day

Needs assessment and debrief of staff – 5 days

PSS Training – 3 days

Final Report – 1 day


6. Deliverables & Payments Deliverables under this consultancy will include the following:

  1. An inception report: The consultant will share his/her inception report that details the PSS training design (rationale, methodology) and a detailed work plan within 1-3 days of engagement, to be approved by Finn Church Aid (Programs Coordinator, Project Manager and Psychosocial Counsellor).
  2. Conduct a need assessment for staff and teachers on psychosocial support
  3. Conduct a training on psychosocial support for teachers and other staff working in crisis context using the FCA’s Community Based PSS guidelines
  4. Conduct individualized debriefing and guiding sessions with staff and teachers in crisis context
  5. Develop and share coping strategies for staff and teachers for maintaining physical and mental fitness while at duty station (to support in unloading and processing difficult situations they encounter at work; to ensure their ability to function after a crisis; to prevent burnout)
  6. Provide guidance in development of spontaneous sports and activities that promote workplace wellbeing
  7. Promote the strengthening of team spirit and sense of community among staff
  8. Build capacity of teachers and other staff on sustained psychosocial support.
  9. Identify and recommend areas of strengthening in terms of psychosocial support for staff and teachers in their current workplace context.
  10. Draw an end of assignment/ PSS training report including recommendations.

The format of the report shall include the following: Executive Summary (max 2 pages) Preliminary pages – Acknowledgment, Acronyms, and Table of contents Main text, to include: Background Information: Brief on the Project and context; Training – purpose, and objectives; training limitations Methodology: Design, Sampling technique, and Sample size Findings: Analysis based on training objectives and interpretation Key accomplishments and Summary of project assessment Lessons learned, Best practices and opportunities for improvement Recommendations. Present the draft report to the FCA team for review before producing a second draft and Final and present to FCA and other stakeholders in the workshop to facilitate sharing of consultancy results with a view to incorporate inputs from project stakeholders in the final draft. Submit a Final Report to FCA as stated in the Consultancy Contract.

7. Skills and qualifications required

Position-specific Qualifications and Competencies:

  • Degree in counselling/counselling psychology.
  • Master’s degree in the same field will be an added advantage.
  • Licensed counsellor with a relevant professional counselling body.
  • Experience in facilitating psychosocial support trainings/TOT especially in crisis context.
  • Excellent communication skills.
  • Conflict resolution skills.
  • Demonstrated evidence of supervised work experience.
  • Social problem-solving skills.
  • Experience in training in Education programmes e.g. Education in Emergencies, Teacher Training, and/or Content Development.
  • Good report writing and communication skills.
  • Ability to maintain professionalism in services delivery and ethics.

8. Budget

The consultant is advised to submit an itemized budget with realistic daily rates for the assignment based on the understanding of the assignment and the current market rates. Where need, Finn Church Aid will engage the consultant at an agreeable daily rate. Finn Church Aid will cover the consultant’s air tickets in economy class to relevant field sites, accommodation on bed and breakfast plus airport transfers in the field. All other costs shall be borne directly by the consultant. Remuneration will be based on the submission of deliverables that are satisfactory to Finn Church Aid as agreed upon after discussion with FCA in the inception meeting. The payments will only be made when the deliverables have been assessed by the FCA team to be of good quality.

The following payments will be paid to the consultant using an agreed mode of payment.

  • After approval of inception report: 30%
  • After approval of Final Report: 70%

9. Bids assessment

Qualitative award criteria

Skills / expertise of the expert

Organization of tasks and timetable

Price factor: cheapest tender / this tender

10.Terms of contract

As the consultant, will be working on behalf of Finn Church Aid they will be required to sign and adhere to the Child Safeguarding Policy and ethical guidelines. Note that background checks will be undertaken on all applicants.

The consultant must obtain informed consent from all participants, including children and their caregiver if a child is to be interviewed. The consultant must receive prior permission for taking and use of visual still/ moving images for specific purposes. The consultant will assure the participants the anonymity, confidentiality and will assure the visual data is protected and used for agreed purpose only.

About the documentation, the title rights, copyrights, and all other rights of whatever nature in any materials used or generated under the provisions of this consultancy will exclusively be vested with Finn Church Aid-Kenya country office.

11.Submission process

  • CV – including a short summary of relevant competencies and previous evaluation work conducted
  • Technical Proposal (using the FCA template)
  • Budget excluding VAT for assessment grid

Please provide all the above documentation in a single consolidated document.

  • Up to 3 examples of previous similar consultancy (from recent consultancy work)
  • Up to 3 recommendations from previous contract providers

All interested Individuals/firms are requested to express interest ONLY by email to: indicating the assignment title on the subject line. The applications closes on 29th November 2022.

Late, incomplete, or partial bids will be rejected.

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