Consultancy for Development of Database for Livestock Identification and Traceability System (LITS)

Palladium is a global leader in the design, development and delivery of Positive Impact — the intentional creation of enduring social and economic value. We work with corporations, governments, foundations, investors, communities and civil society to formulate strategies and implement solutions that generate lasting social, environmental and financial benefits.

The Feed the Future East Africa Market Systems Activity (EAMS) is a five-year project designed to strengthen
regional resilience in East Africa by increasing cross-border trade in select value chains (VCs) and enhancing regional integration to overcome barriers to trade, ultimately strengthening the system to absorb, adapt, recover and transform in times of shocks and stresses. EAMS will collaborate closely with USAID/KEA’s regional intergovernmental partners, including the East African Community (EAC), the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA). It will focus on the East African countries of Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan, and Zambia – all of whom are a member of at least one of the regional economic communities (RECs).

EAMS will achieve and measure impact on regional resilience under four objective areas: 1) Strengthening
cross-border agricultural market systems, 2) Accessing and scaling technologies, 3) Strengthening regional resilience, and 4) Strengthening the regional agriculture policy and regulatory environment. Through the creation and deepening of key private sector alliances and regional partnerships, EAMS will support USAID/KEA’s intentional transition to market-based approaches and private sector engagement to drive regional progress toward resilience and self-reliance in East Africa.

Scope of Work and Standards
Overall objective
The overall objective is to design, develop and test a prototype of a regional database that will be used by IGAD and its member states to identify and track livestock with the aim of boosting efficiency in public health, food safety, support in containing or responding to infectious animal disease outbreak and trade in live livestock and livestock products in imports and exports.

Livestock identification and traceability are important systems beginning to be used by both the exporting and
importing countries to boost public health, food safety and trade in live livestock and livestock products. To successfully protect public health, food safety, and contain or respond to an outbreak of an infectious animal
disease, a system for identifying and tracking animals is a pre-requisite. To be effective, a LITS system requires
two basic components: an identification system and a system that tracks an animal, or group of animals, along
a route to the final destination. It is only when these components are all put together that a LITS system becomes functional and it is, therefore, imperative that the IGAD region strengthens efforts of disease prevention and control and finds ways of enhancing and sustaining livestock-based trade.

The main challenge currently facing the IGAD member states (MS) is the recurrent restriction and prohibition of live animals, meat and livestock product to lucrative, high value markets such as the Gulf and MENA countries that pay a significant premium for both live animals and meat. This, undoubtedly, provides an incentive for the IGAD region to ensure LITS systems are established and institutionalized. Markets that import livestock or livestock products are increasingly requesting that the health status of animals are known, making it a pre-requisite for exporting countries to implement an effective animal identification and traceability system. For the IGAD MS, the system should be implemented in a cost-effective way and in such a way that it adapts the management and animal production systems that are currently in place.

To have an effective and functional LITS, a database is critical for animal identification and movement monitoring of an animal or a group of animals along the value chain to the final destination. The livestock industry, and especially pastoralists, will support a LITS system if it can clearly demonstrate that there is a direct benefit to their livelihood. For example, if it can be demonstrated that a LITS will boost intra and inter regional livestock trade, mitigate cattle rustling, and facilitate and support vaccination programs, the potential added financial value accrued per animal will encourage government to appreciate the significant role of a LITS.

EAMS seeks an experienced firm to develop a prototype database in consultation with IGAD/ICPALD, national
and regional stakeholders, including national ministries and regional organizations and partners.
Specifically, the firm is expected to undertake the following broad tasks:

  • Develop business analysis and design documentation that includes an appropriate information flow chart and functional and non-functional requirements.
  • Develop an efficient, stable, secure and modifiable web-based database application for the LITS System program needs as outlined in section 2.2
  • Implement and test the application in a cloud server
  • Validate the database with IGAD and member states LITs / IT / data management experts
  • Test and successfully launch the application for IGAD/ ICPALD use
  • Undertake on-site user training for the ICPALD staff
  • Develop a User & Technical Manual and On-line Help
  • Hand over the validated data base to be held in trust by IGAD for Member states

1. Specific Tasks
The firm shall provide a solution that matches all the requirements of the project to the highest standards
possible. The solution will concentrate on each of the following phases of the assignment:

  • Planning
  • System Architecture Design and Development
  • Documentation
  • Training
  • Installation and Commissioning

2.1 Planning
The firm shall provide a clear indicative approach and methodology for the development and testing of the regional data base, including:

  • Timeline to review relevant available data, software or/and documents regarding challenges, lessons and benefits in the context of the assignment
  • Timeline for meeting relevant government institutions, regulatory bodies and other stakeholders.
  • Timeline for development of the software system and manuals; analyzing and making prototype for validation

2.2 System Architecture Design and Functionality
The system should have functional capabilities to operate using Windows based operating systems. Application design should allow for an upgrade to newer versions on the backend database platform. The system should have the following minimum features or specifications:

  • Scalability of hardware, it is recommended to virtualize the servers
  • Usability for handling of large numbers of animals with the same procedure at a time
  • Standards preferred are Linux servers and using web services
  • Using open-source frameworks and after training of local IT administrators, they should be able to maintain the system with minimal challenges
  • Security: the system application should not delete data. Any piece of data has to be historicized. The process engine has to memorize every process started and record who started it and track data processed. This not only provides security but as well facilitates any bug tracking.
  • The server availability should be 99 % with a maximum continuous downtime of very short time during business hours.
  • User friendly data input interface with enabling features for search and querying and sorting of data and generate customized reports
  • It should use easily accessible and understandable software applications for update and training
  • Flexibility to add new attributes to data records, add new users, remove existing users and make any other necessary alterations to the users’ details
  • Allow the input of both qualitative and quantitative data from operators and store that data for later retrieval
  • User friendly data input interface with enabling features for search and querying and sorting of data and generate customized reports
  • The system should have the capability of generating geo-referenced reports/maps based on data on activity location and expenditures
  • Report generation facility with ability to import/export data from CSV formats.
  • Operate under a multiuser environment with security features that prevent some users from performing certain functions e.g. entering data, viewing and/or changing certain type of information
  • Provide data integrity features that will prevent more than one feature from changing the same information simultaneously
  • Contain an audit trail of all transactions carried out in the system
  • Capable of preventing data loss in case of system crash.
  • Able to take periodic incremental and full back up of application and database.
  • Contain an inbuilt help function to guide users on the various applications of the database.
  • Online and offline capability
  • Compatible with multiple devices

2.3 Documentation
The firm should document and make available a user guide and technical manual that details all the functional
aspects of the application and its programming.

2.4 Training
The firm will be required to undertake initial training/orientation on the use of the application to key staff. Materials for future training, including training manuals and/or handouts, should be availed to the EAMS as part of the deliverables under this assignment.

2.5 Installation and Commissioning
The firm should ensure that the application together with any other enabling software or licenses are installed
for each user and that the system is fully functional. Technical backstopping will be required for a period of 3 months after commissioning to facilitate effective implementation of the database.

The firm must have proven experience in developing advanced data management systems. A consultancy firm
with a team holding a master’s degree or equivalent in IT and animal breeding or animal health with relevant
experience in development and management of database software used for LITS application/implementation,
livestock trade and with desired experience in public and private partnership. Having a relevant PhD is an added advantage. Each expertise above to have at least 10 years’ experience in database development, strong analytical skills, and excellent communication skills with fluency in English.

Download the full RFP here;

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